SPM – What is Intuitive in the Mind Body Connection?
Are you wondering what is intuitive in the mind/body connection? Do you have a “go to” strategy when you are feeling on edge and struggling to keep grounded and centered? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Vitality Coach Alissa Okrent as shares her expertise in assisting so many in, as she describes, Energy Management from the Inside Out concept. In this show, you will lead to explore the value behind having a “go to” practice that can aid you in staying in, or returning to, grace and harmony as you learn techniques that will assist you in tapping back into your intuitive connection when life is unraveling. You are warmly invited to join this interactive discussion and really “feel” the gifts provided in this conversation. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Laura Greco and you're listening to SuperPower Mommas. I am so [...]