
This portion of the curriculum rests on the foundation of remembering yourself as an aspect of the divine (something bigger than ourselves). That IS the foundation for this work. As we move into the personal development techniques, it’s super important to relax into your established belief structure. Do not attempt to utilize these developmental training concepts without first connecting into the highest aspect of yourself, whether through prayer, meditation, walking in nature, or whatever process you established throughout the first portion of the curriculum.

Before employing any personal development, business development or relationship development training tools: Stop. Take a breath. Connect to oneness.

The techniques covered in the remainder of the material are predicated on two things:

  1. Belief that we are an aspect of the divine
  2. Adherence to the concept of the projection

Getting Started

In this lesson of the Master Your Personal Power course, we delve into the Inside Out Game. We use this process to expedite and smooth out the journey of development. By using processes and techniques both internally and externally as we look out at the world, we see the mirroring that the projection provides. When we can see others as mirrored aspects of ourselves, we can integrate lessons and transmute energy with a high degree of success. This is especially helpful as we move energy stored from tough situations, loss, trauma, broken hearts, illness, etc. In this lesson we learn how to harness the power within this concept and use it to better understand collective consciousness and our role within it.