Receiving The Gift
How can we be receivers of the gift? What is the gift? In this episode of the Inspired Messages, messenger Amorahki warmly welcomes the start to this holiday series. The Receiving the Gift series illuminates the power of harnessing reciprocity from genuine gratitude. This series will show how you can harness the gifted power of CEFA in your life during this holiday season. Tune in today to learn all about receiving the gift!
Welcome to the IM show, everyone. This is Amorahki and I am super delighted to be your messenger here today. I hope you’re enjoying all the goodness the IM series has to share with us all. I find that spending time with the series is always an extremely relaxing and inspiring experience filled with such beautiful frequencies.
And so how did you enjoy the happiest of holidays? Did you have a good time finding your own creative streak? And are you having a good time creating fun experiences together with your loved ones, experiences that serve to fortify your relationships?Â
So everyone gets to love and also feel loved, feel calm and feel connected with each other? I sure hope so. I hope your days are overflowing with that kind of happiness. What an exceptional gift for everyone involved. The holiday season is full of all kinds of gifts, all kinds of special moments that we get to share with others, and in the upcoming, IM series coming out on Wednesday called Receiving the Gift. We get to take a rich and unique look at holiday giving from the inside out starting with ourselves. While we are immersed in all the fun and joyful and tender moments of giving and receiving this holiday season. Let’s remember that we are also being offered the opportunity for some deeper reflection, we are being offered the chance to shine that most powerful light of self-awareness on ourselves in our lives and on our relationships. And from that deeper reflection, we afford ourselves the chance to forgive the areas where maybe we have fallen short of our intentions and we gift ourselves the opportunity to set that bar a little higher for the days ahead.Â
This series illuminates the power of harnessing reciprocity from genuine gratitude, and there is a difference. It shows us how to be present with the ones we love and offer gifts of all kinds in a way that feels most honoring of the relationships that we truly want to cultivate. And the series, Tonya Dawn Recla will share how CEFA teaches us to both give and receive in wholeness, so we can experience a fully embodied existence. And this, of course, extends far beyond holiday gift exchanges. We can live like this all the days of our lives, living a life of authenticity, transparency, and love where no matter what happens in the conditions of our lives, no matter what goes on in the world around us.
We know how to choose love, and how to come from a genuine desire to connect above all else. How incredible Could your life get? How much more of a positive impact could you have on your world and all the people in it if that were to become your new normal?
Well, the answer is exciting. And it’s why I’m so excited. For receiving the gift, the IM series is coming out on Wednesday. In it, Tonya is going to shine some life-changing light on how to manage your expectations regarding giving and receiving, including ways to implement genuine giving in your relationships, and how to put the relationship first and the expected second.Â
You know, we’re going to dive a little deeper into why that is so incredibly important for everyone involved when we get back from our short break because it is one of those codes that sounds almost blaze, but actually holds the power to completely shift your relationships for the better for the rest of your life. I’ll share more about the series overall as well. But understanding this key piece has the power to completely free us from unconsciously creating traps of stress, frustration, disappointment and abandonment traps we are not even aware were making for ourselves most of the time, and that we absolutely do not need to be doing anymore. I suspect this whole series will be as deeply inspiring and enlightening as it is freeing so much so that truly receiving the gift might just take on a whole new and astounding meaning for you.Â
Before the break please let me remind you that the IM series is absolutely our gift to you and that it is here for you every single week. To get access to the IM series a library that includes all the past videos as well as incredible master classes, events, connection groups, and more. Please head on over to superpowerexperts.com to check out the free member trial today. I’d also love to connect with you and hear your thoughts and feedback so please feel welcome to go to superpowerexperts.com/social/ to reach me on any socials. This is more chi and will be right back after this short break, stay with us.Â
Welcome back to the IM show everyone. This is Amorahki and today we are talking about our upcoming series that will be airing on Wednesday, Receiving the Gift. We’re Tonya Dawn Recla will share more about the power of harnessing reciprocity, from genuine gratitude, as well as how CEFA teaches us to both give and receive in wholeness so that we can make a living a fully embodied existence our new normal.Â
Before the break, I promised to dive a little deeper into why it is so incredibly important for everyone involved, to learn how to manage our expectations regarding giving and receiving, including learning how to put the relationship first and the expectations. Second, I spoke to the power this one code holds to completely shift your relationships for the better for the rest of your life. And that’s really because of the power that it has to free us from unconsciously creating those traps of stress and frustration and disappointment and abandonment, and even resentment for ourselves within our relationships. And the holidays are actually a great place to dive into this work.
As we’ll learn in the first message of the series. It’s all about how to manage expectations. You know, all the planning, travel arrangements. And the variety of exchanges among all the various people in our lives that occurred during the holiday actually grants us a unique and potent opportunity to dissect our own relationship with expectations. I feel like the first place to shine that kind of magnifying glass is where wherever we’re holding like the first place to shine the magnifying glasses on wherever we are holding sort of covert expectations of others if you will.
In other words, where in our lives and in our relationships, are we maybe showing up now, where are we giving now? But if we’re honest with ourselves with some kind of underlying expectation that we will receive something in return in the future, however near or far, however small or big, it could be as simple as an underlying expectation of how a person behaves towards us in the near or distant future, how they feel about us, you know, all kinds of things.Â
If we are showing up anywhere in our lives or relationships, while holding any kind of secret expectations, even if they’re their secret to us, you know, to our own conscious cells, we can be sure that at some point, it will very likely result in some kind of disappointment or frustration at best. Or it could end up as the complete erosion of a relationship at worst. Because you know, when we hold secret expectations, we may appear to be giving, and certainly, in many ways, we are giving but we’re not actually freely giving. Right. We’re not giving from our own wholeness, if we are holding the energetics of expectation at the same time, however subtle, however, consciously or unconsciously. And when that hidden expectation is, you know, almost inevitably not met in some way in the external world. It’s all too easy for us to slip and fall into those traps of disappointment, frustration, hurt, anger, blame, resentment, you name it.
Let’s take something simple. Have you ever got a really simple one, have you ever given a gift, and maybe had a secret hidden teeny, weeny, tiny little expectation of joy and gratitude? But felt maybe a little snubbed. Or a little hurt or a little let down disappointed when maybe you didn’t receive quite the level or expression of joy or gratitude from the person you gave to that you were maybe secretly a little bit hoping for expecting underneath the surface there? And at that moment, was it all too easy to feel or slip into feeling a little disappointed? You know, or, or to blame the other person for those feelings for that experience of yours? What about in your romantic relationships? Have you ever noticed maybe that when we enter into romantic relationships to get instead of two Give, it’s almost never enough? What does that mean?
Well, think about it when we are in such connection, such deep connection with our own source energy and coming from our own true wholeness, then those same relationships that we enter into become a place to share that overflow, that overflow of love, that overflow of joy, that overflow of connection, it becomes a place to shine that light and to enjoy the expression and sharing of it together with another human being.
But how many of us are really in or have been in relationships, where actually, we’re there to get to whatever degree where we are secretly holding expectations, and when they are not met by the other person, we actually find ourselves caught up in a bit of a hell loop, stuck in this place of rage or upset or frustration or hurt, you know, between whatever our expectation is, and whatever actually is, in any given moment, it becomes all too easy to close off our hearts to shut down to withdraw, to protect, to defend whatever that looks like for you. It is quite common, right? I’m sure you can relate.Â
And the key to freedom from that is learning to manage expectations. And let’s be clear, let’s be really clear that open communication and creating clear agreements in our relationships is not what we’re speaking about here. That is all super great and very helpful, very helpful because it sets the stage for an even greater flow, and an even greater experience of love and joy and clarity, and trust and passion and ease and all those great things that we get to enjoy in our relationships.
That is a super, super great way to become conscious of and manage expectations out loud, and in clear and conscious communication with another person. That is a wonderful gift for each person as well. Right. As for the relationship itself, which is its own entity what we’re talking about here is not that what we’re talking about here are those expectations that are often hiding, just under the surface that is usually the true cause of us, shutting down closing off our hearts, and finding ourselves trapped in a hell loop of our own making while blaming someone else for it. Perhaps you can relate to that, at some time in your life, perhaps you notice it in others. You know, in my career, I’ve noticed that for so many people, those hidden expectations are a bit of a code word for control.Â
And when we do not know how to manage those expectations, internally, we tend to get a little more control freaky, can we say, in the external world? You know, we all know that old saying I’m sure about the best way to make God laugh is by making plans. That doesn’t mean don’t bother planning anything. It means go ahead, it means go ahead and make your plans. But please do so without hooking into them via expectations. It means it means making your plans while also simultaneously leaving space for the field to surprise and delight you with things beyond your current capacity to even imagine.Â
We’ve got to remember, in all things, what it is, we really want the essence of what it is we really want. Not just the plan we have for how what we think we want we think should appear. That is only one of 100 million ways. You know, it’s way too narrow for our creative genius. Way too limiting for our field of infinite potential to letting go of control.Â
Newsflash, you know, we don’t have anyway. By letting go of control. We don’t have any way we get to experience the exquisite state of allowing, instead. It is a great trade. Believe me, you are trading up. I promise you, you are trading up. By letting go of control. We don’t have any way we get to experience the exquisite state of allowing instead by learning to put the relationship first ahead of any hidden expectations. We get to allow the true nature of the relationship and whatever It is to take priority over the way we think we want the relationship to appear.
That is actually how we get to experience what we really want. That is how we get to experience a depth of connection that is beyond the superficial. And if we’re honest, isn’t that the real truth of what we really want? And the second message of the series, remember the relationship, we go kind of spelunking through the depths of this so that we can ensure that we always remember the relationship first. Because this is the way that we can save ourselves and others from so much really quite unnecessary, upset upheaval, even heartbreak, you know, if we do find ourselves holding hidden expectations, or unable to simply give freely, then it may be time to get really honest with ourselves about where we are actually giving from. In other words, are we giving generously from the overflow of what we have already received? Or, we may be giving from a place of giving in order to then receive as a result, those are two very different states of giving. And they will each come with very different outcomes and experiences along the way.Â
Let’s be fair, we live in a world that drives us towards wanting more, there seems to be this constant, almost hypnotic hum of not enough, bigger, better, faster, and more, kind playing incessantly in the background of our lives, right? It makes it super easy to forget what we already have what we’ve already received what we’ve already been given. In the third and final message of this series, we learn how to give from receiving.
In it, Tonya will share how CEFA can show us how to remember that what we think we want is actually already right in front of us. And where we think we’re going, we’ve been all along. There’s nothing left wanting when we know this to be true, know it to be true. And from that place, we’re free. We’re free from those hidden agendas, and hidden expectations, feel feelings of want, and lack, free from the need or even the desire to control. Instead of all that noise and chaos and stress and struggle, we get to live from a place of pure gratitude for the incredible existence we are already living in.
And then we get to give deep fakes for the naturally strong and completely untainted desire in each of us, to truly give and to give generously, not to get anything, but simply because we know from the deepest and truest part of ourselves that the gift we first received, the gift we have already first received was so magnificent and so miraculous, that how can we feel inspired to do anything else, but give freely in return, wherever and however we can, from a place of wholeness, not from any want, not from any meeting.Â
Ultimately, receiving the gift is the most loving and compassionate reminder to make sure you are coming from your own wholeness, from the place of having already received so that whenever you are giving, it is genuine and you are giving freely and you are giving fully from your own embodied wholeness, where you remember that nothing is missing. Nothing is wanting. Nothing more is needed. You already have it. There’s nowhere to go. You’re already there. I welcome you and I highly encourage you to join us for this powerful and inspiring series coming out on Wednesdays.Â
Mark your calendars for receiving the gift and let the effects of what you receive ripple out to all who you hold most dear in the world and into the world itself.
This is Amorahki with the Superpower Network, wishing you a most wonderful holiday season and New Year that is overflowing with abundance in all its most delightful forms. Please feel welcome to reach out and connect with me directly anytime. Go to superpowerexperts.com/social/ to reach me on any socials. I also encourage you to head on over to superpowerexperts.com for all the info on how you can enjoy a free experience of CEFA as well as a free membership trial where you can enjoy access to the entire IM series library, plus incredible masterclasses events, connection groups and so much more.Â
Thank you so much, everyone. It has been such a pleasure being your messenger here on the IM show today. And until next time, please remember that you are loved. So let’s love one another. Bye for now everyone.
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