Improving Self Confidence Can Save the Species
Is it possible that improving self confidence is the least personal thing any of us can do? When we look at the process of evolution, each living entity contributes to the collective. By this thinking, each individual’s journey toward Personal POWER just may be the thing that saves us all.
What do I mean by save us all? Well, I’m operating off the assumption we have a common agreement that things are a bit murky right now. There’s turmoil, strife, fear, and upheaval everywhere you look. Now, of course, you have to be looking for it. I get that. Even those of us who are elevated beyond the 3rd dimension can sense the tumultuousness of the world as a whole. Even when we recognize it as the necessary balancing of the shift toward higher consciousness, it still causes us to pause and wonder how we’ll possibly overcome…this time.
Okay, I guess I don’t need to be overly dramatic, it is what it is. Plain and simple the world isn’t coming to an end, it’s simply trying to evolve. The logical by-product of this is that every species living here must also evolve…or die. (Insert ominous background music here.) Improving self confidence is a path of evolution.
That being said, I marvel at the number of people who are journeying closer toward themselves, yet continue to put on this charade of normalcy. I see it mostly in our regimented industries like education, government, even business. How is it that the process of personal evolution is still deemed something private? Worse yet, it’s often overlaid with a feeling of embarrassment, as though battling obstacles and pushing through fears is something less than miraculous.
We love heralding those who soldier through and come out the other side…but only after they’re shiny, clean and successful. We’re addicted to the feel-good stories of self-made individuals who conquered all odds to battle their way to the top. But we’re not so much into those stories during the climax. We prefer they stay hidden deep within themselves until the dénouement. But by golly we’re there to pat them on the back and sound the trumpets after.
This is a bit of a tangent, but it’s completely connected. If our true desire as a species is to evolve and survive, then why are we so set on pretending that process isn’t happening? Why are so many of us walking around, pretending everything’s great, like it’s business as usual, when molecularly we’re being ripped apart and rebuilt…one cell at a time. Now is not the time to be shy about our experiences. Too many people are lost in the process, wondering what the hell is happening to them and how the hell they’re going to make it through. Wouldn’t it be helpful if we turned to them and said, “You too? I went through that last week…it’ll all make sense in a few days.”
I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that this time in our collective evolution is pushing us to work together, to hold hands with our neighbors, and to work things out. We desperately want to move away from the lone warrior mentality and figure out how to build something better, collaboratively. And the only way to do this is for each of us to continue our solitary journeys toward Personal POWER, but we can do it together, side-by-side, leaning on each other, as we marvel at how far we’ve come.
And when this is all said and done, we can pat each other on the back, herald the trumpets, and allow the murkiness to slowly fade from our collective conscious. Until then, let’s try to be a bit more open about what’s going on and recognize that every blip and hiccup brings us closer to saving the species.
Until next time…
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