How does one become a Divine Channel? As you dive deeper into this topic, you will realize that as you channel energy, you are no longer a receiver, but a transmitter. And when you’re transmitting, you’re actually opening this channel within your own body. In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewel Arnes and Erika Barth talk about how we are a conductor for Divine Energy to transmit frequency to move beyond reflection. Listen in now and join Jewels and Erika as they talk more about how to consciously transmit energy and eventually become a Divine Channel.

Namaste. So family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness and this is the reprogramming reality series, and I have my co host, Erika.

Blessings, everybody.

We are so excited to talk about being a divine channel. We are in San Diego right now, and have just had the most amazing insights and downloads as we connect our frequencies and just listen to divine counsel. Yesterday, we both were feeling into the different frequency we were experiencing while earthing.

Yes, and what we have noticed is that, for those that are familiar with earthing, we were talking about receiving the ions, the negative and positive ions and the electric charges that run through our body. So we were going into a little bit deeper of what is that truth beyond it and we came to the conclusion and the beautiful download realization that we are … as we channel energy, we are no longer a receiver, but a transmitter.

And when we’re transmitting, we’re actually opening this channel within our own body. The way I see it is it just goes right through the top of the head and out through the sacral chakra, but also, now it’s moving down the legs and out the feet and bringing very specific energy channels into the earth. What that’s doing is, as we walk the earth, we’re laying down sequences for other people to bring up.


So there’s going to be those of us that reach a certain frequency, where we become that channel, we become the conductor, bringing that energy in and then transmitting it either out through our body or down through our feet.

I love that you brought that up because a lot of times when we start an ascension process, we always talk about needing to ground ourselves through the energy because the energy seems like a lot and so we want to ground ourselves with our feet. What we’re noticing now is that we are actually transmitting that energy. Our body has become the conductor and we are feeding energy from above and below and it’s flowing through us as a channel. We don’t need to pull up from the ground. We are actually transmitting down into the ground.

By doing that, I think at least for myself personally, it actually elevates my frequency to be the transmitter versus being the receiver and I think that we’re going to start to see that in a lot of our relationships now.

Right, and we even noticed it when we got to hug for the first time in however long it’s been since we’ve seen each other. Our exchange, our physical exchange was a transmission instead of a reception. When you think about that, that’s a higher frequency and that’s so much energy exchanged that now, as we start to resurface and as people are physically touching once again, they’re going to find that the energy being transferred is more of a transmission than a reception, more than a give and a take, but an equal transmission.

It’s really beautiful. If you can think about what it would be like for … let’s just say the 144 souls that will awaken humanity start transmitting and are very … and I think the difference is that we’re probably all transmitting on a certain level, but now that we have the conscious understanding that that’s what we’re doing, it’s only going to amplify what is actually being transmitted.

And you said it perfectly. We are now consciously transmitting, where before we may have been doing it unconsciously, so we didn’t necessarily put the frequency or the intention behind it, but now that we know that we have this power and our bodies are the conductor, we are … the conductor is being that channel of energy, honing in the intention and frequency behind that actual transmission is going to make this so powerful, which is why new earth pathways is so powerful, because when we do get the 144,000 souls or more doing the same transmission that we are, the earth has no choice but to tip. It has no choice. The earth, the planet has no choice but to actually shift and change, because we’re transmitting the energy for them to change.

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It is amazing. So, let’s take a really quick break about talking about Become a Divine Channel. but before we do, if you’re interested in becoming part of the 144,000 that will tip the scale to 51% and claim heaven on earth, go to

Then of course, if you’re interested in reprogramming your cells to hold this reality, go to and look under Decu. We’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.