Warning! Article Contains Adult/Sensitive Content!

The penis is mightier than the sword
As promised, we must talk about the penis. You know, I half-heartedly thought about including some additional names commonly used instead of penis to illustrate a point, but one site had a list of 493 alternatives, so… I think we all get the point. In many challenging and rather perplexing ways, the penis stands on its own as a pillar of purposeful misperception. Perhaps through no fault of its own, the male member suffers from serious identity development issues that lend additional confusion to the rape culture conversation.
As we reshape rape in terms of a crime, we have an opportunity to reimagine the weapon of choice. Namely, piercing the pesky veil of penis-power and penis-envy. Because, let’s face it, as far as weapons and playthings go, the vagina wins, hands down.
Hmm…well, let’s get all up in there and take a peak.
- protrudes outside the body
- lacks climate control
- highly susceptible to external pressure
- wilts at the first sign of defeat
- easily broken, maimed, cut off, etc.
- requires rest
- pals around with two sidekicks who tend to run and hide at the first sign of threat (sidekick, get it??)
- capable of squeezing something the size of a watermelon through…
- by design multi-orgasmic
- self-cleaning and regulating
- intimately connected to divine and natural flow
- private portals of creative potential (some activation required)
- powerful defenses to ensure certain layers of creative potential cannot be breached without invitation
- kegels (think before you penetrate)
- capable of performing amazing feats with ping pong balls
- bears forth life
Of course I’m being ridiculously over-the-top here. And what reasons might exist for me to be a bit ridiculous about something that continues to benefit from one of the greatest PR campaigns and psy ops missions of all time?
That’s right. The penis is guilty of perpetuating its own bloviated opinion of itself and planting seeds of assumed superiority. Brothers, I love you, but now is the time to admit that what lies between your legs lies, specifically to you, when it pretends to be anything other than what it is. And, I suspect if we dig deep enough, we’ll find the awareness that feeds the fear that if women knew just how fragile that little flesh flute is (I never said I didn’t read the list), we might be tempted to take advantage and turn the tables, whipping out our far superior physical power.
Spoiler: We know, we’ve just been playing nice.
So, ladies, how in the world do we justify perpetuating a culture of fear when it comes to all things weenie-weapon related? About the time men start getting their dicks ripped off when they put them in places they weren’t invited to partake in, I predict we might see some hobbies of choice change a bit. But, even this conversation reduces the complexity of the matter to a I-am-yoni-feel-me-squeeze swing of the pendulum. A minor step closer to the world we say we want, but, alas, we can’t pull out now. In this, we really must be willing to go all the way.
Fruit of the poisonous tree
As I mentioned previously, the perpetuation of rape culture sullies intimate relationships in ways that create a huge epidemic no one wants to talk about (continue reading).