DEC – Journey of Awareness

How can we embark on the journey of awareness? What divine gifts do you have? In this episode of DECU hosts, Kathy and Yvonne talk about their individual experiences on their DECU journey. They said that it is vital to acknowledge your divine gifts. Also, saying yes to staying in an unknown space for a long time can lead us to flow in frequency with flow and ease. Tune in to learn how to situate yourself into the serene heart space with the Divine synergy to respond in neutrality and unity.

2022-05-31T17:55:05-07:00December 30th, 2021|

DEC – DECU for Weight Loss

How can DECU help with weight loss? What are the struggles people undergo during the weight loss journey? In this episode of DECU, co-hosts Jewels and Jennifer revolve their conversation around the hardships brought about by deciding to start a weight loss journey. Jennifer brings herself into a space of transparency as Jewels does a DECU session for her. The DECU session’s goal is to shatter the nagging voice that holds Jennifer from starting her weight loss path. Tune in to know how to dive deep into suffering and bring the body into a Divine state of love.

2021-11-23T18:44:55-07:00December 16th, 2021|

DEC – The Consciousness of Menopause

What is the consciousness of menopause? Why do women need awareness during this stage? In this episode of DECU, hosts Jewels and Jennifer talk about the choice of bringing consciousness around aging and menopause. It is vital to set oneself at the level of awareness to decide when you will want to stop aging. Tune in and learn more about how to establish understanding to overcome the struggles posed by this stage.

2021-11-15T19:47:06-07:00December 2nd, 2021|

DEC – DECU for the Light Body

How essential is DECU for the light body? How can this process help humans to overcome the difficulties and obstacles of this world? In this episode of DECU, hosts Jewels and Jennifer talk about the light body and shifting identity in form. The light body is our vehicle to become one with our source and creator. Light body activation is not only for us to merge with the Divine, but it is also meant to change the way we look at our bodies and move through life's emotions and challenges. Tune in and learn more from Jewels and Jennifer on the purpose of DECU for the light body.

2021-11-02T17:16:54-07:00November 18th, 2021|

DEC – Trusting in the Divine

What does it mean to start trusting in the Divine? In this episode of DECU, co-hosts Jennifer and Kathy talk about the meaning of placing our trust with the Divine. They dive into the aspects of divine timing and sensing the divine internally. Jennifer and Kathy also share their experiences using the DECU process. Tune in and change your emotional state by understanding the feeling of trust from within and how it reflects in our outer world.

2021-11-16T18:13:06-07:00November 4th, 2021|

DEC – Live Virtual Retreat!

Have you attended a live virtual retreat? Do you want to experience spiritual evolution and healing? In this episode of DECU, co-hosts Jewels and Jennifer offer an open invitation to their upcoming Live 11:11 Activate Your Evolution Virtual Retreat. Experience the Changemakers Live as they bring their brilliance in this live virtual healing retreat. Join the sacred space and feel the spiritual connection. Rejuvenate, evolve, empower!

2021-11-02T16:24:27-07:00October 21st, 2021|

DEC – Breaking Agreements

Do you know that breaking agreements can be beneficial for us? Are you aware of everything that you have agreed about? In this episode of DECU, co-hosts Kathy and Yvonne talk about resistance and agreements. Sometimes, we unconsciously make agreements, such as the family values and beliefs or the hereditary disease passed on to us. On the other hand, if we raise our awareness and awaken ourselves to higher frequencies, resistance kicks in. We are starting to say “NO!” Slowly, we attune ourselves to the Divine Frequency and the alignment we should be in. Tune in and learn how to seek help from the Divine to see, hear, and feel the things we need and choose the experiences we want to encounter in our lives.

2021-10-04T09:53:30-07:00October 7th, 2021|

DEC – Ascending Through the I AM

Do you want to know about the process of ascending through the I AM? Are you ready to change your life to move forward? In this episode of DECU, co-hosts Kathy and Yvonne talk about their experiences on taking DECU courses from Jewels Arnes to gain universal clearing and OM codes activation. Kathy and Yvonne share how these classes gradually changed their lives in terms of their workplace environment, gaining self-confidence, and having a voice to speak their truth. Tune in and listen to Kathy and Yvonne as they share their journey of breaking away from stress, fear, and vulnerability while turning into confident and bold individuals. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-09-06T18:46:33-07:00September 23rd, 2021|

DEC – A Natural Evolution

Have you experienced a natural evolution? How important are personal development and growth to us? In this episode of DECU, hosts Denise & Kathy share with you how DECU has been a natural evolution for their growth and personal development. Furthermore, they tell how DECU helped them to evolve to higher states of consciousness. Denise and Kathy emphasize that the old way of focusing on the wrong and finding what needs to be fixed doesn't work. Tune in and join Denise and Kathy as they explain how with DECU, they can get out of the story of "why" and reprogrammed their cells into what and how they want to be.    To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-08-23T18:25:04-07:00September 9th, 2021|

DEC – Clear the Anxiety of Change

We are on the brink of evolutionary awakening in this CoVid19 era. How can we clear the anxiety of change? How can we condition our minds to remain calm despite the negative things happening around us? In this episode of DECU, hosts Kathy and Denise chat about identifying and clearing the anxiety caused by the changes offered by the world. They further discuss coping at the brink of evolutionary awakening in this CoVid19 era. Tune in and join Kathy and Denise as they invite you into the world of the DECU process to reduce stress brought about by the uncertainty our planet is becoming; reprogram your cells reprogram your life.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-08-09T17:40:50-07:00August 26th, 2021|

DEC – Existing in The Unknown Space

How does it feel like to exist in an unknown space? Do you want to free your mind and spirit from being captives of anxiety? In this episode of DECU, host Kathy Read and co-host Yvonne Zook talk about how to take charge of your mind. Furthermore, they discuss sitting in the unknown space and completely letting go, and trusting the process of being one with Divine Source. And how we must feel the loving, supportive, pure energy that we all have within and around us to free ourselves from anxiety. Join Kathy and Yvonne in this episode and allow yourself to connect with the wholeness of who you are.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-08-03T18:22:28-07:00August 12th, 2021|

DEC – Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life

Ever heard of a total makeover? How about a cellular upgrade to help you readjust your focus and reprogram your life? In this episode of DECU: Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life you get to intimately meet the hosts, Kathy and Denise who share about their journey into DECU (Dermal Expression Cellular Upgrade) and how it facilitated their healing, improved their health, and increased their overall life happiness. This is an episode you don’t want to miss! The hosts end with a powerful universal clearing exercise to enhance the lives of everyone who is fortunate enough to listen. Tune into DECU now to experience your universal clearing and learn more about how DECU can enhance your life.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on [...]

2021-07-20T20:03:49-07:00July 29th, 2021|

DEC – Discovering Your True Self with DECU

Would you like to know how you can go about discovering your true self with DECU? On this episode of DECU host Kathy Read is joined by co-host Yvonne Zook where they are discussing Discovering your True Self with DECU. DECU is an energetic process that reads toxic programs of the cells and allows you to reprogram your cells to high-frequency realities.  DECU also helps you to discover your true self. Listen in to today’s episode as Kathy and Yvonne explore discovering your true self with DECU.    To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-07-14T10:26:49-07:00July 15th, 2021|

DEC – Control, Separation and How Community Can Help to Bridge the Divide

How do you deal with control and separation? How can the community help bridge this divide? In this episode of DECU, host Kathy Read and Denise Kilonsky answer these questions and more. Kathy and Denise discuss how humanity is going through a massive upgrade and how important it is to know that you are not alone. Join Kathy and Denise in today’s episode to learn more about control, separation, and how you can help bridge the divide as a member of the community.  To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-22T18:13:25-07:00July 1st, 2021|

DEC – DECU: Reprogram Your Cells

Are you looking at readjusting your focus and reprogramming your life? If your answer is yes, then this show is the one for you. In this debut episode of DECU: Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life, Jewels Arnes introduces the show and explains why it is something you should look forward to. Jewels also tell us why we should use DECU in reprogramming ourselves and changing the reality of our lives. Join Jewels in this debut episode to learn more about DECU Reprogram Your Cells, Reprogram Your Life. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-06-08T18:57:14-07:00June 17th, 2021|
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