SPS – Creating that Spiritual Center in Your Heart Focused Business

Sharon Wilson, Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of the Coaching from Spirit Institute, joins Jennifer Urezzio on the SuperPowers of the Soul show to guide people in creating a spiritual center in heart-focused businesses. Sharon shares 20 years of experience in supporting individuals on how to use an inner and outer approach to selling, marketing, creating, and expanding a heart-centered business. Listen in as they provide tools and insights on to understand the spiritual center of your heart focused business. Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And I'm with Sharon Wilson today and we're talking about creating that spiritual center in your hearts focused business. So let's talk. So I love this topic. I am so from the heart, from spirit. I spent 17 years in marketing and PR, where I [...]

2019-02-04T15:32:36-07:00February 10th, 2019|

SPS – Investing In Yourself – Personal Advancement

Jen Moff, Founder of MagicalMindfulness.com, joins SuperPowers of the Soul host Jennifer Urezzio to discuss the importance of investing in yourself for personal advancement. Jen’s sacred purpose is to be seen and help others feel safe being seen as well. She shares with Jennifer the keys to personal advancement including moving away from consumption and comparison. Listen in and learn how you can start investing and nurturing yourself today. Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today, I'm with Jen Moff and we're going to be talking about investing in yourself, personal advancement. Welcome, Jen. Thank you so much. I'm happy to be here with a fellow Jen, Jennifer, nice. I'm very excited, yay. I always love to start these conversations with understanding what you consider the super power of your soul. [...]

2019-01-25T19:00:39-07:00January 27th, 2019|

SPS – The Conscious Mind

Renée Emery, Coach and Mind-set Mentor, joins Jennifer Urezzio on the SuperPowers of the Soul show to share her insights on love and the power of harnessing the conscious mind. Renée is a self-proclaimed seeker who helps smart, capable women reconnect to their passion and purpose. She shares how creating stillness can transform your life. Listen in as Renée and Jennifer explore the steps you can use to create true transformation through activating the conscious mind. Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower expert and founder of Soul Language. And this is SuperPowers of The Soul. And I'm very excited because I get to spend the day today with Renee Emery. And the topic is, The Conscious Mind. Welcome, Renee. Thank you, Jennifer. I am so excited to be here. It's going to be really fun. So here's my first question I ask everyone, what [...]

2019-01-08T16:34:44-07:00January 13th, 2019|

SPS – Building Self-Confidence After Co-Dependence

Gail Ferguson Jones, who empowers women to get their sexy back mentally and physically, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about how building self-confidence is key to releasing codependent relationships. Gail Ferguson Jones is an award-winning journalist, motivational speaker, certified workshop facilitator, and author. She is also a survivor of three generations of alcoholics in her immediate family. She hit a personal rock bottom before finding new hope, self-love and healing from co-dependency. Listen in as Gail and Jennifer discuss this important topic of how to know you are in a co-dependent relationship and what tools you need to build your confidence again. Hello, everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert, and founder of Soul Language. This is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today we're here with Gail Ferguson Jones and the topic is building self-confidence after co-dependence. Welcome, Gail! Welcome. Thank you for having me. Thank [...]

2018-12-19T10:03:59-07:00December 30th, 2018|

SPS – The Inner Work of Healthy Relationships

Stephanie Lee is a Master’s level Therapist and Lifestyle Strategist, she joins Jennifer Urezzio on the SuperPowers of the Soul show to share how inner work is the key to healthy relationships. Stephanie is a lover of helping people, self-discovery and transformation and that is clear during this interview. Listen in as Jennifer and Stephanie share their experiences around creating loving and healthy relationships. Hello, everyone, and welcome! I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul and I'm with Stephanie Lee today. And we're gonna talk about the inner work of healthy relationships. Welcome, Stephanie! Thank you for having me! I'm so excited. I'm so excited that you're here and, of course, the first question that I ask every guest is what do you consider the super power of your soul? The super power of my [...]

2018-12-03T23:52:34-07:00December 16th, 2018|

SPS – The Spiritual Relationship of Money

Jennifer Bloome, a Soul Abundance Guide, Energy Healer, and Master Soul Language Practitioner, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about the spiritual relationship of money. She teaches people how to communicate directly with their Soul, so they can co-create a flow of soul-based abundance in alignment with their gifts, talents, and true nature. During this interview, she explains how we all have a spiritual relationship with money and how it is easy to create a more powerful and profound with abundance. Listen in as Jennifer and Jennifer discuss moving from lack to a new abundance paradigm. Hello, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, and this is ... and I'm a SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And I am here today with Jennifer Bloome, and the topic is The Spiritual Relationship of Money. Welcome, Jennifer. Hello, thank you for having me. I'm [...]

2018-11-30T15:03:58-07:00December 2nd, 2018|

SPS – The Individual Consciousness of Love

Nat Couropmitree guides visionary leaders to live their lives through the energetic frequency of their truest selves and to discover individual consciousness. He joins Jennifer Urezzio of SuperPowers of the Soul as they explore about the topic of how get to achieve the individual consciousness of love. Nat hosts the Bold Magnificence Podcast, where his guests share stories about having the courage to live in alignment with what lights them up. Listen in as he and Jennifer talk about the ways to achieve individual consciousness of love as well as where to find the different powerful sources to create a space to experience ease, joy, and adventure at the present moment. Hello everyone and welcome, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And I'm, today, so excited to be with one of my favorite people on [...]

2018-11-05T23:06:46-07:00November 18th, 2018|

SPS – Brain Consciousness and Happiness

Mary Shores, author of Conscious Communications, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about brain consciousness and happiness. Mary believes that you can live a life you love and it all starts with your decision to take the first step. She also shares the important role your brain plays in consciousness and happiness. Listen in as Jennifer and Mary chat about how to take the first step toward consciousness and happiness. Hello everyone and welcome, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is Super Powers of the Soul. Today, I'm with Mary Shores, and the topic is consciousness and happiness. Welcome, Mary. Hey, it's so great to be here. Thank you so much, Jennifer. I'm so excited. So I always like to start with a first question, which is what do you consider your super power of your soul? My super [...]

2018-11-03T17:17:33-07:00November 4th, 2018|

SPS – Consciously Raw

Jan Stringer, the creator of the Strategic Attraction Plan, joins Jennifer Urezzio to share how being consciously raw can transform your life and your relationships. Jan’s Strategic Attraction Plan is a process that has been used with thousands of entrepreneurs and business professionals in all kinds of markets to create a strong business foundation upon which to stand. Jan chats openly about experiences where she had to be vulnerable and seen. Listen in as Jennifer and Jan discuss the power of being consciously raw. Hello, everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language. This is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today I'm with Jan Stringer, and we are talking, the topic is called Consciously Raw. Welcome, Jan. Hi, thank you. Hi. I'm so excited you to be here. I've followed you for years, so this is very exciting. I know I [...]

2018-10-17T13:08:42-07:00October 21st, 2018|

SPS – Tools for Conscious Systems

Brad Gudim, also known as MagicBrad, is part of America’s hot new generation of business and product promoters. He joins Jennifer Urezzio on the SuperPowers of the Soul show to talk about conscious systems and to share the tools for developing them. Brad turns small into big and big into bigger. His credits include an impressive list of trade shows, expos, and product promotions and a long list of clients like Marriott Hotels, CIMA Labs, and many more. Listen in as he shares his vast marketing and sales knowledge and experiences and he shares with Jennifer the different tools to use for conscious systems. Hello, I am Jennifer Urezzio, a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language. This is SuperPowers of the Soul. I am with Brad Gudim today. The topic today is tools for conscious systems. Welcome Brad, how are you? I am wonderful [...]

2018-10-07T09:08:41-07:00October 7th, 2018|

SPS – Conscious Activity of Power and Self-Love

Ann Evanston, world-renowned speaker, consultant and trainer, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about the immense transformative impact of harnessing the conscious activity of power and self-love. Ann has over 25 years of experience in the fields of influence, personal power and inspired leadership. She has traveled the nation for over 20 years delivering workshops, retreats and keynotes empowerment and leadership. Listen in as Ann shares her wisdom and experience delving into the relationship between power and self-love. Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Jennifer Urezzio and I am a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language. This is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today I'm with Ann Evanston and the topic is Conscious Activity of Power and Self Love. Welcome, Ann. Hi, Jennifer. Thanks for having me. I'm so excited you are here. Me, too. The first question I ask all of the guests are [...]

2018-08-13T14:50:40-07:00September 23rd, 2018|

SPS – Being Conscious of Our Ancestors

Dr. Monique Hunt, a spiritual teacher and Chief Intuitive Officer of the Ancestor Wisdom School, joins Jennifer Urezzio to share her commitment to being conscious of our ancestors. Monique uses the healing power of life stories and guidance from clients’ ancestors to create a clear path for living their soul’s purpose. She is a third generation intuitive and specializes in ancestor connection and communication. Listen in as she and Jennifer talk about the innate and powerful wisdom experienced through being conscious of our ancestors. Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio. I'm a Super Power Expert And founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. We are with Dr. Monique Hunt today. I'm so excited. We're talking about being conscious of our ancestors, which is such an amazing topic. Welcome Doctor M. Thank you. Thank you for inviting me to be here with [...]

2018-08-10T13:31:56-07:00September 9th, 2018|

SPS – Accessing Your Soul Consciousness

Rachel Alexandria, Soul Medic and Reality Mentor, joins Jennifer Urezzio to share her experience working with clients to access their soul consciousness. Rachel worked for eight years as a licensed psychotherapist and then transitioned into assisting her clients with unique ways to “adult” using non-traditional modalities. Her clients become masterful at expressing their truth and stepping up to create powerful lives of purpose and meaning. Listen in as she shares her wisdom, experience and secrets with Jennifer and the audience and encourages them to pursue accessing their soul consciousness. Hello everyone, this is Jennifer Urezzio Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language. And this is SuperPowers of the Soul, and I am here today with Rachel Alexandria. And the topic today is your soul consciousness. Welcome, Rachel. Hello, I'm so glad to be here. I'm so excited that you are here today as well. And [...]

2018-08-08T11:30:51-07:00August 26th, 2018|

SPS – Ownership of Your Beliefs and Identity as a Function of Consciousness

Malcolm and Simone Collins, creators of ArtCorgi.com, an art commission marketplace, join Jennifer Urezzio to tackle the intricate concept of taking ownership of your beliefs and identity as a function of consciousness. Malcolm and Simone bring diverse backgrounds to the conversation of consciousness. Malcolm’s neuroscience focus of brain-computer interface led him to Stanford University in pursuit of entrepreneurship. Simone managed 20,000 freelance writers before joining up with Malcolm in their art commission brainchild. Listen in as they bring their wealth of knowledge and experience to the abstract concept of consciousness. Hello, everyone, and I am Jennifer Urezzio. I'm a Super Power Expert and the founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I have to tell you, of all the people, and there have been a lot of people that I've interviewed, these two are crazy in a good way. It's Malcolm and [...]

2018-07-10T20:58:05-07:00August 12th, 2018|

SPS – Having a Conscious Mind and Heart

Trista Haggerty, founder of The School of Inner Alchemy and Sacred Mountain Tours, joins Jennifer Urezzio to share with the SuperPowers of the Soul audience the importance of having a conscious mind and heart. Over twenty years ago, Trista started traveling to sacred sites around the world where she was trained in ancient rites of passage and initiations. Now she takes small groups to powerful sites of activation and healing where individuals experience miraculous healing and an unlocking of personal knowledge and wisdom. Trista and her husband, Ricardo, also co-founded The Earth Mentoring Institute, a wilderness education and retreat center. Listen in as she and Jennifer share how to tap into the innate power that emerges from having a conscious mind and heart. Hello, everyone and welcome. I am Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. [...]

2018-08-03T19:57:49-07:00July 29th, 2018|

SPS – The Mind and Consciousness of a Master Healer

Dr. Heather Clark, an intuitive coach, healer, speaker, and author, joins Jennifer Urezzio to discuss the mind and consciousness. Heather focuses on guiding individuals to understand their internal selves and repattern their lives to create support and freedom. Her programs include: 21 Days To Transformation for the Master Healer – which guides healers to know that they are whole. This allows them to be of service to themselves and others. After her own recovery from severe burnout, she helped many others recover quickly, safely, and permanently using her Burnout Cure program. Heather awakened to her purpose when she realized that the root cause of burnout isn’t ‘just’ stress, it is the stress of pretending to be someone you aren’t. Listen in as she talks about the mind and consciousness of a master healer. Hello everyone and welcome. I am Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and Founder [...]

2018-06-19T20:36:31-07:00July 15th, 2018|

SPS – Creating Solutions with Conscious Thought

Lisa Manyon, creator of the NEW marketing and copywriting model for success, joins Jennifer Urezzio to explore conscious thought. Lisa created a simple 3-step formula: Challenge, solution and invitation to create marketing messages with integrity. She provided this framework to break the trance, challenge the status quo and engage critical thinking. She firmly believes that Copy is QUEEN and Strategy is KING - successfully challenging the age-old adage that copy is king. Listen in as she shares her strategies in creating solutions with conscious thought. Hello everyone, and welcome. I am Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPower Up! I'm a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and you're listening to SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm here today with Lisa Manyon. What we're talking about, creating solutions with conscious thought. I'm so excited, so welcome, Lisa. Thank you. I am delighted to be here. Yah. [...]

2018-06-19T19:36:02-07:00July 1st, 2018|

SPS – Spiritual Enlightenment Through Relationships

Tatiana Berindei, a Super Power Expert and  host of Sex, Love and SuperPowers, joins Jennifer Urezzio to inspire relationships through spiritual enlightenment. Throughout her career as an ordained minister and spiritual counsellor, Tatiana has been passionate in supporting the courageous women and men called to this work to help them reclaim their feminine power and embrace their sexuality in a profound and healthy way. In her past, Tatiana lived through the trauma of emotionally and psychically abusive relationships, depression and grief. These experiences fuelled her to gather the tools, education, and experience that she now uses to help guide people into deeper relationship with themselves and others. Listen in as she talks about spiritual enlightenment and how it can help relationships. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul and I'm here [...]

2018-06-15T19:24:20-07:00June 17th, 2018|

SPS – Being Conscious In Love

Kate Houston, dating and love coach, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about her superpowers and share her wisdom about being conscious in love. After going through the roller coaster of being single, married, divorced with kids and back to dating, including joining every online dating site, Kate genuinely understands what it is like to be a single midlife woman looking for lasting love. So she put her real-life librarian research skills to work and set out to “master” this thing called love, end her own personal struggle and figure out the strategy to get it right. Based on the knowledge, experience, and skills that she learned, Kate now shares the collective wisdom to help countless women over forty find lasting love, too. Listen in as she explains the magic of being conscious in love. Hello everyone, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language [...]

2018-05-27T18:38:00-07:00June 3rd, 2018|

SPS – Super Power Kids Talk Soul

Neva Lee Recla, an author, entrepreneur, and host of Super Power Kids show, joins Jennifer Urezzio to explore the super power, kids. She’s on a mission to inspire other kids by sharing her experiences as a young entrepreneur. Neva joined her parents at her first CEO Space business conference at 2 years-old and she never looked back. One of her first businesses was a philanthropic venture called Spreading Light, Love and Pixie Dust™. This venture continues today with Neva drawing pictures and creating poems for wounded warriors and veterans. Through her corporate sponsorship program, Neva has distributed more than 2000 pictures to veterans around the nation. Listen in as she talks about Super Power Kids Talk Soul. Hello everyone and welcome, I'm Jennifer Urezzio Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul, and I get to talk to Neva Lee Recla [...]

2018-05-19T11:03:01-07:00May 20th, 2018|

SPS – Being Fully Conscious of Your Supernova Moment

Barbera Aimes, Online Business Mentor and Freedom Navigator joins Super Power Expert Jennnifer Urezzio to walk listeners through being fully conscious of your supernova moment. Barbera specializes in helping emerging coaches and other change-makers navigate the complexities of Internet Marketing. She also specializes in guiding them to release self-imposed limitations of the mind and forge the shortest path to financial independence and a joy-filled life. Listen in as she and Jennifer talk about the role of soul in experiencing irrevocable change in a supernova moment. Hello everyone. I am Jennifer Urezzio and I am a Super Power Expert and the founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of Your Soul. I am so lucky today to talk to Barbera Aimes and the topic today is, Being Fully Conscious of Your Supernova Moment. Welcome Barbera. Hi Jennifer. Hi, I'm so honored that you're here with me [...]

2018-05-04T19:04:58-07:00May 6th, 2018|

SPS – Are We Conscious?

Dr. Rev. Frankie Timmers, a Religious Science minister, joins Jennifer Urezzio to discuss the topic about: are we conscious. She’s a dynamic speaker and teacher of metaphysics, a counselor, and an organizer of Center activities. She also conducts weekly lunch hour meditation sessions which are open to the public. She has been a guest on panels and radio/television shows. She presently teaches meditation at the Morristown Correction Facility. Dr. Frankie is a captivating soul and lives her life tuned into Spirit in a way that is contagious. Her ministry is all about celebrating who we REALLY are – Spirit in Expression. She takes the Science of Mind teaching and principles very seriously – and herself very lightly. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom regarding the question - are we conscious? Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder [...]

2018-04-19T16:36:56-07:00April 22nd, 2018|

SPS – The Conscious State of Self Care

Tammy Lee Schumacher, Diva of Laughter, author, and life coach, joins Jennifer Urezzio to explain the conscious state of self care. As a professional laugher and humorist, she brings new meaning to the words, ‘Exceptional and Magnificent’. She is internationally recognized for her extremely contagious laugh and humor. She has been a guest on radio, worked in commercials, invited to speak publicly to hundreds of teens, Emcee for comedians, entertained audiences with her unique humor and laugh, and has recorded and produced life changing CD’s. With more than 20 years of deep spiritual work, Tammy Lee has the ability to touch people on a soul level. She continues to study human potential and spirituality and making the ongoing commitment to living one's best life. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom about self-care. Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder [...]

2018-04-05T18:44:17-07:00April 8th, 2018|

SPS – SuperPowers of the Soul

Executive Director, Tonya Dawn Recla, joins Super Power Expert Jennifer Urezzio, creator of Soul Language, in this debut episode of SuperPowers of the Soul. Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, you're Super Power Expert. And I'm so excited about my first episode ever of SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm with Super Power Experts Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla. How lucky am I? This is a woman who created a whole community of individuals wanting to access and utilize their superpowers of their soul to create amazing lives and businesses. She has put together a community of experts and a whole lot of tools to help people really access all the wisdom that they can and to receive from it. Welcome, Tonya. Hello, hello. How are you? I am really, really amazing. And I'm so excited because you created this huge vision which has kind [...]

2018-03-19T22:08:52-07:00March 25th, 2018|
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