Namaste, soul family. This is Jewels, and this is Evolution: A Path to Infinite Possibilities. And today, we are just going to play in the frequency of what’s being created with this new Evolution channel. And I have Tonya here today, and we’re just going to create a really beautiful container and invite you in and just see what the possibilities of this path can open up for everyone that’s listening because it’s in that space of moving into the possibility that we can create new realities. Welcome, Tonya.
This is so wonderful. I’m so excited about this channel. This has been such a blast to create with you, I’m honored to be here. Just on behalf of the network, we’re so incredibly honored to launch this channel. It’s a beautiful, beautiful illustration of potentiality.Â
Jewels, I can’t think of a better person to bring that in. The work that you’ve done, your perseverance in bringing these worlds together is just amazing and it’s commendable. It’s been an honor to journey beside you.
Thank you for continuing to expand and now offering that conversation to the world. That’s huge. We’re so grateful to have you here with us to discuss our new Evolution channel.
Thank you so much. And I think that the passion that I have behind this channel is that it’s a perfect reflection of growth, of moving into the next or the next higher frequency. And within that, being able to create realities beyond our wildest dreams. You have been just a beautiful reflection for me to really step into that space. I just want to honor you for that right now, because just holding the space and allowing this channel to emerge from the frequency that we created together has been amazing.
It’s like, I don’t know why anybody would do anything else. This is so much fun. It’s been my honor and you’re quite welcome.
We had this conversation a while back about what this show is, what it’s going to hold. The path to infinite possibilities is the frequency of the show. It’s taking whatever our now moment is and seeing through the illusion of what that is, and then creating something that’s beyond that. There’s actually so much power in just that and how we can create realities by moving into the possibility beyond what we’re actually seeing. I’d love to just talk a little bit about that because I think it’s a lot of fun and it’s really the way the show will unravel.
It’s a great way to describe it. It is unraveling, right? I was explaining to someone the other day how I created it. It doesn’t really feel like creating. It feels like maintaining a high enough level of awareness so I can be privy to the unfoldment of creation in front of me. While my body might be doing things, my mind might be doing things, my mouth might be moving, my experience of it is I’m simply in the unfoldment, right? It’s kind of trippy.
We were talking a little bit about how one of the things that we find, because over in Super Power Experts, that’s our jam, right? We work with people really, really closely to help them move through those spaces. And what we find more often than not is the thing that holds people back in that space is the perception of this lack of foundation, right? Lack of solidity. We’re so used to our kind of programmed realities that have this certain density to them, despite the fact that we’ve debunked Newtonian physics decades ago.
We still hold this kind of separateness, this solidity, this structure kind of component. It’s what makes us feel safe to move about the world. And when you start suggesting that perhaps that’s not quite what people perhaps think it is, some people get a little squirmy around that. This idea of like how do you step into spaces that you can’t grab and hold onto in the way that you’re used to grabbing something and holding onto it, and then let alone kind of exist.
It’s one thing to visit there and like go in your meditations and in your journeys or whatever it is that people want to do in prayer and get there with God. Now the invitation is off, do you want to embody that? Do you want to live in heaven on earth here? And if so, it does mean releasing that grip on our addiction to thinking things are a certain way. That’s really all that’s at stake, but it feels terrifying because it almost feels like you’re asking people to let go of the ground beneath their feet.
And in a way, it kind of is. But trust me, you can walk there too, right? We can step there too. It’s just different.
It is different. I can remember a couple of years ago actually talking to a friend and saying that out loud that I knew that in order to move forward, that the foundation of what I feel as though I stand on will never be there again. And that the foundation will always be there, but it will never feel it, just you’re talking about, that safe place at the foundation will constantly be shifting. It was uncomfortable in the beginning, but I kept committing that the foundation itself is just an illusion.
And because of that, I was able to continue to move into the frequency of what we were saying of the next possibility. And in time it started to feel really comfortable, and now I almost crave it.Â
I know, right? He’s saying yes to all of that.
I love it. That’s the truth, right. You made a really important point there. I know a lot of people hit that space and, as you said, it’s uncomfortable. I’m going to urge everybody, as you explore some of these spaces that are a little bit more abstract, perhaps really do yourselves a favor and get real and get right with yourself about a conversation regarding faith or belief or how do you feel about concepts like spirit and source or God or the divine or energy or whatever.
What can you lean into that provides you some short peace of mind and solace of heart for those times that are going to be uncomfortable? Because the downside, the shadow side and all of this journeying evolution work are when we aren’t solidly founded in principles that we can rely on where we can find our home frequency no matter what’s occurring around us. When people venture into spaces that they don’t know anything about and they haven’t done that foundational work, they tend to get incredibly uncomfortable.
We’ve seen it go so far as people kind of going crazy and kind of not being able to grip reality. The disease can start to happen. Mental illness. We’ve seen a lot of things occur there because people are exploring some of these things irresponsibly. While we don’t profess that you have to abide by any specific doctrine, we think it is important.
And what we have found a lot of real comfort in and the thing that kind of pulls us through in those moments of extreme like, wow, and what I would contend has been the reason why I’ve been able to go as swiftly and smoothly through spaces as I have, which has been an incredible journey, is because I have an incredible and strong faith connection. It’s changed and evolved over the years by what words I use and how I relate to it, but the connection to the divine has always been incredibly powerful within me.
Trust me when I say I needed it in some of these spaces I traversed.
I absolutely feel that as well. As you were speaking, I could feel the difference in what it is to exist in those two different spaces. It is the faith that allows us to kind of move through those unknown spaces and continues forth when we do get the guidance to move into another space that we have that to rest in. I think we’re programmed to stay safe.
And it’s really easy to tell when it’s the ego-mind because it feels bad and it feels scary and all of those things, or is it the programming of those chemicals responses that get released when we move into a space of change, but then there’s always this underlying wave of frequency of just that, that divine trust. Sometimes it’s harder to move into it, but it’s always there. And it’s within that space that we can move into the pathway of infinite possibilities.
Because within that space, we are outside of the density of the illusion of what we think is real, and we can open into spaces of what I call the divine mind, or we can start to hear from a space that’s outside of the programming of our own mind. And that’s really where I see human evolution as we continue to walk this path and are able to move into that space on a consistent basis. But just like you said, there are times where we have to have the tools to be able to move into those spaces or it can crumble under our feet.
That’s right. There’s a really great quote, I don’t remember where it came from, but it’s something about there will come a time when your fear will have to face the Gods you know and somebody’s going to win. I remember that moment for me. It is a heck of a moment when that happens. But when you feel like you’re split down the middle and you’ve got that battle going on, you better know which side you want to throw your weight onto.
And if you haven’t sat and thought that through, you will lean into the fear, because it’s the easiest space for us to go into, because it is so dense and it’s so heavily populated often. There’s a lot of folks that continue to perpetuate it, so it’s easy to kind of get trapped in it and sucked into that. And if you don’t have the conviction of choosing differently, you’re not going to at that moment.
I love how you say it’s a choice because when we have the awareness that that choice is there in the beginning. Whether we do it perfectly or not, we start to practice that that choice is there. And eventually, after we choose to not fall into faith for long enough, I feel like it just becomes this organic choice of knowing that the other way doesn’t work. Of course, it would be nice for us to all move into it very quickly. I think some of us are just kind of wired to be able to move through that a little bit quicker than others.
But I also just call it just, where’s your frequency? Because if we’re vibrating with collective consciousness, it does take a little bit more effort in the awareness of, do I agree with this? I mean, gosh, just like so many people don’t even second guess what it is that they’re thinking or what they’re agreeing to. There’s a huge shift once we start to at least start questioning that.
Beautifully said. When I go in on rescue missions is what I call them, I’m like, oh my gosh, I’m like swimming in molasses. And I kind of make up things to keep myself entertained with this existence, but that’s what it feels like and it is dense. Everything’s different in those spaces. I love what you said about you just realized the other way doesn’t work. In fact, in the articles, I recently wrote or I guess it came out last year about.
It’s either in we did this article, the agents of change article, but it was about that idea of like that kind of density, that frequency of like how many times are we going to bang our heads up against the wall? And ultimately you realize the following spirit works 100% of the time. If it doesn’t work, it’s because we didn’t follow it. It really is super simple. It’s like once you hit that point, it’s not just that resistance is futile, but it’s just downright painful because you know what’s going to happen.
I can’t tell you the number of people I’m like, “Can I just save you some heartache, please? About 10 steps later, let me tell you what’s going to happen here.” And I get it. The goal isn’t to run. The goal is to experience and for people to grow. It does make it a little more challenging when you’re operating in these spaces and you’re working in collaboration with others, or you’re assisting others in their co-creative abilities, or you’re patiently or not so patiently waiting for the others of the team to kind of arrive into that frequency so that project can get going.
There’s some of that’s kind of an occupational hazard, but their quite privileged downsides are how I would refer to them.
Yeah, that’s a lot of fun. I started playing with just that and instead of being like, okay, go from zero to 10 because those in-betweens are so important. That kind of brings us right back to that original part that you were talking about is if you’re not ready to explore these higher realms and don’t have a solid foundation, it’s not a really good thing. And so many people just think, “Well, I’ll just do this and then I’ll be awakened, or I’ll do this.”
And it’s like, okay, but actually, all of those steps in between are super important. We’ll talk more about that and our Evolution show, but let’s do a really quick break. If you’re listening to this on the SuperPower Network, we just want to invite you to come over to our website, to hear all the other shows that are part of the Evolution Channel. Tonya, let’s just take a quick break and we’ll be right back.
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