- The ability to alter or impact energy to produce a specific outcome.
- The ability to use a high sensitivity to subtle energy in a way that changes an environment or guides people within it.
The Superpower of Energetic Manipulation
Did you know that energetic manipulation is one of many predisposed super powers some people possess? While anyone can train themselves to hone energetic manipulation as a super power, some people are predisposed to it. This means that they have a specific blueprint or design that makes them both susceptible to and able to harness particular abilities.
Managing the Challenge of Energetic Manipulation
As a CAT II Superpower, energetic manipulation presents many challenges for predisposed individuals. Until energetic manipulation is recognized and individuals start the process of neutralizing the challenges, they are prone to being persuaded by others. This is especially true in the physical presence of or in direct energetic connection with people who have strong will power. Sometimes this can lead individuals wondering why they got talked into something or agreed to do something. It can leave them feeling powerless. They may also have difficulty completing projects or sticking to goals. Another big challenge is if they attempt to wield the power without being clear about their motivation or having ill intent. Even if the manipulation doesn’t seem obviously harmful, if the intent is ego-driven this can cause harm to the individual and others. While it may result in momentary success, it’s always temporary and always harmful, no matter how minor the impact.
Possible Signs You Might be Predisposed to Energetic Manipulation
- You’re easily swayed by others.
- You agree to things without knowing why.
- You have difficulty sticking to a goal unless guided or supported by someone else.
- You’re able to connect with and guide others effortlessly.
- You have the ability to move energy. This can change things in the environment or alter someone’s energy. It can seem subtle and sporadic until you train to hone this ability.
Using Energetic Manipulation as a Super Power
As with all super powers, energetic manipulation can be an amazing tool IF you know what it is and what it isn’t. After neutralizing the experience of being easily swayed by others, you can use this to assist you in accomplishing your goals by partnering with someone who has strong will power and shared intent. However, these synergistic relationships must be built on trust and self-awareness.
One of the hardest things for all of us to realize is that we are being manipulated by or are manipulating every environment we’re in. This is particularly challenging because we don’t like the idea of manipulating other people or being manipulated. But energetically that influence is real and has an impact on how we feel, what we think and what we do. As we start to become more and more aware of the power of maintaining our own energy signature and then expanding that signature to positively impact others and uplift environments, we start to see the possibilities.
We see energetic manipulation in people who want to have a profound impact on more challenging obstacles. While individuals who wield strong will power are used to others doing what they tell them to do or being able to force change, that power can only go so far. When individuals are in serious resistance or an environment is particularly challenging, will power doesn’t cut it. Energetic manipulation is needed to move through those scenarios. As we see more and more people do the necessary personal work to hone this ability in a solid and high vibrational way, we’ll see huge shifts in areas previously deemed insurmountable. As individuals and as a collective we’ll be able to address some of the more challenging issues we face.
As with all CAT II Superpowers, energetic manipulation can be very powerful and very detrimental if the individual attempting to wield it does not have a solid foundation or hasn’t done a fair amount of personal growth work. It cannot be overstated the importance of getting assistance with the deep inner work necessary to harness this power without causing personal harm or harm to others. Please be responsible with yourself and those you impact.
Master Energetic Manipulation
- First start with recognizing how other people persuade you, it’s most often people with strong will power. Start to notice this as it occurs and ask yourself if you’re truly interested in doing what they want. If you can’t get clarity, avoid making decisions until you can remove yourself from the person. Then seek clarity within yourself before committing to something. This starts the process of trusting yourself and your own subtle energy.
- Play with energy. Start with recognizing that nothing is solid and everything is in fluid motion. Train yourself to see the light behind all things or bend the spoon or see the energy particles move through what looks like empty space in front of you. There are many, many techniques for opening up to energy fields. Start playing with these concepts.
- Connect with people. If you’re able to truly connect with someone at a high frequency, you’ll notice how you can assist them in very gentle and subtle ways. Energetic manipulation picks up where things like neuro-linguistic programming leave off and is much more powerful. Be sure to notice anywhere your ego wants to jump in and use this ability for personal gain. Again, you will do harm to yourself and others if you don’t manage your lower frequency aspects as you go.
- If you’re interested in telekinesis or other kinetic superpowers, play with them. The more you get in the habit of moving energy the more natural it becomes. Practice by creating a ball of energy between your hands. Bring your hands together and move them apart slowly until you can sense the energy build between them. Move it around and see how big you can make it. Keep practicing.