Manage the Mind
We answer to a higher power. Rather than second-guessing ourselves and getting worked up about what we’re doing Spirit comes in and says, Trust me. Let everything flow, practice the law of reciprocity by giving fully and surrendering completely.
Manage your mind. Sometimes it takes years for people to become okay with this idea, but this process opens up the space to let Spirit and the divine work. We have to stop and address where the mind is hesitant and not interested in being obedient. The mind will make up all these scenarios and bring up past failures to try and convince you to not listen to the spirit that’s guiding you.
The lower frequencies that come through our minds are designed to keep us where we’re at. They don’t want us to evolve, they don’t want to move, change is scary and the only aspect that can guide us through these changes is our communion with the divine.
Any thought that’s not in alignment with what you heard from Spirit has to be integrated and has to get healed. You cannot step into the space that Spirit has created for you if you have restrictions coming up in your mind. It won’t work.