ISP – Customer Service is Dead

Is customer service truly dead? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Mitche Graf talk about customer service. Mitche is the author of the book Customer Service is Dead: delivering 6 star service in a 1 star world. He is also the host of 2 nationally syndicated radio shows and 4 businesses in a variety of industries. As a considered top leader in business, he trains and assists businesses on creating and improving customer service relationships with clients to improve and grow their bottom line. Tune in to find out if truly customer service is dead.

2022-05-17T18:36:45-07:00June 2nd, 2022|

WOA – Athena Speaks

How can you hear the voice of Athena speaking to you? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Robin Jelinek talk about Athena, a Greek Goddess who was born through the head of Zeus and sprang out armed and ready for battle. Athena and Poseidon battled to become the patron of Athens. Robin shares that the powerful presence speaks through him. Her message is to encourage humanity to build and shift belief systems that align with the current evolution of the earth and civilization. Tune in to hear Athena speak about practical ways to tap into higher consciousness and attune with life.

2022-05-17T18:25:03-07:00June 1st, 2022|

REC – Daddy Daughter Dynamics

Do you have your daddy-daughter dynamics at home? In this episode of the Reclamation, the Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva discuss the importance of a daughter and father relationship. Justin shares Atticus From his book, Love Her Wild, which resembles him so much, and her love for her daughter. He emphasizes that the journey of getting to know your daughter is one of the best things that you can do for yourself as a father. Tune in to understand why daddy-daughter dynamics matter.

2022-05-17T18:00:33-07:00May 31st, 2022|

SPM – Helping Children Overcome Anxiety

Why should helping children overcome anxiety should be a priority? How can you tell your child has anxiety? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei and guest Tonya Crombie speak about ways to recognize signs of anxiety. What do you do when you realize the symptoms? They will also discuss whether you should encourage your anxious child to do things they don't want to do. Tune in to know how you can help your child overcome anxiety.

2022-05-17T17:16:49-07:00May 30th, 2022|

TAL – CBD and Your Animals

What is CBD, and how can your animals benefit from it? In this episode of Talk Animal, join host Judy Anderson in a fantastic conversation with Trinn Allen and Carina Rodriguez, founders of Jampha. Jampha Pet Full-Spectrum CBD Infusions have proprietary Synergy Enhanced Terpenes that can help to enhance and support the balance and function of your dog's joints and connective tissue. All their full-spectrum hemp oils are free of GMOs, harmful molds and mycotoxins, heavy metals, and microbial. There are no soy, corn, and other contaminants in the product. Tune in to this episode to learn about CBD and how your animals can benefit from it. You may check out their website: For 25% off any of their many transformative products, enter the coupon code "Judy." Also, for two-legged listeners, go to, where you can hear and interact with speakers like Trinn and Carina! Visit to get the gifts that will support you and your animals.

2022-05-17T17:32:58-07:00May 30th, 2022|

LTN – Fighting for Inclusion

What is the importance of fighting for inclusion? In this episode of Leave it to Neva, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by empowering leader and guest, JWoW. The two talk about how we can change the world in so many ways. Whether you’re marching the streets or sitting at home, it is the fact that people are willing to fight for change that matters. A big part of inclusion is having the empathy to empower others. As Neva says, “In order to understand empathy, sometimes people say we need to “walk a mile in their shoes” but sometimes others’ shoes won’t fit your feet and that’s okay.” There’s so many ways we can change the world, and each way is so important. Tune in now to learn more about the importance of fighting for inclusion!

2022-11-08T18:44:58-07:00May 28th, 2022|

SOS – Love Lines to the World

What are the love lines to the world? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla goes live on the Wisdom App. When we open our hearts to the world, nothing short of miraculous occurs. Tonya talks about taking a leap of faith, and getting raw and real with our emotions, and using them as a superpower. As we all continue on our journey, we get an opportunity to continue to connect with the divine, which helps us spread our own love lines to the world. Tune in to The Science of Superpowers to learn all about spreading your love lines to the world!

2022-05-10T17:52:40-07:00May 27th, 2022|

SES – The Vulnerability of Love

What do we gain when we welcome the vulnerability of love into our lives? Is it a requirement to love yourself first before loving someone else? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D speaks about a vulnerable, loving relationship. According to him, love is the perception that allows you to experience the inner beauty of the other person. However, for love to grow, it needs vulnerability and courage to show up in uncontrollable moments. Tune in to know why love is not blind but vulnerable and the gift we gain when we open our hearts to the vulnerability of love!

2022-05-09T17:49:36-07:00May 25th, 2022|

TFC – Renee Stout: Trusting Yourself in Art

Why do you need to start trusting yourself in art? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley and guest Renee Stout talk about the importance of channeling your inner child. Renee is an award-winning artist from the perspective of a three-year-old. She trusts the inner child within her more than her adult self. Renee also presents alternate ways of seeing things that challenge stereotypes. Tune in and know why you need to try trusting yourself in art.

2022-05-25T14:47:57-07:00May 25th, 2022|

HFH – The Unspoken

What is the unspoken part of yourself? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Ashley Haseotes sit together to reveal something unspoken. Ashley is an intuitive energy healer and Chopra Center, certified meditation coach, and the author of the Unspoken. After collapsing into chronic pain from excessive overworking and suppressed childhood trauma, Ashley underwent transformative spiritual healing. Drawing upon her own experience, Ashley is devoted to helping others work through difficult experiences and deep trauma. As a personal coach, Ashley helps clients who feel stuck, struggling, or undergoing any major life shift. And through the charity, she founded One Mission. Ashley helps children and families navigate pediatric cancer and heal after treatment. Tune in to learn about the power in the unspoken.

2022-05-09T17:35:03-07:00May 24th, 2022|

YSPM – Living Your Legacy

How can you start living your legacy now? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Carew Papritz to talk about the importance of cultivating mindfulness as a habit to create meaningful days in your life. Carew is someone who lives his legacy through his love for people and their stories. The two pose powerful important questions to ask yourself in living life to the fullest by sharing legacy light to the world. Tune in now to learn about living your legacy!

2022-05-10T18:06:11-07:00May 23rd, 2022|

ILP – Heading Toward Liberation

How can one experience a journey of healing toward liberation? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Mirabai Devi tell that spiritual awakening has begun and is not for the faint of heart. Mirabai explains how the Divine Light has opened her up as a spiritual teacher. She also shares what it means to become spiritually liberated. Tune in as we head toward liberation– let us put on our spiritual wings and fly together!

2022-05-09T18:19:23-07:00May 23rd, 2022|

SPS – Reading Your Soul Records

What is the power of reading your soul records? How easy is it to get caught up in our daily lives and forget that we are a soul first? Your soul, the Divine essence of who you are, has travelled through many lifetimes to evolve into who you are today. In this episode, Amorahki and guest Bruce Cohn chat about the Akashic Records, the holographic repository of all your thoughts, feelings, actions, and deeds from every lifetime you have ever lived. In this episode you’ll learn how exploring your soul's journey through The Records can help you gain deep awareness, healing, and answers on navigating your life. Tune in now to learn all about the power of reading your soul records!

2022-05-02T18:49:38-07:00May 21st, 2022|

AFP – Finding Peace Together

How can we work on finding peace together in our relationships? In this episode of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla talk all about the absolute importance of meeting in the middle and opening our hearts to one another. Sometimes in the chaos of the world, it can be difficult to find peace with those we love. But when we step into the middle, it can be one of the easiest things we do. The couple shares a poem from Rumi: Bridge to the Soul: Journeys Into the Music and Silence of the Heart to further emphasize the power we gain when we find peace together. Tune in now to learn all about the power of finding peace, together.

2022-05-31T17:53:15-07:00May 20th, 2022|

ISP – Exploring Mergers and Acquisitions

Are you willing to explore the mergers and acquisitions industry? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla sits with Kison Patel, CEO, and founder of M&A Science. M&A Science is a business firm that helps business owners navigate and learn more about the mergers and Acquisitions industry. They provide educational services and training for those wanting to explore the M&A Industry as a career option, as well as information on how to navigate an M&A experience successfully. Tune in as the conversation will dive deep into the mergers and acquisitions process.

2022-05-02T19:24:46-07:00May 19th, 2022|

WOA – Nurturing Mother Earth

When can we work together and start nurturing Mother Earth? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Sarah Drew anchor their talk on the preservation and cultivation of Mother Earth. We should do an inquiry, asking ourselves, What can we do daily to benefit others and benefit all life? They share the importance of reforging our connection to Mother Earth. You will learn how to plant the seeds for cultures of stability and peace and reawaken the sacred feminine wisdom lines and traditions. Tune in to know why and how we can start nurturing Mother Earth!

2022-05-02T19:08:02-07:00May 18th, 2022|

REC – Leading with Love

How can you start leading with love? In this episode of Reclamation, the Reclas, Justin, Tonya Dawn, and Neva Lee, discuss the importance of leading with love and coming from your heart first. Sometimes we get our head space, or thinking mind, confused with our loving heart space and it can cause confusion in our lives. The three talk about how we can differentiate the two for smoother connections and relationships! When we lead with love, anything is possible. Tune into this Reclamation episode to learn all about leading with love.

2022-05-03T19:49:21-07:00May 17th, 2022|

SPM – Kids Talk꞉ Your Children’s Relationship with the Divine

How can you support your children’s relationship with the Divine? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei is joined by Neva Lee Recla to talk all about how our own individual walks with the spirit have an impact on our children. The two talk about Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and many other ways children can experience the magic of the Divine. Tune in now to learn how to rekindle your inner child’s relationship with the Divine, to help support your child’s.

2022-05-03T17:43:02-07:00May 16th, 2022|

IMS – The Power of Presence

How can we embrace the power of presence? Do we need to practice awareness in our lives? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares the power of being present, staying aware in the moment. It is pretty challenging. However, we get to master our actions and bring full awareness to the center. If we can do this, we will be able to take our lives to different levels. Tune in to learn some exercises to let you feel the power of presence.

2022-06-28T18:48:23-07:00May 15th, 2022|

LTN – Spreading Love Throughout Generations

How can the world work together to start spreading love throughout generations? In this episode of Leave it to Neva, host Neva Lee Recla is joined by Les Jensen to talk all about how we can change the world intergenerationally even when viewpoints and opinions do not always line up. Les is specialized in spreading love and awakening your personal power. The two talk about how big conversations don’t have to be scary, how younger generations can learn from older generations and vice versa. The world can change if we all work together! Tune in now to learn all about spreading love throughout generations!

2022-11-08T18:45:17-07:00May 14th, 2022|

SOS – Participation has its Privileges

What are the privileges of participation? In this episode of the Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla streams live on the WISDOM app. She talks all about the privileges we gain through participation. When we participate, we can continue to create yummy containers for everybody to participate in, in love. Tune in through the network, or through the WISDOM app, to learn all about the privileges of participating!

2022-04-26T17:50:40-07:00May 13th, 2022|

ISP – Pay From the Heart

What does it mean to pay from the heart? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla is joined by guests Matthew and Corinne Andrews, co-owners of Shraddha Yoga studios. It is an online Yoga Studio that allows people to pay from the heart and does not have regular pricing structures for their services. They discuss the challenges the pay from the heart process brings and the joy that it has created in better serving their clients. Tune in to know why it pays to pay from the heart.

2022-05-03T17:21:26-07:00May 12th, 2022|

SES – We Are Connected

How can we see that we are connected? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens, M.D talks all about how we are all connected from the womb spiritually and mentally. Gabriel talks about the powerful cosmos and how we all begin as one within the spiritual galaxy we are all connected in. In this episode, you will learn about how to connect with those around you and how to come out of an ego-centric life, stepping into a connected one, and how to see the connections you have with everyone. Tune into Spiritual Ecstasy now to learn all about how we are connected!

2022-05-03T17:08:35-07:00May 11th, 2022|

TFC – Gospel Glass

What is gospel glass? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley welcomes Laura Ann Cohn, a lifelong artist in painting and singing-songwriting. Laura saw an arresting vision of an illuminated swan that inspired her in a career of drawing and now creating beautiful birds in fused glass. Each Gospel Glass bird comprises broken pieces of glass that are then fired into a wholeness that represents the wholeness of God. When light shines through these glass birds, it illuminates the beauty of God's love, and each bird holds a special gospel message. Tune in to know more about the beauty of the gospel glass.

2022-04-26T17:18:09-07:00May 11th, 2022|

HFH – YOU ARE, Abundance, Prosperity, Money and JOY

Did you know you are and you inhabit abundance, prosperity, money In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría sits with guest Adam C. Hall. Adam is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviours, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius, the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. He began to integrate a profoundly spiritual, more authentic, and natural approach. Becoming a trained shaman and teacher of The Course of Miracles, Adam focused on creating a company that protected the planet, particularly open spaces at risk of development. He also contributes to replanting the earth through the organization 8 Billion Trees. Today he is the founder/CEO of the Genius Studio, creator of the Genius Process. He works mainly with accomplished men seeking more contentment, alignment, and personal meaning in their lives. Tune in to know how to let abundance, prosperity, money, and joy find where you are.

2022-05-03T17:05:49-07:00May 10th, 2022|

YSPM – Defeating Anxiety with Humor

How can you defeat anxiety with humor? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Brett Newski to talk about how this young musician, songwriter, author, and podcaster has learned to defeat his anxiety with humor. Brett shares a daily exercise that helps maintain equilibrium. They also discuss the importance of self-awareness and brutal honesty in clearing your mind. Tune in to know how defeating anxiety with humor works.

2022-04-25T18:12:32-07:00May 9th, 2022|

ILP – Love of the Divine

Have you felt the love of the divine? How can this kind of love help us move forward away from suffering? In this episode of Message of Infinite Light, host Ayn Cates Sullivan sits with Mirabai Devi. Mirabai has been devoted to helping people awaken spiritually for 30 years. She has 4 Global Movements: The Divine Feminine Movement, The Lightworker Training School, A Power of Love an Online Membership Portal, & The Mirabai Devi Foundation. They discuss how humanity is awakening and the symptoms of awakening. You will learn the difference between insanity and spiritual awakening, how we move beyond suffering, and the compassion of the Divine Mother. Tune in to get close and feel the love of the divine.

2022-04-25T18:43:10-07:00May 9th, 2022|

SPS – Personal Power and the Healing Arts

What is the role of personal power within the healing arts? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, hostAmorahki chats with guest, Orlea Rollins, a healing arts practitioner and channel with the ability to connect with Ascended Masters, Elementals, Galactic Beings, and Celestial realms. Together, Amorahki and Orlea explore the role of personal power and the healing arts, from the perspective of the client and the practitioner, for the best possible outcomes and the highest good of all. Sit back and relax as you listen to this fantastic episode on personal power and the healing arts!

2022-04-28T13:56:39-07:00May 7th, 2022|

ISP – God-Centric Business

Why do we need to create God-centric businesses? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Peter Lawry talk about making God your CEO and how running a company built on service and a foundation of trust lead to a more abundant experience. Peter Lawry is a business coach who helps business owners create and build God-centric businesses. Tune in to learn how to create your own God-centric business!

2022-05-09T12:26:21-07:00May 5th, 2022|

WOA – Triumphing Over Trauma

What does it feel like to triumph over trauma? How can we change our lives from illness to wellness? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes guest Jennifer Kauffman to talk about an inspiring film, There's Got To Be More To Life. Jennifer shares her mental and physical trauma after being involved in the Boston bombing. But instead of becoming a victim, Jennifer Kauffman decided to become not only a survivor but also a success story. Life can offer us challenges that we never expected, but we can find miracles in every situation. Forgiveness can help us overcome trauma - it isn't easy - but it's powerful. Tune in on how to triumph over trauma through forgiveness so that we can find peace from within.

2022-04-28T13:45:16-07:00May 4th, 2022|

REC – Sharing Wisdom

Why is sharing wisdom so important? In this episode of the Reclamation, The Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva talk about the Wisdom App. Wisdom is a practical way to monetize your knowledge while also doing good by assisting others. The Recla talks about how to help people gain the wisdom they need in their lives to help others and all the different platforms we can use to do so. Tune in to learn all about the importance of sharing wisdom!

2022-04-28T13:40:05-07:00May 3rd, 2022|

SPM – Awakening Through Pregnancy and Birth

How can you experience awakening through pregnancy and birth? In this episode of Superpower Mommas, host Tatiana Berindei and guest Corrine Andrews share their thoughts on how the journey of pregnancy becomes the perfect vehicle for transformation and awakening. They also discuss practical tips on how to get the most spiritual nourishment out of your pregnancy. You will also learn what happens when we make radical shifts that require a tremendous amount of trust and the yoga of money. Tune in to learn more about the process of awakening through pregnancy and birth.

2022-05-18T19:57:16-07:00May 2nd, 2022|

LTN – Leave it to Neva

In this debut episode of Leave it to Neva, Neva Lee Recla is joined by their mom, Tonya Dawn Recla. Neva and Tonya start the show with a bang by discussing what it is all about and how we can create the containers for ourselves to change the world. The two talk about how age doesn't have to be a limit when making a change and that no change is too small. Tune in to know how the Leave it to Neva show resonates with us listeners as it exercises the superpowers of love!

2022-04-27T14:50:58-07:00April 30th, 2022|

SOS – The Race Between Technology and Consciousness

What is the race between technology and consciousness? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Amit Rathore sit together to discuss the merging of technology into our conscious spaces. Amit is behind the scenes, and many of these massive movements are towards this connecting place. He is a 41-year-old serial entrepreneur and angel investor based in San Mateo, California, and has specialized in the AI, media, commerce, and FinTech verticals since 2003. He is the creator of AwakeVC, a private equity holding company focused on supporting 10 million new technology enterprises globally to create 100 million employment. His superpower is consciousness — how he connects everything to everything. Tune in to run and learn in the race between technology and consciousness.

2022-04-12T18:11:44-07:00April 29th, 2022|

ISP – Franchise Your Future

How can you franchise your future? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla sits with guest Kim Daly. Kim Daly is a Franchise Coach who works with individuals and families who want to create a better future and find freedom through Franchising. She is a motivational speaker and mindset coach who focuses on knowing what you wish and pairing it with the right team to create a business experience that allows you to grow, build and find the freedom most people seek.Tune in now to learn how to franchise your future!

2022-04-12T18:27:37-07:00April 28th, 2022|

SES – Remembering Your Spiritual Joy

Why is remembering your spiritual joy essential? In this episode of Spiritual Ecstasy, host Gabriel Cousens M.D speaks with guest Kevin Ryerson. Kevin shares what makes him happy and what it means to be an optimist. They will also touch on the meaning of Dharma Trends, which are positive trends in society, and the importance of Ancestral Influences. Tune in to learn all about remembering your spiritual joy!

2022-04-12T17:54:43-07:00April 27th, 2022|

TFC – Art Reflecting on Climate Change

Do you want to engage yourself in reflecting on climate change? In this episode of The Frequency of Creativity, host Melinda Harr Curley sits with guest Jennifer Kane. Jennifer Kane as an artist, considers herself a reporter on climate change. She paints En Plein Air and immerses herself in nature, connecting deeply with the energy around her. She has studied the science of climate change and holds all this information within her. Her art balances the weight of devastation with an overriding hope for renewal, providing us, the observer, with a profound visual exploration of our environment and the significant changes. Listen and learn the art of reflecting on climate change.

2022-04-12T17:50:52-07:00April 27th, 2022|

HFH – Punto de Saturación

Sergio es Colombiano estudió Psicología, y es Conferencista Internacional, Creador de la Comunidad Mastermind, Experto en la Ley de Atracción, Hipnoterapeuta, Viajero del Mundo, Activador de portales, Maestro de Respiración Circular Corriente y administra medicinas ancestrales; gracias a que experimentó el punto de saturación encontró su proposito de vida. Actualmente vive en El Centro Holistico Phinniliph en El Rosal Cundimarca, en el hermoso país de Colombia a 20 minutos de su capital Bogotá, donde facilita medicinal ancestral, hipnosis regresiva sanadora y diferentes tecnicas de respiración. Acompáñanos para que recuerdes el poder de abrirse a posibilidades infinitas y transformar tu vida

2022-04-12T17:21:22-07:00April 26th, 2022|

YSPM – Mastering Time Management and Self-Care

What should you do to start mastering time management and self-care? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Beatrice Naujalyte talk about the power of time blocking in decreasing procrastination and balanced energy. People need to learn to be realistic in time tracking. Getting and staying motivated and diminishing the need for willpower should be practiced. Tune in to know how to balance self-care with productivity through time management.

2022-04-12T18:52:52-07:00April 25th, 2022|

IMS – Miracle Maker

What is a miracle maker? As we all know, these series are all based on miracles. In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares how the miracle maker has led her life in the last years. The day that she acknowledged the fact that she came to this human experience to incarnate and be one with God, she asked the divinity for information and experiences and awareness to be able to live it in that way. And that's when, of course, miracles arrive into her life. Tune in and hear AngelaMaría along with Tonya Dawn Recla, who allowed and invited her to join her in these beautiful three messages of the Miracle Maker.

2022-04-11T18:26:30-07:00April 24th, 2022|
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