Money Expanded
Why is it important to talk about money in an expanded way? In this series,host AngelaMarÃa looks at the evolution of money. Tonya Dawn Recla will share with us the wisdom behind money in three lenses: energy, reflection, and impact. As we move through consciousness, there is no way to talk about money without talking and being aware of the consciousness process behind that. This series is also an invitation to use it to co-create. So, in other words, you will learn the difference between viewing money as energy versus money as a matter. Tune in to learn about how our relationship with money can expand!
Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMarÃa, your messenger today here on The IM Show. I’m so excited to share with you the IM Series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. What do you think about our past series “Power Of Presence”? What did stay in your heart? Are you practicing the power of presence? What are the challenges you are going through? For me, is really being present, I am able to be present for a while and some minutes, sometimes, maybe hours, two, three hours, but suddenly I start getting so busy and have many things to do, and boom, I forgot to be present. And at night, when I go to sleep and I was thinking about the day and I said, oh, today I stopped being present at, I don’t know. I forgot even that I was supposed to be present.
But even though I hug myself and I say, good job, Angela, because you had an intention and it was a real intention and your mind just goes to the known places, and being present is an unknown place for your mind. So tomorrow, it’s another time to do it even better. What do you do when you have a plan and you can accomplish that plan as you thought that it was supposed to be accomplished. I always smile and just let go. There is always a new opportunity to do it better, to choose differently.
And today let’s start with our new series. One of my favorite topics. And I know, I think I said the same when I was talking about miracles, but miracles, the miracles topic has been new, but for me, money it’s my favorite one. It has been a Catholic in my life. I have been able to go deeper into my spiritual journey just because of money. And as usual, I invite you to answer a question before we move on. What is money for you? Right now? Don’t think about it. Just write it down. What’s money for you?
As consciousness continues to evolve, and more and more people awaken to a world beyond the obvious, conversations around money also morph. This is how the description for the IM Series begins. Money expanded. In this series, we look at the evolution of money. As we move through consciousness, there is no way that we can talk about money without talking and being aware of the consciousness process behind that. During this series, you’ll realize that the way money you think works for you, might be different from the way that money really, really works. Huh? Interesting. Now recognize that there are different ways to elevate your frequency to tap into the frequency of money. This series is also an invitation to use it to co-create. So in other words, you will learn the difference between viewing money as energy versus money as matter. Hear how the consciousness journey moves us through a natural evolution with money.
That’s exactly my experience and discovering ways to tap into the frequency of money to create more impact. Before we listen to Tonya, I’m going to invite you to listen to Tonya after you listen to this, or maybe for some reason, you listen to Tonya first, and then you are now listening to this episode. Let me remind you or tell you that Tonya will share with us the wisdom behind money around these three messages. Message number one, money is energy. Message number two, money as reflection. And message number three, money as impact. When we come back from this short break, we are going to talk more about money extended, but before our break, let me remind you The IMS Series weekly videos are our gift to you here each and every week. And to get access to the IM series library, the masterclasses, events, and much, much more join the Super Power Experts Community. So go to and join us today. We will be right back.
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