The Apple Flavored Pomegranate with AngelaMaria #AppleFlavoredPomgeranate #family #relationship #sexuality #sensual #sexual #romance #marriage #love #joy #connection #life #motivation #series #faith #IMseries #IMShow #SuperPowerExperts

Apple Flavored Pomegranate

Are you excited for the juiciest podcast show, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate? Do you want to know how to keep the intimacy of your relationship intact? We proudly present the newest IM Series, announcing the launch of the podcast of the same name: The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, co-hosted by Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla. This show will let you explore the intricacies and intimacies of coupling. Also, it dismantles held beliefs and myths about gender roles and intimacy and explores the process of creating a supportive and loving relationship. We invite you to partake in this juicy debut of the sensual, spiritual, sexual series guaranteed to enliven the desire to connect within us all.


Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM show. I’m so excited to share with you the IM series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to the human experience and how to make it better. Did you already listen to our past series, Free Will? What was your emotion? What were your thoughts? Did this series guide you to a specific action? Because that is really our idea. It’s not just to spend some time listening to a message, to a podcast and that’s it. The real idea for us as a Superpower Experts Team is that every single thing that we do takes you to action. Invites you, motivates you, and ignites in you that action that you need to take to make your life way better in more connection, peace, abundance, and joy. Let me share with you today our latest series, apple-flavored pomegranate. This is how this series began.

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Marriage, intimacy, partnership coupling, no matter how we describe it coming together to create a unified, hopefully, lifetime relationship with another person is not a small feat, and it is not. Believe me. Maybe most of you already know that I was married for the first time when I turned 42 years old. Before that, of course, I had relationships, boyfriends, I was really deeply in love and things didn’t work until I met this handsome special part of my divine, Mexican guy that I love and it’s Arviso.

My relationship with Arviso, since we started dating, going out, and being boyfriend and girlfriend, until today, seven years after our marriage, but being together already for 11 years has been the journey. One of the biggest realizations I have had is exactly what Tonya and Justin will share with us, the existence of the third entity in any relationship. I said will share or already shared, it depends when you are listening to this episode. If you are listening to this episode before going to the IM series, or if you are listening to this episode after the IM series, it doesn’t matter. The point here is that being aware of this third entity in my relationship, of this reality that is not about believing or not, it’s just that it’s there, really changed the dynamic in my own marriage.

I personally want to invite you to listen to this episode with the intention you feel motivated enough to join the IM series. Whether you are in a relationship of your dreams, in that relationship you always wanted, or if you are single, I think that is important for you just to join us for this exciting IM series and listen to a real couple sharing about the relationship beyond convention and marriage beyond the myth, inviting you to create it for you. A special treat, you get to hear all about their newest podcast show, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, a penetrative portal to coupling ecstasy. We invite you to partake in this juicy debate of the central spiritual sexual series, guaranteed to enlighten the desire to connect within as all.

Basically, this episode and the IM series are the gates for these new podcasts that I know you’re going to love. Again, if you are in a relationship, if you are not in a relationship, this podcast is more about couples. About loving, romantic relationships. But on the other side, I want you to think about all of these messages, even if you are not in a relationship. Think about this, about the relationships you have with your friends, with your family, with yourselves. Of course, there are going to be some specific situations, suggestions, and words related to just loving romantic relationships, but in general, you can apply all of these messages to your regular relationships.

I’m just going to invite you to take a deep breath. Breathe. Sit in a comfortable position, maybe bring some water, a glass of wine, a blanket, if it is cold. Right now, when I am recording this episode, it is really cold here in Arizona. A cup of tea. Feel comfortable. Light on a candle if you want, and just create this special moment for you to listen to this episode. Also to go later on to listen to the IM series for this month, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate. This is a special energy, this special aspect of the relationships needs to be treated from a place of wisdom, maturity, and pure love. Especially if we are talking about sex, sensuality, spirituality. It needs to be taken from a place of an intention, more than a place with an intention of seeing things from a different perspective.

This topic is, for me, one of the most crucial ones that we need to pray to structures and be able to discuss it and treat it with more naturality. As I said before, if you are in a loving relationship, or if you want to have one, listen to this episode and go to the IM series. If you are not in a loving relationship, you are not interested in one, anyway, go and listen to the episode, go listen to the IM series because all of this is applicable for you in your life.

There is a special invitation. If you are in a relationship or you are interested in having a relationship, loving romantic marriage relationship, then be very attentive to because Tonya and Justin are going to launch the podcast Apple Flavored Pomegranate, where all of these topics plus sensuality, sexuality, spirituality are going to be discussed.

We have more preamble. Here are the three topics that Tonya and Justin will share with us in this IM series that I want to talk to you my perspective after listening to Tonya’s and Justin’s messages, but also from a place of a married woman that is already in this field of spirituality, that is helping other women to be able to connect to the divinity they are. The number one message is to learn together. Message number two, grow together. Message number three, be together. When we come back from this short break, we are going to talk more about Apple Flavored Pomegranate to discover the pervasive way separation works to disharmonize relationships, to learn how to lean in and draw together instead of driving the relationship apart, to explore how to create a relationship that works for everyone involved in supportive and loving ways and to dismantle health beliefs and myths about gender roles, and relationships.

Before our break, let me remind you that IM series weekly videos are our gift to you here each and every week. To get access to the IM series library, masterclasses, events, workshops, and much, much more join the Super Power Experts community. You just need to go to and join today. We will be right back.

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