SLSP – Sexual Healing as Spiritual Growth

What comes to mind when you think of spiritual growth? Probably not sex! But in this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and healer and intuitive coach, Jerome Braggs, outline in detail how our sexual journey is deeply connected to our spiritual growth. If you’ve ever used sex for validation, to soothe discomfort or pain or as a distraction, you are going to want to listen to this conversation. Jerome explains the difference between toxic sex, healing sex and healthy sex and shares details of his sexual healing journey that will help anyone looking to come into a greater respect and right relationship with their body and sexuality. Do yourself a favor and tune in to this not-to-be-missed episode! Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei and I am so, so thrilled to have with me, [...]

2022-05-30T18:56:01-07:00October 9th, 2019|

HFH – Spiritual Meaning of New Masculine

Could we talk  about spirituality, masculinity, and spiritual meaning? Justin Recla a former counterintelligence agent and master of intelligence transference and information entanglement, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to talk about the Spiritual Meaning of New Maculine. His Unique Super Powers position him to guide his clients both in business and in life. His message is simple: Help others, do things better, and have self-dominion in everything you do! Listen in to hear Justin about how we need to step up as a society integrating who we are, independently of our genre, to create a new humanity. A new humanity who wants to see things in a different way, do things in a different way, and live a different life. Hello. This is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing show. The only difference between where you are [...]

2019-09-29T10:50:29-07:00October 8th, 2019|

SPS – How to Change the World Being Your Purpose

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Lia Dunlap and Jennifer Urezzio discuss how to change the world being your purpose. During this engaging conversations, these two purpose experts provide a couple of profound questions to get you started being your aligned, purposeful self. Listen now to begin to transform your world purposely. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of your Soul and I'm with Lia Dunlap today and we're talking about how to change the world as your purpose. Welcome. I have is an alignment to my Oracle gift and the connection to a deeper understanding of humanity and the love for humanity as a whole and in the opportunity and possibility of what it means to be human in this world and how we can really bring light to [...]

2019-10-08T16:09:39-07:00October 6th, 2019|

SPK – Let’s Change the World

Let’s change the world! Marty Ward is back to chat with Neva Lee Recla about making a difference. Marty is amazing and has been on SPK before: Being Confident. Marty is passionate about uplifting kids to be themselves and to help them eliminate bullying. Neva absolutely adores Marty and her mission. The two have a great time making funny faces and sharing that it is possible to change the world. Marty says that you can change the world, but you have to change yourself first. She sponsored Neva’s book, When Pigs Fly: The Parents Guide to Inspire Your Young Entrepreneur. It is because of Marty and all the other sponsors that the book was even a possibility. Listen in to hear these two amazing lights share their insight on how we can change the world. Hi everyone. This is your SuperPower Kid Neva [...]

2022-05-23T20:54:45-07:00October 5th, 2019|

SLSP – Orgasms as Spiritual Alchemy – Lucia Pavone

Have you ever experienced the spiritual alchemy of a full-body orgasm? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and modern day sensual priestess Lucia Pavone discuss how extended female orgasm has the power to heal and transform. What is the difference between regular climax and extended, full-body orgasm? What is the orgasmic equivalent of turning lead into gold? This and more explored and revealed in this episode you do NOT want to miss. Tune in now! Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love & SuperPowers podcast show. I am your loving host, Tatiana Berindei. And today, I'm really excited to have with us, Ms. Lucia Pavone. We are going to be discussing orgasms as spiritual alchemy. I can already tell this is going to be a very fun and juicy conversation. Let me tell you a little bit about Lucia before we get started. Lucia Pavone [...]

2022-05-30T18:56:32-07:00October 2nd, 2019|

SPM – Learning Self Love through Motherhood

In this episode Angela Schwartz, writer, tutor and momma, joins Laura Greco on SuperPower Mommas in a lively and vulnerable discussion about learning self love through being a momma. Angela graduated from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has written for newspapers and trade publications. What she enjoys most is her creative writings and has been featured in literary journals and online magazines. Currently, while raising her son and tutoring 2 days a week, she is exploring the mandatory requirements that come with being a momma to include such topics of self care, forgiveness and kindness towards yourself. And then she shares these rich topics and more in her blog, Moms Coffee is Cold. You will fall in love with her delightful expressions that are honest and vulnerable and truly loving. So I encourage you to join us. We are so grateful to have you listen in. [...]

2020-10-12T18:37:06-07:00October 1st, 2019|

YSPM – Improve Your Posture to Strengthen Self Esteem

How does posture strength self esteem? Rita Rivera, posture coach, dancer, and teacher of the Alexander Technique, joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to explore how changing the way you stand, sit and move can impact your life. Listen in to discover how movement and body awareness are key factors in transformation of body, mind and spirit! Hi, everybody, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show we explore the process of transformation and give you the tools and strategies you can use to transform your own life.  Today we are going to be talking to Rita Rivera about how to improve your posture to strengthen self-esteem. Rita Rivera is a former professional dancer, choreographer and studio owner whose lifelong dance training and passion for the healing arts has been the foundation for developing classes that use movement and awareness to [...]

2019-10-08T16:10:37-07:00September 30th, 2019|

SLSP – The Divine Feminine in Celtic Mythology

How can the way the divine feminine shows up in Celtic mythology inform our lives today? What are the aspects of the goddess that were cast aside that are in deep need of reclamation today and how do we do that? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and renowned author Ayn Cates Sullivan explore the forgotten sacred realms of the goddess and some simple and life-affirming ways to call them back. Tune in to this episode for fantastic stories that bring to life the importance of reclaiming what was abandoned and how to do just that. Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. We've got a very special edition for you today because I have with me Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan and she is not only a fabulous person that I'm going to tell you all about, but she is [...]

2022-05-30T19:00:23-07:00September 25th, 2019|

HFH – Consciously Conscious Creating Realities

What if something else is available for you right now? This is the question Manfred Zepeda began to ask himself to transform a tough experience he had. He joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how Consciously Conscious Creating Realities is our own Super Power. Society, religion and family led him to be someone else, someone right in their eyes until he stopped listening to himself, but deep down he knew life was something else, more joy, more kindness, more money and a space where he could be himself without judgment of anyone (not even himself). Engineer by profession and wizard by heart, for over 10 years, he has dedicated himself to practice and provide different tools around the world to create the reality we know is possible. Listen in to hear how Manfred uses his super power to teach people how to be present to receive everything in [...]

2019-09-14T09:08:15-07:00September 24th, 2019|

SPS – What Does it Mean to Have a Spiritual Heart?

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Dr. Debra Reble, author of the book, Soul-Hearted Living, describes what it means to have a spiritual heart. She shares her tips for how and why it is so important to open up to your soul and heart. Listen now so you can begin to connect with your spiritual and soulful heart.  Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, super power expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And I'm with Debra Reble. Reble, do I have that right? Reble, yes. Reble. Which is always my biggest fear, everyone, just so you know, pronouncing someone's name wrong. So I'm consciously transparent. And what we're talking about today, which I'm really excited about, is what does it mean to have a spiritual heart? So welcome, Debra. Thank you. It's my joy to [...]

2019-10-08T16:11:41-07:00September 22nd, 2019|

ISP – How Emotion and Intuition Affect Your Success

Mastering your emotion and intuition are the keys to your financial success. And if you’re in the real estate game not honing these skills can have devastating effects. Scott Carson (aka “The Note Guy”) has been an active real estate investor since 2002. He is also the host of “The Note Closers Show” and assists those in the real estate world. Scott joins host Justin Recla on the Incorporating SuperPowers podcast to discuss how emotion and intuition affect your success in life and in business. Welcome to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host Justin Recla, and today I'm super excited to introduce you to my guest.  Scott Carson is somebody that's been in the business world for a long time. He's doing some great things out there. We met at Secret Knock, I don't know, five [...]

2022-04-12T17:59:59-07:00September 19th, 2019|

SLSP – Self Respect in the Realm of Sex

What does it look like to have self respect when it comes to sex? Is consent always a clear yes or no? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei invites Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus into a conversation about shame, deconstructing our cultural programming around our bodies and sex, and how to talk about sex with our children. Author of the recently released book From Madness to Mindfulness: Reinventing Sex for Women, Dr. Gunsaullus is a wealth of information when it comes to all things sex. Tune in to this episode for more clarity about what it takes to raise a generation that understands what self respect in the realm of sex really looks like. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei. I am so delighted for our guest, Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus. Today, we are going to be [...]

2022-05-30T19:00:54-07:00September 18th, 2019|

SPM – Empowerment Strategies that Work

In this interview, Dr. Peggy DeLong, a Clinical and forensic psychologist, joins Laura Greco as they discuss empowerment strategies that work. Peggy, in addition to her psychology work, is a wife, mom to three children, an entrepreneur, speaker and an author of her memoirs, I Can See Clearly Now. As Dr. DeLong shares, it is evident that she is passionate about connecting with others and helping them live their very best lives, even on the worst of days. She assists everyone to remember to embrace gratefulness with her Midnight Creations and organizes walks to help people get back into creation assists in improving  mental health, You are warmly invited to share in our discussion as Peggy shares her wisdom about life and parenting, so do join us. Hello and welcome. I'm Laura Greco and you are listening to SuperPower Mommas. I am so excited that you're [...]

2020-10-12T18:37:22-07:00September 17th, 2019|

YSPM – Finding Inspiration and Hope After Depression

Is it possible to come out of even suicidal depression to find inspiration and joy?  Empowerment coach Kathleen Woodington joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to share the practices she adopted and the realizations she made that allowed her to climb out of serious depression and once again find reasons to celebrate life. Listen in as Kathleen shares the practices she uses to help her clients to step out of depression and trauma and find inspiration and joy. Hey, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell, and in this show we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, we are going to be talking to Kathleen Woodington about finding inspiration and hope after depression. Kathleen Woodington is an empowerment and lifestyle coach who shows successful business women who struggle [...]

2019-09-11T10:57:29-07:00September 16th, 2019|

IN MEMORY: SPK – What is Self Love? with Sean Stephenson

IN MEMORY: SPK - What is Self Love? with Sean Stephenson In honor of Sean Stephenson and his legacy, we’re re-airing this episode. To have interacted with Sean for a moment was to be changed. Take a moment to listen to this magical exchange between two bright lights in the world. Thank you, Sean, for your commitment to greatness. Rest easy. Sean Stephenson, world-renowned motivational speaker, joins Host Neva Lee Recla to tackle the question: What is Self Love? This is a powerful exchange between two individuals dedicated to modeling courage and individuality for the world. When Sean was born, doctors predicted he would not survive more than 24 hours because of a rare bone disorder. Despite the challenges he faced, he’s taken a stand for a quality of life that has reached millions of people around the world including Sir Richard Branson, [...]

2022-05-24T17:21:20-07:00September 14th, 2019|

SLSP – Plant Medicines, Sex Work and the Sacred Feminine

How does the sacred feminine weave into sex work? What is the relationship between sex work and plant medicines? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with Katherine Tomlinson about her journey into sex work as well as her experiences with psychedelics and how they intersect in her journey of uplifting the feminine. Judgements, taboos and the unraveling of shame are deeply explored in this heartfelt conversation you won’t want to miss. Okay. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have a very special guest with me. It's Katherine Tomlinson. We are going to be discussing plant medicines, sex work, and the sacred feminine.  Let me tell you a little bit about Katherine before we get started. For the last 10 years, Katherine has been studying psychedelics in hopes of one day [...]

2022-05-30T19:01:20-07:00September 11th, 2019|

HFH – Self Esteem Issues Due To Stress

After riding the wax and wane of success in business, life, and love, Keith Tong has begun a path to tell people the importance of life, which he considered his Healing Super Power. Keith joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how Self Esteem Issues Due To Stress lead to a variety of illnesses. His tireless determination to improve himself have delivered him from a  nightmarish past to a prosperous present as a family man and a business owner. Keith considers that most business owners are putting their focus somewhere else rather than their own health. He has seen many business owners suffer greatly from stress, fatigue, and lack of mental acuity as their health begins to deteriorate. Listen in to hear how Keith assures that “In today’s highly competitive business world, every individual needs a solid path to relieve health issues.” loving ourselves. Hello, this [...]

2019-09-05T09:59:49-07:00September 10th, 2019|

SPS – Creating Self Esteem With Your Body

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Lydia Mandell talks about creating self esteem with your body. During this interview Lydia and Jennifer talk about how to know and understand the wisdom that lives in your body. Listen now to tap into your body, harness its self-esteem and take action being connected to you. Hello, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm so excited today because I got to talk to Lydia Mandell, and we're talking about creating self-esteem with your body. Welcome, Lydia. Thank you, Jennifer. I'm excited to be here. Yay! So often I ask this question about what people think the superpower of their soul is, and I've been changing it a little to asking what do you think the super power of your soul is for you, and then [...]

2019-09-07T19:36:40-07:00September 8th, 2019|

SLSP – Getting Intimate With Your Erotic Blueprint

How intimate is your understanding of your own sexual hardwiring? Have you ever experienced “sexual incompatibility” with your partner? Did you know there is something you can do about it? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with Jaiya Ma, creator of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough mapping system and quiz. This revolutionary system plots a map of your arousal and helps you to more deeply understand what turns you on, what doesn’t, and how to expand more fully into your unique expression of your sexuality. Tune in to hear what the 5 different blueprint types are, what their shadows are, and how using them you can better understand your partner’s sexual needs and desires, as well as your own. Breakthrough the myth of sexual incompatibility! Listen in now. Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Barindei, [...]

2022-05-30T19:01:50-07:00September 4th, 2019|

SPM – Raise Confidence Out of Kid Chaos

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Evelyn Cucchiara of Toy Tamer, joins Laura Greco for a fun discussion that helps us see how we can raise confidence in our children through a sometimes overwhelming room of the home, the play room!  Evelyn offers help to parents who are tired of drowning in toys. Not only does she get the mess cleaned up and organized, but she also installs a system so your kids can take over clean up. What is even more amazing is that the children love it! The end result? You’ll want to listen in as Evelyn expands on her expertise and shares how the system creates a space for children to grow in confidence, independence and executive functioning skills, skills that will reward them for the rest of their lives! So join us and learn more about this proven method and how you can begin today [...]

2020-10-12T18:37:40-07:00September 3rd, 2019|

YSPM – Move Past Fear to Finally Accomplish Your Goals

Could you accomplish your goals if fear no longer had the power to hold you back? In this episode, bestselling author, blogger, and podcast host Ruth Soukup joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to share what it takes to finally move past fear and accomplish more than you think possible. If you ever get stuck in procrastination, self-doubt, or perfectionism, listen in to discover how your own Fear Archetype may be holding you back -- and what you can do to get past those fears! Hello everyone. Welcome to your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell. And in this show we explore the process of transformation and give you the tools and strategies you can use to transform your own life. Today, we're going to be talking to Ruth Soukup about how to move past fear to finally accomplish your goals. Ruth Soukup is an author, [...]

2019-08-21T14:12:34-07:00September 2nd, 2019|

SPU – Awakening Intuition in Leaders

There is no greater need right now on the planet than awakening intuition, particularly in leaders. The acceleration of technology and consciousness require adept leadership to navigate. Without accessing our intuition, it’s impossible to keep up or guide teams successfully through the chaos. Dov Baron joins Tonya Dawn Recla in this powerful exchange between two powerhouses in the intuitive space. In addition to being twice cited as one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov’s impressive bio includes being a master of human dynamics and multi bestselling author. Don’t miss the opportunity to glean advice from top intuitive leaders. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I'm pretty excited about today's episode. As you know, we've been doing the Disrupt Reality Series, and so we're all about talking to people who are really willing to look at the world a [...]

2019-10-16T22:32:51-07:00August 30th, 2019|

SLSP – The Return of the Divine Feminine

What do bees and plant medicines have to do with the divine feminine? What does it mean to be sexy from a place of wholeness? In this interview, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and creatress of BeeSexy360 Emunah Malinovitz join forces to discuss the various aspects of the Divine Feminine and what honoring her in our daily lives actually looks like. If you’ve been longing for a deeper connection to your female sexuality, if you know there is something missing but you aren’t quite sure what, if you feel disconnected from other women, then definitely tune into this episode! Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and Superpowers podcast show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei and I am so thrilled to have with me again Ms. Emunah Malinovitz. She was on our show quite a while back and she has some new and exciting things she's [...]

2022-05-30T19:02:19-07:00August 28th, 2019|

HFH – Do We Need Special Powers to Connect to the Divinity?

Do we need special powers to connect to the Divinity? Jennifer Weber an author, spiritual guide, and life coach, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share about how to tap into your inner guidance so you can go forward fearlessly into the world, knowing you are guided and your life was created with purpose. Her hope is to illustrate how, throughout your life, you are created, shaped, and given experiences which guide you into who you were meant to be and what you are here to do. There are often hints and guide posts along the way, as well as struggles and miracles that shift your path and hone your personality. Listen in to hear Jennifer’s experiences about how when you move forward in faith, knowing you are powerful and rewarded for your bravery in faith, you are unstoppable. Hello. This is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower [...]

2019-08-19T16:47:15-07:00August 27th, 2019|

SPS – Creating A Self Development Plan

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Mariel Alvavado, provides her wisdom around creating a self-development plan for expansion. During this interview, Mariel and Jennifer discuss how establishing a strategy for your own expansion is the highest form of self-care. Listen now to get started on creating a self development plan that works for you. Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, founder and spiritual instructor for Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm with Mariel Alvarado. The topic today is we're creating a self-developed plan. Welcome Mariel, I'm so excited you're here. Thank you for inviting me, Jennifer. I'm so excited to be here. Thank you. I love these conversations and I love the conversations with A, people I like, and B, with people who I already know were on the same spiritual platform. So I always like to start [...]

2019-08-19T16:50:40-07:00August 25th, 2019|

ISP – How to Revolutionize the World through Collective Efforts

Encouraging people to live on purpose is how to revolutionize the world. Steve Glaveski, CEO of Collective Campus in Australia, joins host Justin Recla to discuss how to revolutionize the world through collective efforts. His book Employee to Entrepreneur: How To Earn Your Freedom and Do Work That Matters encourages those ready to take the leap to jump and trust themselves in the process. Steve has helped over 100 startups and through collective campus collectively raised over US$25m for those startups. Listen in as Steve shares some tips on how you can raise the frequency of the corporate culture and bring your business into the 21st century. Welcome to Incorporating SuperPowers. I am your host, Justin Recla and today, I'm going to butcher your last name. Welcome our guest, Steve. Steve, how do you say your [...]

2022-04-12T17:47:39-07:00August 22nd, 2019|

SLSP – Trauma, Sex and Consciousness

What is trauma and what does it have to do with sex and consciousness? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei is joined by Sex Coach Stacy Michelle to discuss the ways our body registers trauma and the negative effect this can have on our relationship to sex. Trauma is more than just PTSD! In this conversation we explore the depths of how seemingly innocuous events from childhood and infancy can register in our brain as trauma. How does it impact our sex life and what can we do about it? Tune in to find out more! Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and Superpowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I am very excited for our guest, Stacy Michelle. We are going to be discussing trauma, sex, and consciousness. A lot of good stuff going to come out of this [...]

2022-05-30T19:02:49-07:00August 21st, 2019|

SPM – Embracing the Power of Self

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Payal Arora, a certified health coach and mom of 2 young children, joins Laura Greco as they explore how embracing the power of self can be achieved with confidence in small steps. Payal looks at health from the holistic point of view: food, exercise, stress management, relationships, spirituality, career and creativity. She knows firsthand the challenges when it comes to caring for yourself your children. This is where she helps other mommas as well. You are warmly invited to listen in as she shares her superpower and how you, too, can remove yourself for the feelings of aloneness.  Hello everyone, and welcome. I'm Laura Greco, your SuperPower Mommas host, and I am so excited to be with you once again. Today I am speaking with Payal Arora on the topic of embracing the power of self in small confident steps. [...]

2020-10-12T18:37:52-07:00August 20th, 2019|

YSPM – What is a Successful Entrepreneur Mindset?

What kind of mindset does it take to build a thriving business? In this episode, Alina Vincent, a Business and Technology Strategist who built a 7-figure business in only a few years and now helps other entrepreneurs do the same, joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to unpack the elements of a successful entrepreneur mindset. In this inspiring conversation, Alina explains how she aligned her vision, mindset and beliefs to expand her awareness of what was possible for her business. Tune in for a dose of expert guidance and motivation you can use in growing your own business! Hi everyone, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host, Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use, to transform your own life. Today, we are going to be talking to Alina Vincent, about what [...]

2019-08-08T20:49:50-07:00August 19th, 2019|

SPK – Fun Entrepreneurship for Kids

Rylan Jade Kelly is an inspirational young entrepreneur. She joins Neva Lee Recla to talk about entrepreneurship for kids. At the age of six Rylan started her first business called Jade’s Journee. She makes bows and accessories for young girls to empower them with sayings to help them love themselves and to dream big. That is pretty cool! The two young entrepreneurs had a great conversation talking about speaking and doing business at a young age. Listen in as Neva and Rylan share their insights about how kids can have a fun life and business. Hi, everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I am so excited about today's interview. We are talking about fun entrepreneurship for kids, and I think this is really important in our lives because sometimes we forget to play in our businesses, and we go [...]

2022-05-24T17:21:45-07:00August 17th, 2019|

SPU – Beyond Reality with Paul Selig

Don’t miss this amazing episode when Paul Selig channels on the Disrupt Reality show with Tonya Dawn Recla. Paul is a world-renowned channel and vessel for numerous books starting with I Am the Word: A Guide to the Consciousness of Man's Self in a Transitioning Time. He is considered to be one of the foremost spiritual channels working today. In this conversation, Paul and Tonya discuss what comes after what we currently perceive of as reality. Join them as they dive deeply into the rabbit hole and emerge on the other side in a world beyond reality. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm so excited today. We have such a treat for you all. We attract really amazing people, but this one in particular, this one, this, this person, this being that we've managed to attract today is really [...]

2019-08-15T03:36:32-07:00August 16th, 2019|

SLSP – How to Mend A Broken Heart

Are you wondering how to mend a broken heart? Have you struggled with repeating patterns in relationships? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and Dr. Gary Salyer, author of the book Safe to Love Again, discuss what is at the root of these repeating patterns and how to stop them. They cover what causes heartbreak, what we all have a born right to feel and how to rewire destructive patterning in the brain that causes us to repeat unhealthy relationship cycles. Tune in to start your journey from heartbreak back to wholeness today. Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I am very delighted to have with me Gary Salyer, and we are going to be discussing how to mend a broken heart. Very important topic. Before we get started, let me tell [...]

2022-05-30T19:04:20-07:00August 14th, 2019|

HFH – Spiritual Journey through Food

Is it really possible to live a spiritual journey through food? On this episode of High Frequency Healing, Kathleen Gage joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share her spiritual experience through food. Having participated in her first full marathon at the age of 61, completing her first sprint triathlon shortly after her 64th birthday, celebrating her 65th birthday with a half marathon, Kathleen is working toward certification through eCornell University with the plant-based nutrition program and writing her next book, Discover the REAL Fountain of Youth; Plant Based Eating for Health, due for release in summer, 2019. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría how creating a level of success many entrepreneurs aspire to achieve, Kathleen discovered a passion that had been percolating under the surface for years; a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. Her book on plant-based eating shows it’s never too late to take control of one’s health. [...]

2019-08-12T10:08:17-07:00August 13th, 2019|

SPS – Getting Over a Break Up

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Candice Harper, Love Coach, shares her tips about getting over a breakup. During this interview, Candice and Jennifer talk about how the first step is to feel your emotions. This creates space to understand your role in the relationship in order to move on and move up the relationship scale. Listen now to find how loving yourself is the key to getting over a breakup. Hello everyone, and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and the founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today I'm with Candice Harper and we're going to be talking about getting over a breakup.  Welcome, Candice. I'm so excited about this subject. Thank you, Jennifer. I'm really excited, too. This is right in my wheelhouse, right up my alley. I'm excited because I don't have to get [...]

2019-08-08T19:44:21-07:00August 11th, 2019|

SPU – God 2.0: Science and Spirituality

What if the true essence of God exists in the intersection between science and spirituality? Perry Marshall returns to join host Tonya Dawn Recla on the SuperPower Up! Network. This time they tackle evolution, religion, spirituality and updating our perception of God. Have you ever considered what a God 2.0 version might look like? Listen in as they dive deeply into the complexities of the evolution/creation debate and provide guidance for how you can move your understanding of the divine beyond superficial polarity. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm super excited for this conversation today. We're having back on this show, Perry Marshall. If you all recall back in the day, I don't remember how long ago it aired now, but we talked to him about personal development and the business benefits of personal development specifically. And in that [...]

2021-05-28T01:32:44-07:00August 9th, 2019|

SLSP – Your Relationship as the Center of Consciousness

What does it take to make your relationship the center of consciousness? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei is joined by Satyen and Suzanne Raja, founders of Warrior Sage, a community and evolutionary training ground that has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world. A true embodiment of a conscious relationship, Satyen and Suzanne share with us how they have navigated and continue to navigate the challenges and celebrate the joys that come from committed partnership. If you’re ready to commit your relationship to the evolution of your highest self then this one is a must. Tune in - you don’t want to miss the incredible wisdom and joy shared in this episode! Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love And Super Powers Podcast Show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am so delighted to have with me today Suzanne and [...]

2022-05-30T19:08:12-07:00August 7th, 2019|

SPM – What to Consider When Facing Relationship Issues

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Jennifer Hurvitz, relationship coach, author and podcast host, joins Laura Greco as they explore what to consider when facing relationship issues. Jennifer helps people understand what a happy divorce can look like and how to dip their toes back into dating and face the world. In addition, she loves sharing her insight on how to stay in the marriage successfully too! She is a momma of two teenage boys and you are warmly invited to listen in on this discussion as we focus on the core of relationships whether you are in a marriage or navigating a divorce situation. Hello and welcome. You're listening to SuperPower Mommas and I am your podcast host, Laura Greco, stumbling over my words already. I'm so excited to be with you today. We are talking on a topic with what to consider when facing [...]

2020-10-12T18:38:08-07:00August 6th, 2019|

YSPM – What Mindset Is the Key to Healthy Relationships?

In this episode, YSPM host Kristin Maxwell invites relationship coach Marilyn Sutherland to explore the mindset that allows individuals to initiate deeper, more satisfying relationships. As an expert in the behavioral patterns that threaten intimacy, Marilyn reviews the nine common mistakes that push love away. If you’re looking to find more closeness in your own relationships -- whether at work or home -- don’t miss this interview! Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Our guest today is Marilyn Sutherland and we are going to be talking to her about what mindset is the key to healthy relationships. Marilyn Sutherland is a life coach who has helped thousands of individuals adopt the essential skills they need [...]

2019-09-04T13:23:49-07:00August 5th, 2019|

SPK – The Life of a Kids Pastor at Christ’s Church of the Valley

Jonah Coughlin joins Neva Lee Recla to share his insight on what it’s like being a kids pastor at Christ’s Church of the Valley (CCV). Jonah is the pastor for the fifth and sixth graders at CCV. He loves hockey, The Avengers and Star Wars. He is such an inspiration to Neva and she looks up to him as a great leader and role model to young kids like two year-olds that Neva volunteers for. Jonah is a joy to talk to and a hilarious person. Listen in as these two inspirations talk about doing God’s work and participating at CCV. Hi, everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. I'm so extremely excited for today's interview. We are going to be talking about the life of a kids' pastor at Christ’s Church of the Valley. Christ’s Church of the Valley [...]

2022-05-24T17:22:15-07:00August 3rd, 2019|

SPU – Inspiring Male Entrepreneurs

Is the journey different for male entrepreneurs? Purdeep Sangha, mentor to male entrepreneurs, thinks so. Purdeep’s personal mission is to help men live more fulfilling lives, have passionate relationships and raise happy families. He joins Tonya Dawn Recla as they talk about the importance of niching your business and being in service to your tribe. Don’t miss this episode full of guidance and experience to empower you to fully walk your path. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And as always I'm very excited about this show. You know, this show lights me up.  I love talking to new people and exciting people and people who are walking their walk and talking their talk and have the courage to do that. Folks, I know so many of you are sitting in that space of like, I know I need to get [...]

2021-05-28T01:33:00-07:00August 2nd, 2019|
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