Tarah Long is here to empower others to heal themselves. She joins the show to talk all things healing and how she worked through her own healing to arrive in a place of service. Listen in as she shares her experiences opening up to her gifts and committing to an intuitive life. From helping others heal themselves to following guidance to move to Hawaii, Tarah walks the talk.

Hello everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I am very excited to have with me today Tarah Long.

It is Tarah right? I just realized I didn’t ask.


I’m like, “My good friend,” and then I’m like well maybe I should ask how she pronounces her name.

So, as things go in the higher frequencies, folks, we know that that connection sometimes happens in places that we’re not in complete awareness around and so I feel as though she and I just had an opportunity to really intertwine our energies and it is amazing. She’s beautiful and then, you know, the details of what do we call each other.

Anyway…so. Oh yeah those are just the details. So, Tarah is delightful as you are already feeling from her and she’s the Health Alchemist. Well, anyway I can brag and brag and all that and so I’ll brag for a little bit about her being a Chinese herbalist, a licensed acupuncturist, a hypnotherapist. You know, she’s got a really impressive little bio there but the big piece about her is just what you’re going to feel from her here in a minute.

And she’s just delightful, like she’s just obviously one of those people who stands solidly in the fact that she’s here to light up the world and she’s doing that with her clients and by being in and emulating that. And as we do here on the show we really honor that and we appreciate knowing everybody’s out there doing their part. So, Tarah, thank you so much for joining us.

Thank you so much for having me. It’s just amazing to be here.

Oh I’m so glad. Very cool. So we’ll talk a little bit more about that here in a minute but I’m going to just throw you right into the mix and ask you what are your Super Powers?

Yes. Thank you for asking. Well, I really feel strongly that I am here to empower others with not only the knowledge and the tools but the feeling of healing themselves of being able to heal themselves. And then, of course, guiding them and teaching them on their own unique journey how to do that. What that looks like for them so that they can go from being someone who is not well in their bodies and experiencing imbalance in the moment to someone who is vibrant and full. And of course we might go more into this but anytime that we have a physical manifestation in the body it’s really just a message that we’re receiving and it;s time to just listen. And so I like to call it Awakening the Inner Healer.

I love that. As you’re talking a question comes up to me. How much do you think that process is choice for people and technique? What how would you equate those two things?

You mean choice to heal themselves?

Or choice to even step into the knowingness that they can.

Right. I think it’s probably a mix. I think there comes a point, at least in my experience, with people there comes a point when they are basically just fed up and they’re just tired of not being well. And that’s kind of when I come in for people is they’ve tried the more traditional routes right.

The western medicine and all of that it’s not working. And then they’re just to a point where they’re like “OK I will literally do anything. I am open to anything”, you know and that’s when I’m like yes OK. Now you’re at the point where you can claim your power and of course you can do it before that and right away. But it’s part of this whole evolution of consciousness that we’re in and the waking up and all of that. So it’s kind of a culmination but it’s absolutely a choice. But they have to know that they have that choice.

Yes. And I think that that’s all part of the equation. It’s easy to sit back and judge people, be like, “Why aren’t they choosing that?” But they may know, like, of course our higher selves always know, but there are aspects of our temporal selves that are like, “No, not just no, but hell no. And I’m not even looking at it and that’s a very real reality for a lot of people.

It is. It is. Because it’s scary, you know fear is a huge driver for people and their behaviors and their actions and when they’re on that precipice you know trying to jump over that ledge it’s like, man, you know we do not like change as humans. Even if it means we could be happier. But we’re going to stay right here where I’m at because it’s comfortable and I know it. And that’s OK. But eventually there comes a point when you know when people are like, you know, what it’s not OK. And I actually deserve better than this.

Well it’s so funny you mentioned that because with Super Power Experts we’ve had an interesting history and we started off as Personal Power Experts and the whole conversation there was really like people coming to us because they needed to be fixed. And it was like that doesn’t feel good like you’re fine, you’re fine. We can do it.

But ironically like again, Business 101, it’s like, it’s really silly to tell people that everything’s fine because then you know that’s a very difficult sales proposition.

It’s much easier to sell people on the fact that they’re broken. And we can fix them. And so when we moved into that it’s like, “Wow, how do we kind of change that whole dialogue?” And what you said was exactly where we got to which is like, “Yeah, you’re fine, like everything’s fine, you can continue in this vein.” However, we all chose to evolve. Like there’s a reason why people are talking to us. They want to awaken and they want to move forward, they want something different. And if you’re not doing that then there is a problem. You know, I give people information all day long about their big mission, like what did you come here to do. And it’s like but you don’t have to do that. But you’re equipped to do that if you want to. Like so why not just do it? So there’s choice but then there’s also regret you’re going to have down the road because you haven’t done this

Right. And that’s what I feel when people do sort of hear those whispers of the soul and, of course, they get louder and louder. You know that’s when we can, I mean like you said we’re equipped to do that. We came here for that. I feel like that’s where we’re going to reach the most fulfilment for ourselves because it’s really you know how are we going to be able to serve or how are we serving others. I mean for me or all of our purpose is to serve others. So it just looks different for different people. And to your point of nobody being broken, of nothing actually being wrong. It’s just, it’s just a covering up. So really the process of healing is just uncovering what’s underneath which is your beautiful bright shining light. Right.

Well I for one am extremely grateful to know that you’re out there because I’m not like the coddling type, like that’s not my thing. For me, it’s just choice. That was my journey. I kept choosing and choosing and choosing and it was pretty rapid fire. And so for me it’s like those are the people who really, really resonate with me the most. The ones who like oh my gosh I get it you just have to keep moving and they’re pretty clear that there’s some connection to this energetic wave that’s coming that they want to be on top of. And I love listening to you, because you know, you kind of get in there and you help and feel. You know early on when you were talking about your Super Powers you said you know how it feels to heal yourself. Like how does that feel to be in wholeness and wellness. And it’s so powerful and I’m like oh that’s really cool. I’m just so glad she’s doing that.

Yeah we all have different Super Powers.

That’s right. Well it’s so amazing when you can relax into that space. I remember as a coach you know thinking that. Oh my gosh I need to learn how to do that for my clients or I need to offer that. And when I finally got that, wait no, like I know brilliant people who do that. Why don’t I just outsource it? Like I don’t need to be doing that too. It was so freeing you know.

Yeah. I mean and different people will resonate like you said with different coaches or guides and at different times in their life and they may need all of them and they may need right now you or me or you know whatever so it’s all good.

Absolutely well and then, talk about how multifaceted and multidimensional we are in every single moment. And so it’s fascinating to be working with the Super Power Experts because we can be working with a client and then we go and share notes and it’s like oh well you know she said that. And then it’s like really because that’s not what she said to me? She said dah dah dah, but all of it’s true. All of it. And it’s, the person’s not shchitzo, they’re not trying to mom-and-pop us. None of that stuff going on. It’s really, truly we have all of that in us. And what I found is working in collaboration we can address all of those pieces whereas a lot of times people have to go through a coach and then they fix that piece or that piece or evolved that piece and then they have to go to the next one and evolve that piece. And so there’s a lot to be said for coming together and working together for sure.

Oh absolutely. Together is better.

So cute “together is better.” I love it. Very cool. So how did you get on this whole trajectory of “I’m going to help the world” and all this good stuff. How did that happen?

Yeah. Thanks for asking. I mean you know in my younger days I always felt so compelled to help people like if they had any issue any problem didn’t matter what it was. I was like tell me about it. Let’s see what we can do. I mean it was even from I remember being like five, and just being like, “Oh how can I help figure whatever it is out?” And as I grew up I just I knew I was going to be going into the health field in some way.

And I myself suffered with health issues even from just being born. You know my mom always said I was so sick. I had asthma and allergies and all this stuff. And then when I as I grew up, at age 15 I had stomach ulcers. And you know Western doctors gave me medication after medication. Nothing ever worked. It worked for a little while and stopped working. So they have to give me a new medication.

Finally, when I was young I was 21 at college at the University of Minnesota and my doctor there, it was pretty progressive even then when she said there’s literally nothing else we can do for you. I’m going to send you to this acupuncturist and I was like awesome. I will do anything. So cool. So I went to see the acupuncturist and it was a life changing moment. I mean nothing else had ever helped my stomach issues the way that did. And I knew in that moment that was my next best step. So, I went to acupuncture school, did all of that. And right before I started acupuncture school I got really, really, really, sick. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which is I mean you know I could go on about that for a while.

But basically again Western doctors couldn’t do anything for me. You know my doctor told me she said, “I really don’t know what to do for you. There’s nothing I can do for you. You should go home and google it.” I was like OK? So basically I am on my own.

So I had to you know when I was 22, 23 at that point I really just had to, I knew I had it figured out for myself. And so I did. I figured out and learned, you know of course I had mentors and all of that, how to heal myself. And that is and I know that I chose those experiences in this lifetime so that I could do what I do now because it’s like it’s not even a trace I know that I’m here to shift that paradigm of how we think about healing in the body from external to internal.

I love that you said that because that was going to be my question is how much choice comes into that and the power in having you say like I get that I chose that is so enormous and I still find so much resistance to the idea. That we will purposely put ourselves in situations that appear to be negative you know appear to be less than less than great to learn lessons. You know and most of times it comes up as like well would that child really you know want to have that experience but they really have chosen that. And it’s a tough conversation to have from the perspective of well no their temporal self of course didn’t choose that. However, comma you know their Higher Self absolutely was in agreement with it. It can’t be anything but that.


You know but then the humanness sides want to come out and say well but there’s all these atrocities. Yes, and those atrocities actually lead themselves quite nicely to people working through some stuff.

Exactly! Exactly.

You know it’s like I don’t, it’s ok I’m going to go totally off trajectory. This is going to be my new soapbox right now. So, all through college, so my bachelor’s degree was in Intercultural Communication and my masters degree was in the field of education. But I studied critical race theory and everything else and so I taught all kinds of intergroup relations classes, diversity classes you know white racial identity classes, like you name it I taught it. And so with that I was really gung ho like to eradicate racism. And as I’ve gone through this journey, the you know the evolution of kind of ideology unfolded and part of it was like well I’m not sure that to like dialoguing about it all the time is the best way to eradicate it.

Because then you get into the whole what are you attracting and you know like Mother Teresa would never go to an anti-war rally. But she’d go to a peace rally you know that kind of thing.


I don’t know if she actually did that but you know you get the point. But then, the place where I’m kind of sitting now is like I wonder if that stuff will never end? I mean it ends, it ends in the terms of you can get to the place where it’s just not in your purview. Like you don’t see it. It’s outside of your dimensional reality. You know and that is on some level is a very privileged perspective and I get it. However, you have to work for that privilege you know and then because I’m kind of sitting in the theoretical space now saying like I think on some level it’s actually ok that it all exists because it gives us options for reincarnation and working through things and all this other stuff. Ok I’m done. What do you think about that?

Ha ha ha ha ha.

Haha GO!

Haha go, next! No, I love that you said that because I mean literally and in Chinese Medicine the whole theory, the whole Taoist like philosophy is yin and yang and you can’t have one without the other. So imagine if we had a world full of just peace and bliss and utopia all the time which I would love that would be amazing.

I hope one day maybe that’s possible but right now humanity and consciousness and where we are and what’s happening we’re not actually there right now and that’s not where we’re supposed to be. We have to have the contrast because there would not be you know joy without sadness and vice versa. It couldn’t happen. Everything in the end comes to a neutral place of our experiences in life and to your point. Of course we can you know in our in our world view at a certain lunar vibrating You know at a certain place we don’t necessarily see that see those things because we don’t we no longer need to see those things. It’s no longer necessary for it to be a part of our experience but it is necessary for it to be a part of you know.

The collective.

Yes, the collective. I mean take a look at and I’m not getting political at all. But if you just take a look at the election in the US right now we’ve got the things coming out really really old thoughts and behaviors and patterns that are so old and so just dark and archaic. But they’re coming up to be healed. They’re coming up so we can say wait we don’t want that anymore. We want the new. And you know without getting political that’s just kind of how I have viewed you know and how I find some peace in that.

Well, actually it’s all very archetypal, very symbolic. But it’s funny you mention the whole at peace so I did a really cool journey. We have one of our experts Eric Weiland is like a, I like to brag all the time. He’s like an 800 year old shaman in a young body but I do a lot of journey work with him. He’s my guide who I trusted implicitly to guide me into some pretty interesting spaces. Got it anyway. But anyway I’ll brag about him later. But. But he took me on his journey and I actually went into this space. It wasn’t the void was well past the void.

I can’t even describe it other than it was like there’s nothing, like nothing. You know he kept asking me questions like well are we going to bring something back in and I was like I literally can do nothing here and I hear this laughing and it wasn’t like the nice kind laugh like how you hear God laughing like it was like smirking like you all are idiots laugh like this is where you came from. There’s nothing here, you know everything, like this is where you started. Why in the world are you pretending that this is where you want to go back to. Like do your work. You know like it was so like they were just like fed up. Like OK we’re just going to squash this right now. Like the whole like enlightenment and all this other stuff like like what you just said with no sand papering with no abrasion with no like you know just any of that we can we can live these very pure clean lives no drama and all this. You know the whole I don’t get angry and all these other things but it’s like. Great we’ve done that before, though. Like we are that like what you know and that’s how I was describing it as a you know I kept saying I am this. I’m not this. I am this, I’m not in it, like I just am it. Like there was no where we all exist. Like I could see all these dimensions we created it but it was like they were itty bitty little pinpoints that I’m like I can’t do anything with them like I can’t touch them. But like there was there was no interaction whatsoever and they’re just like sitting there like “Are you done?” like” Are you clear now that this is ridiculous?” you know and I’m like ooooh. So stop the whole striving thing you’re done. You get it.

Go have fun create what you wanted to create here. Play in the world that you wanted to play in. You know and there’s been levels of that obviously along the journey but that was the most like they were just not nice.

Wow. They were very firm with you.

Ya, they were very Oh you’re so sweet. I would call it something totally different. But yeah we’ll go with firm.

I don’t know if this is an explicit podcast were doing. haha

Hahah oh you’re funny and so I’m glad that you mentioned that it’s like I think on some level we should be careful what we’re asking for.


You know and sure we can all meditate until you know and then go into trance until we transcend our bodies but we’ve done that, you know.

Well and that’s where we’re going back to, so.

Ya, it’ll be there.

We’ve chosen earth life you know to experience this whole humanity thing which is a total trip. And it’s you know and it can be really tough. There’s no doubt about that. But for me getting through it with the utmost just unconditional love and compassion for ourselves and acceptance as we are exactly. Is for me like the foundation of any journey process at all.

So that’s why you’re so much nicer than I am.

Well. Haha

I love the embodiment that you have I really do like I love all of that. And like I said it allows I’m really learning to you in this synergistic collaborative abstract frequency that I play in and to really allow for others to carry certain energies that I just don’t want to carry. Like we really are that multifaceted. And I know it’s there. Like I can go take that and pick it up any time I want to but I don’t have to. I first discovered this in my marriage, what I found when my husband I really got clear around the fact that you know we were a whole entity ourselves and then we came together and created a whole what another whole entity and we allowed that whole entity which was our relationship to kind of blossom and have its own like organic kind of flourishing. Then what I realized was it wasn’t like you talked about the yin and yang and it wasn’t that you know I had both and he had both but it was like exponentially we had more and we got to choose whether that entity carried more of it or one of us carried more and it’s almost like it was like a little treasure box but it was all in the box.

You could just go take what you wanted you didn’t have to carry the box around all the time.

Oh wow.

It was the coolest thing and I’m starting to see that now in collaboration with others so it’s now so much more. And that’s where the whole Super Power concept comes from is that when you come together with other people like you have so many more gifts available to you like it’s the coolest thing.

Yes, absolutely I mean and we are all. It’s not like you know by some weird accident there are seven billion people on this planet to do. Everybody It just should be independent and do their own thing. I mean you know my God we’re all here to help and serve each other and the way that we can do that is by exactly what we’re doing, coming together. You know putting everybody gifts together. I mean how powerful is that, how powerful is that.

Well I tell people even the Avengers play together. You know.


Like as individuals they can only do so much but they come together. The Justice League like I can go on for days with the analogies. But it’s significant that we’re starting to see more and more of that now. So I’m super excited.

Oh yeah, even in like corporate culture it’s all you know. Yeah. It’s changing it’s all it’s all shifting.

Yes, I think it’s a great time to be alive but obviously you and I could you know could keep talking for the next 10 days. But let move on to – SEE! I told you all she’d like my new BFF and I didn’t even know how to pronounce her first name.

Hahaha I don’t know your name but I love you.

Hahaha. That’s exactly right. But let’s wrap up with the big questions we like to ask and that is, do you have a live in your power story that you’d like to share with the listeners?

Sure. Live in your power I know there’s so many because I am a Destiny’s Child. I mean I do just follow that flow. So when I well we can talk about how we got to Hawaii because everybody loves that story. So I had been here many, probably four years before I moved here. I’d come in I had been on Maui with my mom and we were just on vacation and I said, “Oh my god mom this is amazing I’m moving here one day. I’m doing it.” And she knowing me, she said, “Yeah, I’m sure you probably will.”

When I was 30 years old I graduated from acupuncture school and I was living in Austin Texas and I love Texas. I loved Austin but I knew it was time to go. So I said OK what’s my next step.

So I felt into it. I contacted the location astrologer in all of this stuff and my best place is Hawaii and I already knew that. And so I said all right I’m doing it I’m going to move there. I did take some time to plan. I moved I moved back home as like a 30 year olds adults which was really tough. I moved back in with my mom in Minnesota and I planned my move here. And I came to Hawaii. I didn’t know anyone. I had two suitcases. I didn’t have a vehicle didn’t in a job. Nothing.

I just knew this was my place. I had to come here. I had to live here and I just knew it was going to work out. And to support me and if it didn’t then something else would I think I have maybe a thousand dollars like in my bank account. So, it was one of the one of the most intense times in my life of just pure trust. That was then. And so sure I was scared. Yeah I had moments of like holy crap what am I doing what’s going on.

But I just you know I was like alright world I’m doing this and you’re going to support me. That’s it. So it happened I did it. I’m here eight years later it’s my home. I can’t imagine not living here. I love that I have O’Hana here I have you know friends that have become my family and ya. It’s been amazing.

I love that they’re so perfect in it there’s so much power in moving through those spaces so I honor you for you know just persevering in that. That’s very cool.

Thank you. Thanks for letting me…

You’re lovely. Now I just interrupted you. You were thanking me I’ll let you continue if you want. Hahaha

No, that’s okay I was just saying thank you for letting me share that story. Hahaha

Hahaha I’m like no please, please shower me with thanks that’s perfect. Oh my goodness. I’m a hot mess.

I know our listeners are going to want to know more about you. Where can we send them?

Yes, you can send them to my website which is www.wideawakenedhealing.com. There you can find everything, you can find a link to my online course, my 90 day intensive course. I have a blog and a podcast.

So you can find me on my podcast which is Wide Awakened Healing podcast on iTunes. So you can find me there and yeah that’ll get you started.

Awesome. I love that. And thank you so much for joining us, Tarah. It’s been delightful to talk with you.

Absolutely. Thank you for having me.

Very cool. And to you all out there of course as always we appreciate your loyalty. So, thank you for listening. And until next time go out into the world, discover yourSuper Powers, and change the world. Take care of everyone!

Learn more about Tarah Long