
MYP 103 Worksheet


Everything that you’ve seen as possible _________________________ on the other side of this aspect of

the journey.

What you’ve been doing is taking up all the _________________________ programs that got implanted,

identifying them, playing with them and reshaping and rewriting the ones that are not in


You get to lean into trust now. This sets the stage for the journey into _________________________.

Collaboration and Oneness

The pursuit of _________________________ is a BIG concept. It is the space where we get that we are

all an aspect of the divine and the same energy source and cannot be anything but.

In the _________________________ _________________________ is when the building and creation

can start.

Collaboration gets us through to oneness and THERE IS NO OTHER WAY THROUGH. Your

_________________________ _________________________ cannot culminate until you move into the

_________________________ space.


Cooperation theory is a movement credited to _________________________

_________________________, founder of CEO Space, who dedicated his life to teaching and spreading

cooperative theory and teaching people how to play nicely together.

As it is said, you can go faster alone but further _________________________.                                                             


As people master their personal power, they start to see that there is more than just cooperative theory.

The next phase of this is _________________________.

You can _________________________ cooperation, but you can’t _________________________

collaboration. Collaboration requires a degree of awareness.

There is a shared _________________________ concept in collaboration, even if we don’t agree.

Synergistic Collaboration

“Synergistic collaboration is the exponential power of multiple forces working in concert with one

another. The resulting impact is _________________________ in the energetic space between.”

If aspects of you haven’t been fully _________________________, they will camp out in lower

frequencies and prevent you from moving forward and it will likely be painful.

The Invitation

The invitation here is to continue in the pursuit of _________________________. The human aspects of

us have to continue to evolve on this journey.

You now understand – if you are still going into triggers and emotional responses, recognize that it is a

_________________________ at this point.

True_________________________ is the invitation.