The show features individuals using their super powers to heal their lives and lead others to do the same.
AngelaMaría is the founder and owner of AngelaMaría, Change Actions, Shift Energy, the creator of In Connection 9-3, The Experience of the Being and the Akashic 9.0. She was born in Medellin, Colombia. She guides people to connect to their INNER POWER by providing information to heal their lives energetically to EMPOWER themselves. Her educational background and experience has helped her to design successful individual programs to guide people to Shift their Energy by taking action based on the information provided, to create the life they want and dream of. AngelaMaría, has also created engaging conferences where people will find lots of motivation and confidence to begging a path of EMPOWERING themselves through self-healing processes.
Soy acompañante, “coach” de Expertos en Super Poderes (Super Power Experts) y la canalizadora de Akáshicos 9.0, el programa En Conexión 9-3, La Experiencia del Ser y Mi Bruja Sabia. Lidero procesos de auto-empoderamiento espiritual para que aprendas a sanarte por ti misma/o y a reconectarte con tu poder Divino. Te guío, exitosamente, a cambiar tu energía tomando acciones basadas en la información recibida para que así, crees la vida que deseas y sueñas. Como presentadora del programa de Sanación en Alta Frecuencia, (High Frequency Healing Show) elevo a otros sanadores y trabajadores energéticos, como parte de mi misión de impactar al mundo desde la energía, a una vibración e información en más alta frecuencia desde la novena dimensión.Certificada como Profesional en la Realineación del Alma, entrenadora “coach” espiritual y de vida, maestra Reiki y Terapeuta y Alquimista Circular, he trabajado con la energía durante más de diez años.
Michelle Huczek, healer and coach, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share her insight about how incorporating spirit connection within the body and mind led her to successful stories in the [...]
Else Byskov, an international authority on the spiritual science of Martinus (1890-1981), the Danish visionary and mystic, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share her experience about tapping into the energy [...]
Julie Ryan, who senses what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitates energetic healings, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share all her knowledge and experience about healing through [...]
Is there a shortcut to self-loving? If there’s one, are you willing to take it? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, AngelaMaría welcomes Christina Beauchemin, a mindset coach, a speaker, and a workshop facilitator for both private and corporate groups. She only had one chance to raise good kids, so she left her 14-year career as a corporate controller in an international manufacturing firm. After that, without missing a step, she started consulting for small-to-mid-sized companies, where she worked closely with owners to pinpoint and overcome the source of their business challenges. In her new book, Let My Legacy Be Love: A Shortcut to Self-Loving, Christina married her lifelong love of storytelling and her passion for the tools provided by neurolinguistics programming, NLP. Through her own personal and professional work, she learned the extraordinary power of NLP as a tool to pinpoint the root of not only individual issues but also business challenges. Tune in to walk through the shortcut to having a self-loving!
What is the unspoken part of yourself? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Ashley Haseotes sit together to reveal something unspoken. Ashley is an intuitive energy healer and Chopra Center, certified meditation coach, and the author of the Unspoken. After collapsing into chronic pain from excessive overworking and suppressed childhood trauma, Ashley underwent transformative spiritual healing. Drawing upon her own experience, Ashley is devoted to helping others work through difficult experiences and deep trauma. As a personal coach, Ashley helps clients who feel stuck, struggling, or undergoing any major life shift. And through the charity, she founded One Mission. Ashley helps children and families navigate pediatric cancer and heal after treatment. Tune in to learn about the power in the unspoken.
Did you know you are and you inhabit abundance, prosperity, money In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría sits with guest Adam C. Hall. Adam is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviours, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius, the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. He began to integrate a profoundly spiritual, more authentic, and natural approach. Becoming a trained shaman and teacher of The Course of Miracles, Adam focused on creating a company that protected the planet, particularly open spaces at risk of development. He also contributes to replanting the earth through the organization 8 Billion Trees. Today he is the founder/CEO of the Genius Studio, creator of the Genius Process. He works mainly with accomplished men seeking more contentment, alignment, and personal meaning in their lives. Tune in to know how to let abundance, prosperity, money, and joy find where you are.
Sergio es Colombiano estudió Psicología, y es Conferencista Internacional, Creador de la Comunidad Mastermind, Experto en la Ley de Atracción, Hipnoterapeuta, Viajero del Mundo, Activador de portales, Maestro de Respiración Circular Corriente y administra medicinas ancestrales; gracias a que experimentó el punto de saturación encontró su proposito de vida. Actualmente vive en El Centro Holistico Phinniliph en El Rosal Cundimarca, en el hermoso país de Colombia a 20 minutos de su capital Bogotá, donde facilita medicinal ancestral, hipnosis regresiva sanadora y diferentes tecnicas de respiración. Acompáñanos para que recuerdes el poder de abrirse a posibilidades infinitas y transformar tu vida
How can people achieve true happiness? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría welcomes guest Sherry Stirling Fernandez. For nearly three decades, Sherry has been a speaker, a teacher, a mentor and is now the author of Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential. Sherry, and her husband Ken Fernandez, are a rags-to-riches story. The Life Mastery program results from their careful study of the principles of success and a lifetime of practicing those principles. Against all odds, they found success, not only financially, but in each of the eight areas of Life Mastery - physical, spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, money, lifestyle, and character. What makes Sherry unique in her ability to teach personal development is the years of research and practice to master the principles she now teaches. Tune in to know the secrets behind reaping the fruit of true happiness and holistic success.
Do you want to experience the twin flame journey in your life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría welcomes guest Elle Hari, a #1 International Bestselling Author and Twin Flame & Ascension Expert. Elle helps people overcome fear and pain, self-sabotaging limitations to guide them toward their true nature of bliss and perpetual happiness. As the founder and CEO of Elle Hari Universal LLC and creator of the Be With Your Twin Flame® and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy™ brands, Elle helps her students learn to love themselves unconditionally and manifest their greatest dreams. A passion drives her mission to expand people's awareness of the truth of the twin flame journey and assist humanity's spiritual ascension on the global scale. Tune in to learn more about the twin flame journey!