Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am over the moon excited to have with me today, Danielle Egnew. She has graced us with her presence, and she instantaneously became one of my new favorite people the second she opens her mouth. You will feel it as soon as I let her speak and I can give her a little bit of space, but I want to brag about her a little bit. We’re talking about a woman who was named, “Psychic of the year” by UFO’s and Supernatural Magazine, and that is no small feat. Not only is she amazing and amazingly gifted but she’s also amazingly generous and contributed to the world of art. And there’s no better accolade I can think to heap upon somebody than that. And so, I really want to not take up all the time bragging about her though I certainly could but I’ll let you all experience her yourself. So please, please join me in welcoming Danielle to the show. Welcome, Danielle!
Thank you so much! This is such a ball to be here with you guys.
We’re kind of fun. I like to tell people that. We’re a good time. But thank you so much for joining us. And like what we like to do with all our guests, we can just throw you right into the mix and ask you, what are your super powers?
You know I really truly think my super powers are the ability to see behind or below what the surface level presentation of any given situation is. I read energy signatures and because I read energy signatures that gives me such a grand opportunity to really look in to not just what people are doing but why they’re doing it. Not just who people present themselves as. But why they present themselves that way. And I love to be able to work as a spiritual and emotional archaeologist. It’s a lot of fun.
Oh, I love that! So much about what you just said resonates deeply. I love the spiritual and emotional archaeologist. That’s awesome. Moreover, the fact because the energy signature is a blast for me too and I feel like I’ve been talking about that for years and it’s like it’s this intangible thing that I should feel so powerful. So how did you get in to all of this?
You know that the super quick note here are that I was in professional music for quite a long time. I used to front a band so you may have heard of in the 90’s, a girl band called “Cope Jane”, and we did our record deal stuff and had a great time. And as in everything in entertainment, it parked and it ended; and I have always had these abilities. And I basically just came forward with them. I came out of the psychic closet during an interim in my music career and now I do both. Now I do this and I’m also blessed to do music and I love the fact that music and the interpretation of messages and timelines. It’s all like channeling aptitude the minute we stop being afraid of what we’ve got to present. Boy, can we do something with our gift!
Wow! That’s beautiful. I love that. And it really does feel like that’s kind of the integrated existence that a lot of us are moving into. You know, we don’t have to choose. You know we can do everything and you know I tell people all the time that vibration and that frequency, the amount that we can do what we can do, the productivity of what we do, it just that it becomes all that more expansive. So, I love that you’re dabbling in all of those different things. And prove that that can work.
Oh, yeah. I mean honestly, it’s just if we just allow ourselves to be and I really believe that this is difficult for many because if you think about it, we aren’t really taught to be. We’re taught to be something not just to be ourselves and to the minute we can just be, then Holy cow, that is such a powerful, powerful freedom tool and a growth tool for everybody really.
Oh, I feel that absolutely! So, what is a typical client for you in the psychic arena?
You know truly that varies. I have been extremely blessed in my lifetime to have clients everywhere from just, you know good old folks like you and me. You know I’m a Montanan and I lived in Los Angeles for 11 years. I also just love my Montana. That’s where I’m living now. All the way to Hollywood studio heads to Fortune 500 executives. Good heavens. It’s been what, to law enforcement sometimes if there are cold cases that need some participation. So, I would say, my typical client tends to be human. That’s what I would tell you.
I love that! Very cool! And I like that you talk about law enforcement stuff. I get asked a lot about, you know my experience in the counter intel world and people constantly ask you know well, “Does the government really use psychics in this and that?”. And then we have the pleasure of working with one of the first participants in a remote viewing department for the government. It is viral. Yeah so it was really you just need to see behind it coz I was still in the closet when I was a spy and I didn’t know that I had these gifts. And honestly, my whole life, I’ve just been told that I was very smart and I didn’t know that It’s easy to appear smart when you’re connected you know since like all of the information there it’s like all the experience coming into that and looking back in retrospect it’s so enlightening to kind of see how it all plays out. So, could you always know that you had those gifts or in looking back did you recognize that?
You know, honest to God? I thought everybody have these gifts because you know, if you can see the color blue, you’re not necessarily going, “Well I have a special gift. I can see the color blue!” You know, you’re just thinking to yourself, “Hey! This is, this is my experience here”.
So, I can’t actually say that I thought that there was anything particularly special about my gift set. I know that something was up when I was 17 and my mom had been talking about an aunt who has died. And I remember talking to her and saying, “Oh yeah, I remember her!” and my mom looked at me and said, “No, you don’t. She died before you were born.” And I remember specifically meeting her and having interactions with her when I was 2. So, I just figured everybody saw people who perhaps had passed on or had dealt with, you know angelic beings. I honestly thought that was normal for everyone.
Mmm… Oh, wow! I am so excited to have you here because the question keeps coming up and I’m interested to get your perspective on it. The idea of the spirits of ancestors who passed on versus like a higher dimensional being and stuff like that, do you in your experience, do the spirits of the individual remain in a constant light condition? Or do they kind of live in and out to present us with certain information or is it something else entirely?
Well, you know it’s been my experience, love, that spirits will vary. They vary. Typically, once we cross over, we connect with the one who does it all, that’s God. And we pretty much get a download of everything. At that point, it’s like, “Oh my Lord!” You know, you get an overview that’s pretty, pretty incredible at that point. So, what I do find tremendous is that spirit will cross over, and once they cross over there is a particular, I guess I would call it knowledge that they have, and if they don’t choose to cross over then that’s what spirits get a little bit confused. You can have that disincarnate Spirit who is wondering what’s going on. That’s what you find in a lot of haunted houses. Once we cross over we really don’t have a desire to hang around here. I mean we can come back with messages but we’re busy on the other side. This is only one tiny form of life and it’s a very brief existence down here. So, once we cross over, we’re in the next phase of our life and we’re cooking with gas hope there.
Awesome! Thank you for sharing that. And the way I kind of wrap my little mind around it, was that you know, because I saw the same thing that once you cross over they connect to that collective and then if they choose to come back in a particular fashion, a lot of times it’s because the person asking for information wants to see it in that way or you know they know that if they appear to them it’s more symbolic because they will hear it differently? Is that in line with what you’re saying?
Absolutely. And I would even take a step further to say that the spirits don’t just hang around. You know we would love to believe that it’s human beings. We would love to believe that our mom and our dad and Aunt Susie and everybody else are just hanging in there waiting for you know, the big conversation with us. No, for real. We are still alive once we cross over and once we cross over we’re actually you know cooking with gas literally all sorts of things. We have tasks on the other side that we like to partake in. And my observation when people cross over is that they’re not just sitting there on a cloud with a harp, you know staring into space. People are there. Geez! So yeah, it’s this myth that when we die, we’re just clinging and hanging around. Sometimes that happens when people die abruptly or a little confused. But that truly is the minority. Most people cross over.
Oh, thank you so much for affirming that. Yeah, that had come up again to me lately. But I appreciate you kind of closing the loop on that question. That’s awesome. I know that you’re very clear that you’re here to impact the world. What would you say, is it kind of you know I know too many different ways. What was one of the ways that you feel like what you’re doing impacts you know collective consciousness?
Wow! That is the best question on earth. Because I think it’s a question that we can all ask ourselves. For me personally I stand in the gap for love. I stand in the gap for temperance. I stand in the gap for compassion and understanding. That doesn’t mean that you always tend to agree with everybody. And that certainly doesn’t mean that you know, condone everything. Frankly I think the word condone is egotistic. Who cares who condones what? Good works. I don’t really. Really! Who cares? I really do. I stand in the gap for the big picture and the big picture truly at is that we are all connected and we may be different and we’re supposed to be different because God is different. You know if it takes 365 billion of us to hold individual spiritual truth then when we put those altogether then actually can be viewed from space as the overview of one tenth of what creation is or God. I mean we all hold a puzzle piece and if we apply ourselves then we start to see the big picture. So, I would say my work in this world is to really encourage folks to be fearless in applying themselves and fearless in applying that which is their highest gift and talent.
Mmm… Oh, beautiful I just want to like shout “Amen!” from the mountaintop for that one. That’s perfect. That courage and fearlessness is so powerful. And what I’m seeing is how many people are watching. You know wanting to know, is it safe to be fearless? Is it safe to be bold? Like, what happens when we dare to go outside the traditional rules of the tribe? Do we survive this time? Like is it okay, and it’s the more people who are willing to stand up and say you know, this is okay like this is, not only is it okay but it is what we came here to do. It is the experience that we wanted to have. And just stay small, and fear goes against all of that. And so, I honor you for not only modeling that but for teaching that in everything that you do.
Oh, thank you very much, Tonya! You know I truly believe that each one of us has a tremendous capacity to pass on our highest gifts and talents and love. And I think as we come out of their 20s or I would call it, oh good heavens, the twenty or “twentieth century thinking” you know of limitation “Oh, you can’t do this, you have to do that”. And we all come together in possibility. This world is changing and it’s changing so fast and it’s so exciting. I love to see the beautiful changes coming in.
Mmm… I do, too. That’s awesome. So, talk to me about TV. Let’s get a little sensational for a second. So you’ve been on a number of TV shows. What was that like? Talk to me about it.
I love doing television.
You know why? it’s not even the star aspect of it which you know, that’s fine. I love it because it reaches so many people with an overlying message and all the TV projects I’ve had opportunities to appear in have been just awesome. You know from crime solving shows where they take psychics in to help work on cold cases, all the way down to the paranormal investigation which I love or I have an upcoming, actually shoot that I can’t talk a whole lot about but it’s later this month in July where I’m dealing with UFOs. I love to bring messages forward and TV is such a cool way to do that.
Absolutely! Well let’s just break it in. I just had that image of you just like not busting through but like Tick! Tick! Tick! And then like the glass like spiders like, you’re just kind of like a giggling girl and all this kind of come all the way and you go over here and then like Tap! Tap! Tap! And it does the same thing. That’s an awesome image.
I love that analogy! That’s awesome! Well and it’s true and yeah, there’s a lot people who can say about television and there’s good programming and there’s programming that’s not so good. I’ve been very fortunate in that all of the different projects that I have been offered especially the ones that I’ve accepted, have really had a higher message to them in one way or the other. Even when I was consulting, and the CW has a hit show called, “Supernatural” and I did a lot of consultation for them on their angelic storylines. And bringing how they even brought angels there and I did a lot of consulting with one of their head writers at the time who later became a producer about what angels were really like! And you know bringing that angel modality through rather than thinking that angels are these fluffy, puffy little things which they can be. But wooh! They got a lot more into their hood than just fluff and puff!
They’re like, what, no harp?
Yeah, I mean really!
They have swords!
They do. They do.
I feel like, surprise! Now, we’re gonna have to think of the entire storyline on that one.
Pretty much!
I feel like, “I don’t know how to break this to you, but, that’s not going to work.”
We are huge CW fans. If you know, we, at Super Power Experts, is like we literally are taking that entire method in one bringing everybody into the same message and hitting it main stream where people can you know can hear it in a way that’s not alarming to them. You know we touch the people you know wouldn’t necessarily call a Psychic, when you know when you go into a metaphysical shop. And what I appreciate about you is the real down to earth embracing feel of who you are because it’s so essential to me. I think that for the longest time people who had access to knowledge felt like that was power and they kept it. They shared it. But it was shared in a selective way that it was shared from a perspective of you know. Only, only certain people can do that. And so, the fact that you’re willing to say what, not just me, but you too. You know you can get that, you can access it. Let me be that gateway and that guide. But this is for you also. And so, you know where we saw a big gap in the market space was in just mainstreaming that. And that’s our goal to bring amazing people like you and some of these awesome people who’ve been on the fringes of society who have these amazing super powers like you but in hiding because it just wasn’t, it didn’t feel safe to talk about it and really starting to break all that down. But it takes the people like you really being out there and pioneering that in cool ways. I mean television that that’s huge that you know that that message can be shared there not just the message of the sensationalism of it but the message that’s so full of heart and that frequency of love that you embody. You know that’s no small feat. And I, for one, I fully honor you for doing that.
Aww! Well, thank you! You know, really as we were saying before we started the interview I believe that we’re all part of a team like down here. And I really, truly do believe that whether or not we are coming in with any kind of psychic gift or intuitive gift or really a compassionate gift, just the fact that people are alive on this earth, IS a gift.
And absolutely. You know, you don’t think about this very often or most people don’t. Yet if you come forward and you say “Hey, I’m a Psychic.” That was kind of hard for me at first because I was raised in a traditional religious family in Montana and it was actually easier for me to come out as a gay woman than it was for me to come out as a psychic. That was rough. I was just like, “Oh my God!” You know I could handle the lesbian comments, but I cannot handle the psychic comments. I can’t do it.
Oh, I love it! It is very true. I found myself in a similar situation coming out of the spy arena and the next thing you know I’m reading tarot cards and people are coming to me with, “I want to talk to you about your other gift”. I’m like what? I was like, uh no, no, no. Like I can’t do this. I agree with you. It’s challenging and at the same time it’s the absolute most freeing thing I have ever done.
Well, absolutely! And bless you, bless you for coming forward in a media format like this and to let people know that you have these gifts because as we just let people know what we’re capable of. And I’m talking about anyone that gives someone else permission to bring their talents and gifts and forward you know their talent forward. I do a significant amount of translation for angelic things. That’s a huge part of my practice. You know angels aren’t people so they don’t exactly speak people. They don’t. I mean, you know, the fact they don’t get enough of a little bit of interesting finesse when you’re dealing with those entities. And one of the interesting points was when I was dealing with it, I was visiting with the head writer for The CW at the time about some other stuff and I actually brought it up to her. I said why don’t you, because I was a huge fan of their show, and I said, “Why don’t you have angels on your show?” And she came back with, “Well, we’d love to but we have no idea how to incorporate the angels and not just have it be this cheesy touched by an angel or whatever.” And that’s when I leaned in to her and I said, “Oh darling you don’t know angels very well. Let me talk to you about what they’re like. I think it’s really neat that they actually incorporated all that biblical stuff. And of course, it was the writers that brought those characters to life. And it’s just I think we all do our part by bringing what we’re given to the forefront.
Awww, that’s so awesome. I love that.
My husband channeled and has recently been willing to come out and kind of talk about that a little bit. And one night he channeled his bees and I’m like, “Who are you?” You know, and I was trying to have some semblance of intelligent conversation with them and they’re like they were telling me that they were from like the fifty sixth dimension and I’m like, Okay, and every question I want to ask is like idiotic. It was like you just did it. Then they were like, “What?” I just had this overwhelming knowingness that, okay, I’ve got to up my game a little bit here like it was such a challenge to dialogue in that way when you realize like majority of our gods you know as “human beings”, are a pretty miniscule, you know, in the overall scheme of things. And I go to ask a question like, “Okay, that’s silly.” And so once I got going it was a little bit easier but I was like that was a challenge. You know that? That was tough like you know two or three times where it got easier. But it’s a whole other language. I love that you say that you translate because it’s so eye opening. When you see from that perspective.
Oh, I would absolutely agree. And really when people ask me, what do you do? As a psychic? I really truly do consider myself a translator
because at the base level of all things I’m translating not only messages. I do a ton of offworlder translation. Obviously, we’re not the only life in the universe and galaxies and so we’ve got all these wonderful E.T. or off-world community. Extradimensinal folks and then the translation goes down to energy signatures as well! Timelines and future and all kinds of stuff. But honest to God the media prefers the term “psychic” rather than “translator” so that’s what I get called a lot.
Awesome! What’s the word that you were using? You said ET’s and what was the other word?
I call them “offworlders”, because I just think Alien sound so diminutive you know, I mean well probably alien to them and frankly they are not alien they’ve been here longer than we have. So, you know, they just don’t live on this planet. So, there you go.
Yeah and I like that phrase, and I’m not even remotely interested in letting you go, but I want to honor your time. So, the last question that we’ll ask is the you know like I mentioned to you we’d like to give our listeners some sort of an idea of what it looks like to live an intuitive life to you know trust your knowingness to tap into that information. I mean we call that, “living in your power”. Do you have an example or a story that you can share with us of a time when you chose to follow your intuitive guide and what transpired?
Oh, yeah. Boy there’s so many. The one that I would throw over there is simply very recently very recently I’ll use a recent one. I try to stay out of politics believe it or not. Even though I’ve had some things recently that I’ve put out that have dealt with politics and I wanted to stay out of the whole daze thing because politics just gets stupid real fast. And I was receiving such heavy, heavy messages. Overviews of what this particular presidential election represented and what all the characters were and I just thought to myself, “You got to be kidding me. Please get this information to somebody else”. If angels came back and they said we are not doing anything with it and then passing it along. Yeah and I thought well this is just stupid if everybody pass it along. So actually, you know I ripped out this video, in my robe on a Saturday morning, because the message was so profound to get it out there and I thought you know, whatever. Maybe a few people will see this on my Facebook page or you know I’m blessed to have some YouTube subscribers to my channel so maybe they’ll see it, what not. But the video went viral and I got a call from the Washington. Oh, my God. I got a call from the Washington Post and another blog I had done prior to that regarding what Donald Trump’s role is just spiritually in this whole thing. And so, if you’re talking just honoring your gut and going for it even though you kind of don’t want to. That would be my most recent example.
Oh, I love it. And thank you for that. I like that we talk about you like bravery and fearlessness. There’s always an upper level to that you know. So, you know good kudos to you to continuing to up level. I know our listeners are loving this and we want to know more about you, where is the best place for us to find more about you?
Oh, heck you guys can head over to my website www.danielleegnew-adviser.com or you can hit me up on Facebook. There are a lot. And that’s just Danielle Egnew. I’ve got a couple of pages and a private page you can hit me up on. I’m on Twitter. Same name.
Perfect. Well, thank you so much! If you’re up for it, I’d love to have you back. Maybe we can pick a topic or something for you to talk to our listeners on. This has been absolutely delightful. And I know they’re going to want to hear more from you. So, thank you for joining us.
You are so very welcome. I would be honored to come back any time. And peace, and blessings to you and your listeners.
Awesome. Thank you so much! And to everyone out there as always, we absolutely appreciate your loyalty and take care, and continue to forge ahead with your super powers. Until next time.
Bye, everybody!
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