Do you find it difficult to trust your inner guidance? Are there times where self-doubt overpowers you?  In this episode of Evolution, host Jewels Arnes shares an exercise to identify if you hear the voice of the Divine or the ego-mind. She shares about finding magic, the moment that we try to find and connect to our place. And how we have to trust ourselves also to place our trust in the divine energy to flow through us. From there, we can find ourselves confidently free from the bondage of worry. Please tune in to find out how to fine-tune this skill to start trusting our intuition and become unstoppable.

Blessings, soul family. This is Jewels and this is Evolution, a pathway to infinite possibilities. I just welcome you to just rest in this beautiful space as we just bring in a conversation with the divine frequency. I’ve been thinking about what this show is going to be all about. Of course, with the name Evolution, it will be an evolution as we kind of play together, and that’s what I love about this platform is that we call in these high-frequency beings that are really ready to create change in the world and within themselves.

Activate Your Superpowers

When it all comes down to it, that place within us that we know in this really deep level that we’re here to change the world. If we can really connect to that and start to create from that place, the magic starts to happen. It’s when we want to go outside of ourselves and identify in the reality outside of ourselves that we start to get in our own way and that’s what I wanted to talk about today was that place of tuning in and what it is that we’re tuning into and being able to identify those frequencies so that when we are creating choices and we’re in these beautiful creations, that we’re aware of where it is that we’re creating from.

I think so many times we get in our own way and we don’t fully trust in ourselves. If we’re not trusting in ourselves, then how can we trust the divine to flow through us? So today I want to talk about tuning in and really connecting to those intuitive places within us, and then fine tuning those and then fine-tuning that beautiful frequency, what I call our home frequency to the divine energy. So before we even start, let’s just all take a moment to connect to our hearts and feeling into your beautiful heart center, just feel how unique you are. What is your home frequency? Just really tune into that place within your heart.

Just allow any thoughts or worries to fade away, just allowing this beautiful frequency of your soul’s essence to expand out into the body. Love. So let’s just connect in this space as we continue forward, as we just spend this beautiful time together. Oh, that feels so good. I just could hang out there all day and I hope you feel it too. I really hope that you can feel the home frequency within you and how we can use this frequency as a kind of our guidance system.

So that’s what I want to talk about is tuning into those intuitive senses within us and connecting those to this home frequency of our soul essence, and then how we can use that to bring in the even higher frequency of the divine creation. But before we do, let’s go ahead and go to break. If you are looking to connect to a soul family with open arms, we invite you to come and discover yourself within all of our different pathways at We’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.