Finding Freedom
Do you find yourself stuck in finding freedom inside a rabbit hole? In this new series, Finding Freedom, AngelaMarÃa and Tonya explore how we can break through to a position where we can create a free world. It all starts with becoming aware of the discomfort and understanding that the fear that lies beneath only has power over us when we refuse to feel it. Freedom is a concept that may differ from yours and mine. However, we all must arrive at the same particular spot in this IM Series, where freedom is our natural state. We are born with the ability to be free. Tune in to free yourself and see the light of freedom in life!
Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMarÃa, your messenger today here on The IM Show. I’m so excited to share with you the IM Series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. What did you think about our past series, Money Expanded? What stayed in your heart after those three messages? Are you aware now of how your relationship with money has changed, is changing, or how you want it to change?
Let’s just start with our new series, Finding Freedom. As always, I want to start asking you two questions that I think are very important for you to start this journey with Tonya Dawn Recla about finding freedom. What’s freedom for you? Please take notes, and write them down.
Remember, this is the episode where I’m telling you about this new series, about all the topics and the messages. But I’m not going to be more emphatic about, please, please go and listen to Tonya. Listen to the messages.
But answering these two questions will help you to start this Finding Freedom series with more clarity, realizing where you are right now about freedom. The second question is, how free do you feel from one to 10, being 10 absolutely free, and why? Answer those questions. You can pause the audio here and then keep going.
But it is really important for you to do this. Remember that our intention with this IM Series and these episodes, it’s not just telling you about the series and that’s it. We want you to take action. We want you to be more aware of this human experience. We want you to see life from a different perspective.
“The thing that calls each of our hearts forward in this seemingly endless spiral of expansion is freedom.” Tonya Dawn Recla. “When I realized the power of freedom and where that state comes from, I intentionally take actions every day to experience that freedom that for me, comes from a state of mind. And this is just my experience about freedom.”
This series of Finding Freedom walks us to answer how we break through to a place where we can create a free world? We start with the concept of becoming aware of the discomfort and recognizing that the fear beneath only controls us when we refuse to feel it.
When we talk about freedom, we are talking about an idea, right? An idea that may be different from you and from mine. But here in the IM Series, I think it’s important that we all come to the same place, where freedom is our natural state. When you are free, you are abundant. When you are free, you are in joy. When you are free, you’re healthy. When you are free, you are in peace.
Freedom is just part of our own essence. This series is also an invitation to use it to co-create. Remember, and if you have been with us in the previous series, Tonya is always, always all the time talking to us that this is not just about living a life that somebody decides for us. This is about co-creation. This is about you feeling your desires, your dreams, and your projects. And how could I just tap into the energy of creation to make it happen? As long as that dream, that desire, and that project is aligned with the divine in you, that will happen no matter what. The point is, how aligned are your dreams, your desires, and your projects with the divinity in you?
This is a very important piece in that process of co-creation. In this series, you will learn how to feel the driving fear without suffering, discover new ways to reimagine old stories, and explore the vastness of your own creative ability to envision a different world.
I’m going to invite you to listen to Tonya and how she’s sharing with us her own wisdom in these three messages. Number one, fill the trap. Number two, flip it positive. And number three, follow the light. When we come back from this short break, we are going to talk more about Finding Freedom, so please stay in.
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