REC – Navigating Abstract Spirituality Together

How can navigating abstract spirituality together as a family be so tricky? What is the main misconception with regards to spirituality? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva revolve their conversation around having a collaborative spiritual space as a family. There is a lot of confusion around the concept of spirituality within the household. One of the common mistakes is imposing on family members the beliefs that were pre-established in the kin. Also, Tonya and Justin convey the process of handling and starting a conversation with Neva about this matter. Tune in to know more about abstract spirituality and how to allow ourselves to forge a relationship with God.

2021-12-16T19:10:19-07:00January 11th, 2022|

SPM – Parenting Strong Willed Children

Do you have trouble getting your strong willed children to listen to you? Does it feel like your relationship with your child is rife with fights, power-struggles and challenges? Then this is the episode you have been waiting for! Superpower Mommas host Tatiana Berindei and parenting coach Allison Livingston team up in this valuable conversation about how to work with your strong willed child. After working with hundreds of children and families with challenging dynamics, Allison has distilled the 5 key elements to connection with your child, which she shares with us here on the show. Tune in now to hear what you can do to take your family from struggles and stress to thriving and finally have the peace at home you have been so longing for.

2022-01-18T14:07:09-07:00January 10th, 2022|

ILP – Multidimensional Travel

What is multidimensional travel? In this episode of Messages of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Anthony Teresi talk about the visionary map of spiritual evolution. It is a spiritual exploration of dimensions and dimensions of consciousness. Anthony shares how a brother's death has opened up a new reality. They also tackle the mystical visions of evolving humanity, walking between worlds, and stories to transform consciousness. Tune in as we discover a future world called Trasara.

2021-12-15T19:46:41-07:00January 10th, 2022|

IMS – Free Will

From our will to God’s will to the creator’s will, the exploration of free will guides us beyond the obvious. In this episode of the IM Show, host AngelaMaría introduces the exciting new IM Series - Free Will. When we explore the concept of God's gift of free will as, instead, the free gift of God's will, we see a totally different reality. Step inside this reality with us as we explore the path that leads us into the symbiotic nature of creator will.

2021-12-14T19:20:35-07:00January 9th, 2022|

SPS – Heart Healing Power of Cacao

Are you ready to learn about the heart healing power of cacao? The world has never needed as much healing as it does today. In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki is joined by guest Suzanne Zephyr to explore the powerful medicine of cacao. Listen to this episode and learn about cacao’s heart healing capacity and the power of using cacao to amplify your work and message in the world where it has a uniquely supportive role in the intersection of spirituality and business.

2021-12-14T18:21:58-07:00January 8th, 2022|

SOS – Renewing Trust in Community

For many, this new year represents a time of renewing trust within families, friend groups and communities. In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about the importance of cultivating patience and love when building relationships and joining communities. She shares the mission of the Super Power Experts community and invites listeners to participate with her, her family and others walking in step with the divine. Listen now to this powerful episode that encourages all of us to step into community for a year of support, growth and love.

2021-12-15T20:08:36-07:00January 7th, 2022|

WOA – Discovering Your Inner Archetype

Are you interested in discovering your inner archetype? How can painting create an internal connection with the muse within? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Amber Sibley talk about the process of how each person can discover their archetype through color, paint, and design. Amber is an Oscar-winning makeup artist. She uses her gifts to help others embody their archetype. Tune in to know what happens when you make a conscious connection with your archetype.

2021-12-15T20:20:21-07:00January 5th, 2022|

HFH – Your Mind is the Key

Is it hard to believe if we say that your mind is the key to everything? Do you believe firmly in yourself? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Carrie Leaf talk about the process of breaking through the obstacles that always hold people back in their life decisions. Carrie is a psychotherapist and life coach who has helped her clients a lot for 15 years already. Tune in to learn more from Carrie as she shares ways to handle issues that hinder your goals and eliminate the subconscious patterns that keep you from success.

2022-04-11T11:25:01-07:00January 4th, 2022|

TAL – Cat Declawing꞉ The Raw Truth

What exactly is the raw truth behind cat declawing? What bodily changes do cats experience after declawing? In this episode, host Judy Anderson and guest Dr. Jean Hofve talk about the harmful effects of cutting your cat's claws. On her website, Jean has a free ebook: Anti-Declawing Handbook for Cat Lovers. Declawed cats do more damage in the home than those that aren't. Laws are being passed in some places banning this cruel procedure. Join Dr. Jean and Judy to know why you must stand in your power and say 'no' to cat declawing!

2021-12-07T20:02:14-07:00January 3rd, 2022|

SPS – The Flow of True Happiness

What is the flow of true happiness? Where can we obtain it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Mike Chang talk about the importance of a genuine stream of happiness. It has the power to improve our bodies and consciousness. Moreover, it will lead us to our journey away from an unfulfilled life. Listen to this episode to gain inner peace, contentment, and new favorable horizons in life.

2021-12-07T19:49:25-07:00January 1st, 2022|

CCS – Soul Leadership

What is soul leadership? What are the essential qualities of a soul leader? In this episode of the Cosmic Consciousness Show, host Shannon Pardini and guest Christof Melchizedek discuss how we can all accelerate beyond the density of our conditioning. Shannon and Christof emphasize that we should answer the call to leadership to inspire other people. A great leader must have a vision: To make the world a better place. Tune in and learn how to start a movement in collaboration with other people.

2021-11-23T19:30:16-07:00January 1st, 2022|

WOA – The Soul of Poetry

What is the soul of poetry? Does it have the power to bring you out from the darkness? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Sarah Arvio talk about the stunning poems of obsession, loss, and the desire for a renewed self. Sarah is an award-winning poet of the book Cry Back My Sea. In her verse Small War, she says, "I thought I had left behind the darkness of the heart." Sarah’s traces in these pages is indeed a battle, one in which the best-laid plans are shattered. Rarely has a poet tackled intimate love with so much invention and bravery. Tune in and listen as the author gives a poetry reading and explains how the poems came into being. She also offers advice and tips for writers!

2021-12-14T19:03:23-07:00December 29th, 2021|

TFC – Spark – How Creative Genius Ignites, From Picasso to Grandma Moses

Have you ever wondered how you can ignite your inner creative genius? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, New York Times bestselling author and journalist, Claudia Kalb, joins the show to talk all about the revolutionary genius of Picasso, the impact of Grandma Moses’s pastoral paintings, artistic prodigies and more. Claudia is the author of the book: “Spark: How Genius Ignites, From Child Prodigies to Late Bloomers” a book that explores human behavior and genius. Ignite your inner genius and listen now to this episode on how creative genius ignites!

2022-01-04T10:23:12-07:00December 29th, 2021|

REC – Choose Your Divine Adventure

Are you excited to choose your own divine adventure? How can we grow holistically as an individual? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva talk about the concept of choosing your adventure. The said concept explicitly makes its presence known in this world. They also revolve their conversation about how marriage helped strengthen Justin’s connection with the divine and paved the way for his growth as an individual. Tune and listen as Neva also shares her perspective on how Divine Adventure looks like through her lens.

2022-04-11T11:25:47-07:00December 28th, 2021|

ILP – Self Actualization

Do you want to achieve an enlightened self actualization? Are you envisioning new humanity? Superpower Network proudly introduces to you the debut episode of Infinite Light, with the hosts Ayn Cates Sullivan and Tonya Dawn Recla, executive director of SPN. This show is an invitation for you to step into the stream of the loving light. Now is the time!! The awakening has occurred and blossoming has taken place in this network. Take action! Join Ayn and Tonya as they commence this fantastic show.

2021-12-28T11:18:36-07:00December 27th, 2021|

SPS – Divine Feminine Wealth Codes

What are divine feminine wealth codes? How can it help us gain abundance? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Amorahki and guest Dr. Amanda Noelle talk about creating an abundant income in a feminine way. As the Divine Feminine rises, new pathways to wealth and business are re-emerging to reveal a feminine currency based on bliss. The old money system requires us to work hard and climb the corporate ladder. It was limiting, painful, and based on fear. Whereas the Divine Feminine Wealth Codes convey, "YOU are the creator! You are abundant! You ARE the abundance!" Calling all spiritual entrepreneurs to tune in and be ready to birth wealth from the inside out-even from your orgasmic energy-and do business from your highest bliss. Enjoy this pleasure-portal opening conversation into your Divine Feminine Wealth Codes.

2021-12-06T19:55:20-07:00December 25th, 2021|

WOA – A Christmas Story

Do you have a Christmas Story? To whom do you dedicate it? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Bruce L. Erickson have their deep conversation about a Christmas story. Bruce wrote a Christmas story for his wife before her death and promised her that he would remember her with a story each year. He recites a heart story, "The Store of All We Treasure." In the tale, a snow owl follows a man who has forgotten the true meaning of life. Tune in to know how Bruce's life changed as he took a flight to London.

2021-12-14T18:42:18-07:00December 25th, 2021|

SOS – Work the Light

How can we work the light? Do you adjourn your day with reflection? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, Tonya Dawn Recla shares her thoughts on shining one’s light, brilliance, and love in the best way possible. Even though we are in the season of figuring everything out, we know, deep inside, that we only want the best for ourselves. However, after acquiring these opportunities, we will ask ourselves: How would I want to use this? Tune in and be one with the community to guide you to find the light.

2022-01-04T12:45:08-07:00December 24th, 2021|

ISP – Healing American Health Care

What does Healing American Health Care do? What is its purpose? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Ed Eichhorn talk about finding solutions to lower costs for the American HealthCare System. Ed is the founder of Healing American Healthcare Coalition and one of his goals is to provide education to people in this industry. Indeed, it is necessary to have excellent and cost-wise healthcare nowadays since we are in the time of the pandemic. Tune in and know how to have better protection for your life and your loved ones.

2022-04-11T12:26:30-07:00December 23rd, 2021|

WOA – Full Blown Psychic

Have you ever met a full blown psychic in your life? If not yet, then this episode is for you! In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Amanda Hainline talk about emotional freedom, divine assistance, and the importance of avoiding negative self-talk. Amanda was a regular mom before she became a full blown psychic in just 30 seconds when an energy healer opened all her chakras. Tune in and listen to know how to feel good and renewed in five minutes!

2021-12-07T19:01:11-07:00December 22nd, 2021|

HFH – Fear is Choice

Do you believe that fear is a choice? How can we detach oneself from the negative energy that blocks us from being successful in life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Jim Case talk about a powerful program, The Science of Transformation that helps individuals change energy, increase vibration, and dial themselves into the greatest experience and version. Jim’s passion is to assist people in achieving the quantum shift and change their desire. He is the author of the book Fear is a Choice: Unravelling the Illusion of Our Separation from Love. Tune in to know more about this book and learn how to transform fear into opportunity.

2021-11-30T18:40:33-07:00December 21st, 2021|

TAL – Cat Nutrition

How much do you know about cat nutrition? What are the right choices for you and your cat? In this episode of Talk Animal, host Judy Anderson and guest Dr. Jean Hofve, Holistic Veterinarian, talk about keeping your cats healthy and happy through their food. Also, Dr. Jean emphasizes avoiding feeding them with bone meal, animal fat, and meat. Through her award-winning book "What Cats Should Eat: A Holistic Veterinarians Guide to Your Cat's Optimal Diet," you can transition your picky eater pet into a new meal. Tune in to learn the list of diseases linked to the food that your cat eats.

2021-12-07T18:33:42-07:00December 20th, 2021|

YSPM – Stepping Into High Performance

What are the benefits of stepping into high performance? Why do we need to live a life without the what-ifs? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Dr. Wayne Pernell talk about the importance of asking empowering questions when you feel stagnant. They also revolve their conversation around the qualities of powerful presence to bring energy and vitality to every situation. Tune in and develop the 3Cs of leadership in you!

2021-11-30T19:04:01-07:00December 20th, 2021|

IMS – Choose Your Divine Adventure

How can you choose your divine adventure? Does your relationship with God have something to do with this? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría talks about the significance of delving deeper into a relationship with the divine. It can lead to learning that we have the power to choose the type of journey we want to experience. We can choose to operate from fear or love and experience a world that provides an opportunity to do that. Regardless of where we fall on that spectrum, we exercise creative input, share things, and make choices. Tune in to this episode and learn how to co-create with the divine.

2022-06-28T18:49:42-07:00December 19th, 2021|

WOA – Creating Portraits in Afghanistan

How can creating portraits in Afghanistan change one’s life? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Jacob Sutton revolve their conversation around the correlation of humanity and the arts to happiness. Jacob had an art trip to Afghanistan from 2001 to 2006. He met people and immersed himself in a new culture. Tune in and know why happiness is not based on materialism and how being present in the moment with someone can change your life.

2021-11-30T19:19:56-07:00December 18th, 2021|

SPS – Guardian Angel Magic

Did you already feel the guardian angel magic? Do you want to experience boundless protection, guidance, and support? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Daniel Raphael talk about the wonders of having a guardian angel by your side. They also chat about the untapped power available to us to shift our reality to goodness. Tune in and learn how to recode your energetic field to sync with the space of miracles.

2021-11-29T18:35:55-07:00December 18th, 2021|

CCS – The Ascension of Masculine Energies Within Us All

What happens when there will be an ascension of masculine energies within us all? How do we shift within ourselves and collectively balance our Divine Masculine and Feminine energies together? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Shannon Pardini and guest Laura Grant discuss how our inner work is connected to what we are all creating. Laura shares how our masculine energies are ready to transition out of the old age of Pisces and move into our power within the new generation of Aquarius. We will see inspired relationships and major systems being recreated by these energies and our soul family. Laura and Shannon further share clearing patterns, why we have them, and what happens if we upgrade these energies. Tune in to know why our heart-inspired power connects us to other people and defines our wants in co-creating the New Earth.

2021-11-23T19:53:46-07:00December 18th, 2021|

TFC – Art in the Face of Cancer

How do we see art in the face of cancer? How can art help an individual survive cancer? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley and guest David Brady talk about David’s documentation of his cancer journey. David utilized art as an escape and means of capturing every moment of trying to survive cancer. He made portraits of himself that have helped him overcome everything bravely and courageously. He then published the book Into The Tunnel, which contains his self-portraits. Tune in and listen to know more about David’s healing and confrontation process through art.

2021-11-29T18:11:09-07:00December 15th, 2021|

REC – Enter The Matrix

Do you want to enter the matrix? How can we make a specific thing real? In this episode of Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva revolve their conversation around the relevance of the movie The Matrix into the real world. The film depicts particular concepts that help people reshape and redesign their reality. Also, they tackle the importance of attuning oneself to God and the divine frequency. Tune in to learn the powers of the mind in creating a person’s reality based on shared experiences and stories one consumes.

2021-11-23T18:38:49-07:00December 14th, 2021|

SPM – Kids Talk꞉ The LGBTQ Community and the Church

What is the correlation between the LGBTQ and the Church? How do parents talk to their children regarding gender identity? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei and guest Neva Lee Recla talk about kids struggling with the community’s perception of their sexual orientation and gender identity. Also, they tackle ways on how parents should approach their kids to talk about this. Tune in and listen to get a sense of what matters to the youth in this era.

2021-11-22T19:53:35-07:00December 13th, 2021|

SPS – Centering Into The Divine

What is the importance of centering into the divine? How can we do it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest AngelaMaría talk about evolving and unlocking your superpowers by listening intuitively. Human as we are, we always needed the Divine being to help us in our daily endeavors. Tune in and learn how to unleash your hidden abilities from within.

2021-11-22T19:31:40-07:00December 11th, 2021|

WOA – A Guide to Happiness

Have you ever wanted your own personal guide to happiness? How can we know our true purpose in this world? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Sherry Stirling Fernandez talk about the challenges to success and happiness. They also emphasize Sherry’s book Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential. Day by day, we are bombarded by many things, yet we must focus on the things that will build us holistically. Tune in to know the eight areas of life mastery and to test how well-rounded you are.

2021-11-29T19:41:13-07:00December 11th, 2021|

SOS – Courage to Play

How can we have the courage to play? Why do we need to try something unusual for us? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about the importance of possessing a willingness to suspend our disbelief just for a moment while engaging in something you don’t typically do. Tonya also emphasizes the significance of trusting in the divine and cutting the idolatry in worldly things like money. Tune in and know how to immerse ourselves in the game to play and participate.

2021-11-22T19:14:52-07:00December 10th, 2021|

ISP – A Single Day of Peace

How can you combine the business and spirituality routes to achieve a single day of peace? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Stephen D'Angelo share their thoughts on the spiritual journey that entrepreneurship brings to many. Stephen also talks about how we can navigate the journey of being an entrepreneur while finding balance in our day-to-day lives. Join Justin and Stephen as they talk more about having a single day of peace.

2022-04-11T12:26:35-07:00December 9th, 2021|

ISP – Dare to Scale

What is Dare to Scale? How can it be beneficial to expanding your business? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guests Warsha Joshi and Evan Le Clus talk about solutions on how to scale one’s business. Warsha and Evan both have experiences in the corporate world and entrepreneurship in Dubai. They established Dare to Scale to gather and help company CEOs by connecting and learning lessons and strategies from one another to grow their business in speed. Tune in and learn from the guests if you desire to build and grow your business like them.

2022-04-11T12:26:39-07:00December 9th, 2021|

WOA – Super Conscious Wisdom

How can we have super conscious wisdom? Why is conscience an essential predecessor of our actions? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Leonard Perlmutter talk about unlocking wisdom and creativity to alleviate personal and even global problems. They also tackle the importance of conscience and how each of our actions begins with a thought. Tune and let us start with the primary inquiry of ‘who am I?’ to rise to self-reliance and success gradually.

2021-11-23T20:00:49-07:00December 8th, 2021|

HFH – Guía Divina Astral

Rosman Andrés Pinto Barrera, nació en Venezuela, vive en Medellín Colombia hace 4 años. Graduado como Ingeniero Ambiental sin ejercer actualmente esa profesión, encontró su verdadera vocación en la guía, acompañamiento y dotación de herramientas del ser hacia las demás personas empezando por la astrología consciente, una forma de ver la astrología no como algo predictivo netamente sino como una forma de autoconocimiento y automejoramiento personal. A lo largo de los años, a partir del estudio de la astrología, se ha abierto a experimentar varias ramas y filosofías en búsqueda de su sanación y ha conectado con técnicas que le han maravillado como es la práctica del Yoga, certificándose como instructor de Hatha Vinyasa Yoga con Yoga Alliance International con 200 horas de formación y como practicioner en Terapia Regresiva Reconstructiva a través de la OMTRRA. Acompáñame para conocer más sobre este hombre como guía espiritual no sólo desde la astrología, sino también desde el uso de diferentes técnicas que activan nuestro poder sanador complementándose unas con otras.

2021-11-15T18:58:09-07:00December 7th, 2021|

YSPM – The Manifestation Lifestyle

How can we live the manifestation lifestyle? What is the kind of mindset required? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Christina Medina talk about how to remain optimistic despite the hardships and challenges brought about by reality. It isn't easy to hope and trust that things will soon be better during the darkest hours. Tune in to this episode to switch the feeling of disempowerment into the power of unlimited possibilities.

2021-11-15T18:47:32-07:00December 6th, 2021|

CCS – The Art of Listening

How do you master the art of listening? Can you choose to listen with patience, non-judgment, receptivity, and an open mind? In this episode of Cosmic Consciousness, host Shannon Pardini and guest Michael Coleman share a conversation around their mutual connection within the process of filmmaking and following your intuition and foresight, as you feel into the future you want to co-create with source. Michael shares his journey of documentary filmmaking, creating “The Art of Listening,” his first feature-length documentary. Join Shannon and Michael in today’s episode and master the art of listening.

2021-11-15T18:19:14-07:00December 4th, 2021|

SPS – You Are Already Enlightened

Do you believe that you are already enlightened? Are you aware that you don’t need help anymore? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Brandon Bozarth shatter your beliefs about emotional suffering, stress, and the need for happiness. You do not need all of this. You are already enlightened. The only way to break away from all the negativities in life is to recognize that you can put them to stop. Tune in and learn the whole process of starting to realize that your happiness is at hand.

2021-11-15T19:51:54-07:00December 4th, 2021|
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