Self Actualization
Do you want to achieve enlightened self-actualization? Are you envisioning a new humanity? Superpower Network proudly introduces to you the debut episode of Messages of Infinite Light with host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Tonya Dawn Recla, Executive Director of the network. This show is an invitation for you to step into the stream of the loving light. Now is the time!! The awakening has occurred and blossoming has taken place in this network and the world. Join Ayn and Tonya as they commence this fantastic show.
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Messages of Infinite Light, where we envision an awakening of humanity. Can you imagine just for a minute, just for a minute, imagine everything through the eyes of divine love? We’re going to talk about this in this episode. The ways of spirit, right? What happens when we attune to the flow, when we align with the divine? We’re going to talk about enlightening self-actualization. Which once upon a time was only for mystery schools, but now, now we’re stepping into something new, we’re envisioning and awakening humanity. My other podcast, Wisdom of the Ages focuses on storytelling, ancient wisdom traditions, and you can hear many popular episodes on It had 2.6 million listeners in 2020 as it continued to grow. The roots of the past of our ancestors give strength to the tree of life.
This is my vision with this show. Now the roots of the tree of this divine tree are reaching skyward. The branches, the fruits are opening to something from the stars it seems. Messages of Infinite Light is focused on messages to, and from the future. We begin to collectively look towards the stars and see and sense the emerging new earth. In this show, we’ll be focusing on multisensory perception, self-actualization, and enlightenment.
We’ll have, I’ll have many guests and also do monologues too. So you, I hope you’ll come back, and tap in again and again. I just want to start with a little story just really briefly, but I bet, there is a story of a Maitreya Buddha. Awake in Christ light this being sits in the future. This bodhisattva, this saintly being sits in the future with the masters and calls us. So that we step towards the future. So this divine energy reaches back to help us during pivotal periods of time. We’re in one of those times. The reason this Christ’s light reaches back is so that we can step forward and we can merge and become this infinite light ourselves. It’s so that we can keep our hope alive so we can continue evolving with trust and faith in the present moment.
What happens when we, in the present moment, touch our higher self, our infinite self? Well, that is enlightened self-actualization. It’s a process and it can be mind-blowing but, you know, so as I got ready to start this show today, right at dawn, I had the feeling that I should get up and light a beautiful light candle in the middle of the floor. Then I should just stare into this flame. I didn’t really know exactly why I needed to do this, but I was thinking about this new podcast and just feeling what the light is calling us into. I lit the flame in my two eyes.
My two eyes looked into this single flame and there was something that happened that was really beautiful. I found that my consciousness, the consciousness of aim merged with the flame and became one light. My feeling is that this is what this new podcast is about. The messages of infinite light. It’s about becoming one with your divine self and the processes that we go through as that happens because it is a process. So our two eyes become one divine light, one unity, one love. So I’m going to take a quick ad break. After we come back, I’m going to invite Tonya Dawn Recla who’s just a beautiful, beautiful being.
I just want to say just a little bit about her before the ad break. She’s the exact executive director of Superpower Network. The number one podcast network for inspired personal development is 25 million downloads in 2020. Now the reason I wanted to say that is because, wow, if they’re 25 million downloads, I’m not even sure how alternative we are anymore. There’s an awakening going on. There is proof that there’s an alternative narrative, that superpowers are real and you can go and check out all the show’s first shows and, and everybody on the network on So tuned, we’ll be right back.
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