A Bob Proctor Theory by a seven-year-old. Neva Lee Recla, child entrepreneur and Founder of Super Power Kids, interprets a complex theory involving the conscious and subconscious minds. A theory made popular by Bob Proctor, the Stick Person Theory, breaks down the primary reason most people fail to transform their lives.


Hi! My name is Neva Lee Recla, I’m seven-years-old. Today I want to talk to you about Bob Proctor’s Stick Person Theory. What IS Bob Proctor’s Stick Person Theory? Well, this talks about the two minds and the body. So, this is the thinking mind and this is the believing mind.

So let’s say you want to be an astronaut. Your thinking mind would have to think that you wanted to be an astronaut but your believing mind would have to believe that you’re to be an astronaut. If not, then it would be impossible for you to be an astronaut.

So, here’s another example. What if you wanted to stop being hurt by people, like not hurting your feelings? Well, again, your thinking mind would have to think that you would have to stop being bullied or hurt by other people. And then your believing mind would have to believe that you could stop being bullied by people. If your believing mind did not believe that you would keep getting hurt by people.

Where do beliefs come from? Well, they come from either when you’re a baby or when you’re my age — which is a child. So you would hear that from your parents or your grandparents or your friends. So that’s how you get that information that you probably don’t even know that that’s still in your head, but you don’t have any memory of that.

So, if you try to make change and you can’t, there’s probably something in the believing mind. If you don’t know how to do that you can ask a family member, your parents, or your friends. If they don’t know you should just go listen to Bob Proctor.

Today we talked about the thinking mind, the believing mind, and the body. Make sure you go check out Bob Proctor.
