Give from Receiving
In a world that encourages us to want, we often forget what we already have. CEFA teaches us to remember that what we think we want is right in front of us and where we think we’re going, we’ve been all along. What’s there to want when we know this to be true? In the final message of the Receiving the Gift IM Series, we hold gratitude for the remarkable existence we get to live. And we give thanks for the strong desire in each of us to give generously because we know, deep in the heart of our soul essence, that the gift we first received was so magnificent and so miraculous, how could we do anything but give freely in return? Join us for this powerful reminder and invitation to first receive, then to give.
IMS Link: Receiving The Gift
Podcast: Relationships Done Different
Podcast:CEFA for Couples
Podcast:Living in Joyful Expectancy
Podcast:What Mindset is the Key to Healthy Relationships
Podcast:The Gift of Gratitude

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