The results vary significantly with each person. Since the goal is to free yourself from the fear that dictates your reality, the result is freedom to create it however you want. We do believe, however, that each of us makes agreements to represent specific aspects of the divine, in alignment with our unique superpowers, and this guides us in certain directions. But ultimately, once you are able to maintain and create from the abstract frequency, you recognize that you are the divine and innately guide energy to create your path as you know it.
About the Author: Justin Recla
Justin Recla is an Army veteran and former counterintelligence agent. Justin, Tonya and Neva Lee Recla are considered the first family of inspired personal development and live their lives as a testament to the power of synergy, love and communion with God. Justin’s message is simple: help
others, do things better and have self-dominion in everything you do!