Gina Best joins Tonya Dawn Recla to tackle the business of getting to the core. As a business owner and coach, Gina guides her clients to go deep and dig things up. Listen in as two power women talk about how to be powerful in business, relationships and life.
Hello everybody this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I’m excited to have with me a firecracker of a woman. Her name is Gina Best and she is an award-winning business owner, coach speaker and she, this woman doesn’t just get to the core, she like drills down with the core then, like explodes it from within. So she’s got some energy behind. There’s some power that I think you’re going to have a lot of fun listening to today. So join me in welcoming her to the show. Welcome, Gina.
Thank you so much. And thank you for the opportunity of being here.
Oh absolutely. So we launch right in as always with what are your Super Powers?

I can see past what they show others and see the real them.
What are my Super Powers? I spent a lot of time thinking about this. My first one is, I see things differently. I can see the core of somebody. I don’t get bogged down by the details. So when I meet somebody, I can see past what they show others and see the real them.
I had this image of you talking about, kind of, you drill down how you do that. And it really was this kind of igniting of like there’s this rumbling that occurs as you, like, you kind of go to that course like, “Brrrr” you know, and I could see you almost like you’ve got this like power drill, you know, you just go right down to the core and it’s really an interesting power to wield what…how did you start to kind of come about that or how did that come up for you?
I have always seen the world a little bit differently. I beat to my own drum and what I realized a few years ago is that I used to just ignore what I saw and just kind of put my head down and go away. And it didn’t serve anybody. So when I decided to make some changes I decided, you know what, and I need to start calling things like it is. And that was never an issue with me but when it came to people, I didn’t have the softer side. I used to hide very big behind my personality and I was kind of bitchy. So, it didn’t really work back then because I came to people in the wrong way. Now, I know that that’s not how it works. And once I started really being open to the other person how they like to deal with people, how they see themselves, I realized that I can share what I saw because a lot of people come to me…used to come to me and say, you know, I don’t know where I’m going or what I want. I don’t know how to get there. And then just having a conversation. I had a client two years ago when he came and met me, I just…I saw who he was and I saw him like he is now. But no one else saw him in that way. And in class one day the girl next to him said…turned to him and said, “You bloody are a jerk, aren’t you?” And he said, “Yup I am.” And I said, “No, no, no, no.” It just…he didn’t…it’s hard. Everybody hides behind so much. And I can just see past that and I realize that some people are not open to it at all, and that’s OK. I’m not the person for everybody. And some people are so open to it. They just want to stand next to me and say, “Look at me, look at me.”
That’s such a great depiction of…I’m reflecting on, you know, I think you and I have some similar gifts, some crossover in how those gifts work in it. And I love how you just described it because I went through a very similar process with mine, which was, you know, just assuming everybody wanted to know and then finding out maybe that’s not the case. And really learning to allow people to be where they’re at and one of the most beautiful bits of information I heard, feels like it was here recently, was the idea that, you know, everyone’s going to get there and it’s just we all get to choose our timing and it was such a, like for it felt like an invitation to exhale. You know, I was like, “Oh ok.” Like I don’t have to like go running around frantically like, “Everybody wake up, wake up, wake up. Let me tell you who you are. Let me show you.” And it was, for whatever reason, you know, how messages just kind of come to us when we’re ready. It was…it was just a little nugget that I needed to go, “OK. I get it.” like and because it did feel like there was, and I think a lot of us get caught up in particularly in some of the more Woo-Woo circles around, you know, conspiracy theories or apocalyptic endings and stuff. And to really be able to relax into this notion that there’s nothing to save, you know. It’s just when people are ready, they’re ready and it’s a, and that becomes a really beautiful exchange.
And a big part of it, for me, was once I realized that I, once I was open and able to share myself, then others share with me and that was a big piece. I couldn’t do that for very, very long time. So, of course, people just came to me to fix things versus listening to them. But once I started opening up and sharing and I’m pretty much, it’s funny, I used to say I’m an open book. You just had to know the questions. But now I’m just an open book and I got a pretty big share. And, you know, sometimes, I think, “Oh should I really be sharing this stuff?” And then I get the e-mails and then the messages from people saying, “You know what, thank you for sharing. You’ve made my day. You know, you helped us get through the day.” and little things like that, so it’s about sharing. It’s about sharing it’s about being able to hear and see what’s not being said.
Well and even the journey to get there to where you can share that even with yourself, you know. And it’s, you know, that to me is the, you know, it’s one thing to know that you do this work in the world but it’s another to kind of come around to the realization of the real reason why most of us do this work in the world is because it is the solidification of everything that we worked to find out about ourselves and in the teaching of it and sharing of it, we really get to emulate it.
Yeah. Every time we share it, we heal ourselves, we helpfully touch somebody, you know, and it was a long journey to get here. It was some rocky road at times. And, you know, it still is a journey everyday. But I wouldn’t trade it for a moment.
That’s beautiful. Do you see that being the way, moving forward, like or do you see people kind of getting there quicker or like are you saying things change a little bit now that you’re on the other side of this journey and helping?

My girlfriend always says that I blow things up.
Yeah I do. There’s a lot of seekers out there. There’s a lot of people who are looking for something and they don’t know what it is. They try everything and then some to fix it, or to find a solution, and they sign up for things and do things and no one quite finishes things. And I remember this because this was me and sometimes when they get something that works they run away because they’re afraid. But there are a lot of seekers and it’s really about connecting. It’s surely about the right person. You know, there’s a lot of amazing people out there who do, you know, who are kind of like me, and we all have, you know, our own talents but it’s all about who you jive with, who you, like my mentor, up until I met him, I was, I was a big runner. I would start something and when it got deep or got…it pushed me or challenged me, I would just walk away or I’d run away, let’s be honest. But he was different. He just worked for me. And I really do believe that’s kind of how the fit is. You know, people, sometimes people look at my marketing and, you know, I’m known as, you know, the no shit taker. I’m known as a straight talker and I call it like it is. My girlfriend always says I blow things up. And some people can’t…are not OK with that. They’re not…I’m not the right fit for some people. And so people say to me, you know, shouldn’t you tone down your marketing and I’m like, “No!” No, because, you know what, this really gives people the opportunity. This is me and this is how I work and if I’m the right fit for you, great. If not, I will be the first one to say let’s find someone else who is the right fit for you because I can’t be the one thing for everybody.
Well and I think what you’re talking about is so incredibly powerful and it’s quite the counterintuitive kind of stance within business, you know, the idea to really, really, really, really hone down and specialize in your specific niche I think is scary. You know, at the onset for a lot of people because it feels like they’re walking themselves up the opportunity. And ironically, it’s quite the opposite because when you watered down or try to cast this wide net you’re not really serving yourself or anyone else very well and it impacts the energetic output. And so it’s…I’ve seen this over and over and over again and I love how refreshing it is to just hear you say that you have the courage and the bravery to say this is mine, that’s not mine. That’s a big part of the reason why SuperPowerExperts exists was because I found myself here without a lot of really good referral partners and without anyone to kind of hand people off to so I would try to be everything to everyone. This is when I was doing my own intuitive coaching and what I learned is in that collaboration, I’m able to go, “Hey, that’s not my lane.” Like I’ve got someone over here I am happy to connect you with and keeping everyone within the same kind of circle of trust has really proven to be a cool concept but it…but I’ll tell you, it’s exactly what you’re talking about that drove me to that.
Yeah. And I mean my will, I know what my will house is, and when it’s, you know, when it’s things that venture outside, I’m the first one to say, “OK and let’s find someone who can help us with this.”
Yup. That’s beautiful.
A couple of weeks ago, I had a colleague we were going to work together. And I’ll never forget it was Wednesday and I got off the phone and thought, “Oh crap. We are a lot alike. I don’t know how this is going to go.” So the next day she called me and said, “I love you. I think we’re so much alike. I don’t think, this is going to work.” And I said, “You know, I don’t really want to say I agree with you but I agree with you and I totally get it.” And I got sort of, I won’t cry because I hate when people leave. And I called her back about 20 seconds later and said, “You know what, there’s not a hard feeling here at all. If you need anything call me.” And, you know what, so much integrity there like she knew it. We are too much alike, right? So I really liked that. It was another message to be the whole. You know what, there’s more than enough to go around. And if it’s not the right fit, why try to fit a round peg into a square hole.
Well and it is cool because that…one of the things that I’ve challenged myself and others to do here recently is to see if we can stay in what I call that synergistic collaboration and see if there’s anything that grows between us even if we are very similar. And so I have a lot of, I call my little birthing projects, like going on all over the world right now with people that I’ve been introduced to podcasts or people who’ve connected us. And just seeing what transpires and at the very least, I think, just what you’re talking about, mutual love, mutual respect, support of each other, like that goes a really long way with all of us who do this work because it is challenging, you know, it is like you said before, beating to a different drum, you know, and having that whole support system is absolutely invaluable at this stage.
Absolutely I couldn’t do it without it.
So I think that all of that is just perfect. And I’m really excited that we’re seeing more and more of that. But back to the question earlier because I really have been kind of puzzling with this lately and I feel like you’d be an interesting to speak to about it. Have you ever wondered like when we get to certain phases of our growth and we start seeing kind of more people who are seeking or maybe people who are going through it more expeditiously or whatever the heart may be, do you think it’s a situation where those people were always there but yet we couldn’t see them because of our development or do you really think that things are changing?
I think it’s both. I think a big part of it is that we wear blinders. And until you, I kind of believe that you hit a wall and you have to do something different. I’m not about right and wrong, I’m about different. And for myself, like I hit a wall and I knew something had to change and I had no idea what it was, that I just start. It’s I kind of locked up and ended up where I was. I think that…the…there’s always…there’s that underlying like I used to sit at the end of the day and watch the shadows go across my desk and think, “Holy crap this is it.” You know, and then I’d feel guilty because, you know, I had a great business, I had a good husband, I had kids, I had lots of friends, and I just thought, “Oh my God, is this all it is?” And I think that rumbling in people gets louder during different circumstances, you know. And this morning I was at a networking meeting and I said to my group, “You know, how many of you guys live with the what ifs? What if I had said yes? What if I had done differently? You know, enough of the what ifs” So I just think the grump, I think globally it’s changing, and people are realizing that it just doesn’t have to be tolerated. Life is not here to be tolerated. It’s here to be lived. And I know in my world so many lessons about how life…short life is at an end that really hits home. And it seems to be more common than it used to be or you know like, people talk about it more than they used to be. It used to be you…
Would you say that’s a development thing or a social media thing or what do you…what do you attribute that to?
I think it…part of it is definitely social media. You know, like this morning I saw a social media post from a friend of mine. And I knew that her sister has been quite ill. So I called her and said, “Are you OK?” She said, “No.” and “she passed away” and I said, you know, little chat, “I wouldn’t have known that, if I hadn’t seen the post.” And she didn’t say anything about it. She just said that, you know, she was sad or something. So, definitely there’s a social media part, but it’s too full, like a lot of people are using social media more and more, and being, you know, I love the fact that people are being more and more honest about social media, on social media. Like I’m pretty much out there when I say you don’t…how I talk in real life, I’m on social media. But I think then the spin off from that is the connection people make, and then take on in person.
What do you mean by that?
Well, they see the thing in social media. Like my friend this morning, I saw them on social media. I didn’t comment back to her on social media. I picked up the phone. And called her. So I think there’s two sides that we’re developing more and more relationships and it reaches very far with social media, but it’s also propelling more connection, for some, face to face. And I find that the trend these days, you know, everybody is doing online courses and online this and online that. But, you know what, when I coach my clients, I actually give them the option. Would you like to do Skype? Would you like to do phone? Or do you want to do in person if you’re local, 9 of 10 of them is still local. All my local clients come to my office. They want to come in. They want that connection.
That makes sense.
You know I want to…
I could see that.
Yeah and it’s really important for them and so, globally, the social media, there’s more information you have…I just everyday…there’s more, you know, more stories more everything. But I do think people are craving the connection. And I think that’s a global change.
That makes sense. And I think it really speaks to some of the phenomenon that we discovered in the sense that it’s, you know, the virtual is absolutely necessary like our niche market is we’re not all gathered in a geographic location anymore like it…there’s just not enough people acting completely divergently, that, you know, and so the international reach is really necessary. And we do have this desire to connect, you know, more than just to that virtual space. And so I think that’s why we’re seeing more like even hang out and stuff of how big it helps. But also, you know, we encourage all of our members that any time they’re in the same physical location to get together because that physical exchange is also very powerful but not feeling like we have to have just one or just the other.

With social media and technology the world is a much smaller place.
And with social media and all the technology the world is a much smaller place. I have a couple of years ago I met, my best friend lives in Norway, lives in Oslo, we met through business a couple of years ago. We see each other in person anywhere from three to six times a year. But we talk every Sunday. Eleven o’clock every Sunday we talk. That’s what technology has allowed. So that’s the most amazing part. So again, the social media technology feeds it. But then it’s what you do spinoffs. And I’m all about like I think the core of everything is relationships and developing relationships. I think that’s one of the piece we really need to keep an eye on with the younger people, and our kids and the younger millennials, because they seem to forget that the connection is not the phone. You have to get past that. So I’m a big fan of face to face and fun things and just putting. Even if it’s a conversation, if you can’t be in the same locale, sometimes to hear someone else’s voice is huge.
I agree with that. So what advice would you have for folks who are, you know, kind of starting off wanting to hone these powers and these abilities and move in the world in a different way? What would you offer them now?
What would I offer them now? I’d ask, my first question is what do you want? And I know people look at me and go, “Oh, I want a business. Oh, I want a successful business.” What do you really want?” Like let’s get to the bottom line like really what’s in there? Is it do you want to be known for who you are? Like I have one client and he’s not driven by money. He wants notoriety. He wants to be known. So what is it? You know, where does it come from? I’m a big person about let’s figure out why you do what you do or why you want to do what you do. Like let’s figure out your big why. Why do you get up in the morning? And then depending on where your business is that we can actually measure it in. So when you’re out and about talking to people and creating the business that you want, you can say, “You know what, the reason I do this is because when I was a kid, I saw my dad do a 9 to 5 job and I didn’t want that. I want freedom. So I’m a big person about your why. And if you can figure out your why, then everything can spawn from there. And then I’m a big…I’m a big…let’s hit some, let’s put some goal posts in place. What do we want to do in the next six months? Let’s reverse engineer like let’s have a plan. The other thing that I see really well is systems. So I can go, “OK we need to figure this out. But if you’re just starting out, you know what, pick…first of all, pick a goal. What do you want to do in the next three months? Do you want to increase your e-newsletter list to 100 people? OK let’s do that. How are we going to do it? Like let’s put some plans down. Get up in the morning. You know, as much as I’m all about freedom and that’s why I’m self-employed. I actually have a dream a couple of weeks ago, ooh nine to five job and I thought, “Oh my God, I’d make an awful employee.” But I get up every morning and I have, you know, I have a day timer still even though I’m a technology girl and I write down. I, you know, I do a brainstorm. I write down things as, these are due today, these are the things I send out three something every day, three, three, three Thank you cards. A pitch for something. I’ll ask if I can do something, even just a check in. I always talk to at least three people everyday. And that makes, you know what, if you talk to people, if you really talk to people in past the Hello-How’s-your-day-Nice-out-there, if you can get past the B.S. conversations, you’ll actually build your business.
Beautiful. That’s I think that’s fantastic advice. And it really does get at that connectivity piece. And I like that we just keep talking about going beyond, going beyond and not just, you know, if you really do want to create a life that’s extraordinary for yourself. There’s a bit of stretching beyond what looks normal, you know. And so having the courage to do that and following, you know, maybe taking a step in someone else’s footprints and then taking a step in someone else’s and just kind of hopscotching your way along, I think that’s a fantastic approach. So, really cool solid advice there. I know our listeners are going to want to learn more about you. Where can we send them?
You can send them to my website. And again, I’m blessed with a great name. My website is actually Gina.Best
That’s just what it is. That’s a great point. On there is an email, my e-mail address, also, my phone number. You know, your listeners can absolutely send me a text, pick up the phone, call me, which is my favorite, or send me an e-mail. And I’d love to talk to any of them who would like more information.
Perfect. Well very cool. Thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing some of your amazing energy with us.
Thank you for having me. I feel very honored to be here.
Very cool. And to all of the out there as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Thank you for listening. Until next time, go out, uncover your Super Powers and change the world. Take care everyone.
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