The last time we chatted with Arnaud Saint-Paul we explored how he believes technology is the expression of consciousness and the universe operates off the principle of pronoia. In this episode, Arnaud returns with Tonya Dawn Recla to keep the conversation going. We dive a bit further into that consciousness to understand how our connectedness to the outside world must first be internalized. Tune in as we go beyond trust to understand how stability unlocks our ability to establish sound external relationships both personally and professionally.
Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I’m really excited to have back on the show with me today, Arnaud. Arnaud is…he’s just yummy. So you’re just going to feel I’m here in a second. And we did this interview and you can see the link there to his previous interview all about pronoia and the concept that the universe is conspiring on your behalf. And it was such a fantastic interview that I have invited him to come back so we can dialogue around a related topic but go a little bit deeper with him. So we’re going to be talking about the concept of trust today, and where do we kind of find our own stability, and our own…I don’t know, I think I’ll use the word sanctuary, and how do we go about creating that in these very fluid and fluctuating lives that most of us who know that we’re called on to change the world, you know, have created for ourselves. So, first of all, welcome back to the show, Arnaud. I’m so excited to have you back.
Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. And hello everyone, by the way, most importantly.
So wonderful. Yeah. I love connecting with you. So let’s dialogue a little bit about what, you know, let’s flesh out kind of the concept of trust. And I feel like there’s a depth to that that we’re not encapsulating with that word. You want to share a little bit about what we’re talking?
Yeah. Because…actually it goes beyond trust. We were talking about stability, and we’re talking about trips, having trips and moving around, and one does have to find one’s stability not in the outside world, the one that is surrounding us, but inside ourselves. But, you know, when, for an instance, when we’re leading teams to take that other example, or we’re an entrepreneur, we have the…a vision. We have an idea of how things should unfold, or at least, an idea of the destination, right? It’s the same when we’re traveling. We know where we want to go. We just don’t know yet how it’s going to unfold. And we do have that trust of saying yes we’re going to arrive to whichever place we’re talking about, whether it’s an actual physical destination or an actual vision. But, and therefore we have the trust, that trust that is cementing all the new moments that are coming up, bringing us closer and closer to that place. And, but that can only happen if we feel inside ourselves that, at the point of reference, to the point that is actually moving, between quotes, is ourselves not the surrounding. What I mean by that is, we have to trust our vision. We have to trust the unfolding, without looking at what’s happening outside, and knowing that we’re getting there. Does that make sense?

My bachelor’s degree was in Intercultural Communication.
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash
It makes complete sense and it’s so funny because what…you know, how everything kind of circles back around when I was in college my bachelor’s degree was in Intercultural Communication and I kind of expanded on that in my master’s in Critical Race Theory. And one of the things that I was constantly fascinated with was that psychological perspective of space. And what we seen really densely populated areas is the need for space is or the ability to create space is different. So where the physical space may not be as abundant, it’s the ability to create psychological space. And this conversation reminds me a lot of that, in the sense of as we move, you know, it’s not so much…I think a lot of people in their personal journeys, you know, go about trying to create peace in their environment and wanting to control the environment. Well, I think most of us, we reach a certain point and realize like it’s just not going to happen like they…when we come back down off the mountain like I say, you know, once we’ve done our journeying and we’re ever coming back down to do our work in the world, the world is chaotic and the energies are constantly in flux. And in order to stay in that and do the work and have an impact, you have to kind of carry your own peace with you.
And so it’s, I envision, it’s like coming out of the eye of the storm and being able to be in the constant tumultuousness of all of it and still maintain your own peace.
It’s easy to do if you can hide up, you know, everybody could go running off to your cabin in the woods and, you know, and be peaceful or meditate all day long, but can you do it in the world?
And Twitter used the word earlier, carry or find that peace, but it’s actually, more than anything else, recognizing the peace that we have inside, recognizing that space within that witnesses all that is around us, including our thoughts, by the way. So the thoughts, between quotes, are also a manifestation on the outside of ourselves or of that infinite peace that is inside. But being in that heart of ours, being in that peace, will actually help us tremendously in navigating all the different moments and the different potential challenges or adventures, at least, that we’re going through in order to get to this destination, whether it is a vision or an actual physical destination.
Yeah and it is so funny. Again, I’m really reminded of the fact that this looks very different. Depending on where we’re at in our journey and so I, you know, with the Super Power NET, like we attract a lot of different people at a lot of different parts and pieces along the way. And I do think that, as you’re kind of doing that whole personal development part of the process, there is value in learning to remove chaos and control for the environment as much as possible as you’re establishing that inner stability. But our niche, you know, really, the people that we attract are the ones who are moving back into the world to do their work and have those tools now with them. And what…and there…it seems to be a bit of a rude awakening that the world starts to get kind of crazy again. You know, they’re like, “Wait I just…I was so peaceful and everything was great. And then all of sudden it’s like I’m seeing all these things again. Why? Why?” And immediately we go into kind of a judgment of ourselves and thinking, wow, well, maybe we didn’t really learn that lesson or, you know, what so, what do I need to do here? And part of it is just being willing to allow the environment to be what it is.
But not above realizing that you learned all those tools and techniques for a reason and it wasn’t so that you could control the environment. It was so that you could maintain yourself in the midst of your environment regardless of what it is.

I was at peace with myself.
Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash
Very much so. Exactly. So continuing being aware of yourself even if all of a sudden, you know, everything starts to accelerate. Actually, I have a very recent anecdote. I’m currently at a friend’s house and his dog had a kind of issues to breathe this morning. So we had to rush off to the veterinarian, drive fast and so that we could be in the, you know, oxygen chamber and all this stuff. And it was funny to be able to observe oneself driving very fast on the freeway and getting to the vet, and all the stress, that is, or the anxiety that was engulfed at the body level. And still, I was at peace with myself, getting myself going through all these events when usually most of my day is very peaceful and tranquil working from the computer and doing what I need to do in the world. So it was a very high pitch contrast. And this is what we should be doing, and, what we should be being, better said, on our every moment, being centered on that peace inside ourselves.
That is such a phenomenal example. I love the wording that you used, like being in observation of the energy and the chaos going on within the body and it’s ok to have that. Though the experience that I had recently, I remember I was trying to explain it to Justin here, my husband. And I was like, I said, “I’m experiencing stress.” He goes, “Well, do you feel stressed?” And I was like, “No.” And I’m like I’m in experience of it. It’s like it’s…stress is moving through me but I don’t. I’m not stressed. So and it was such a cool realization to be like it’s there like I can’t deny that it’s there and I’ve had that similar experiences with sadness and frustration and just observing. I mean it kind of minimalizes it to even give it a word like an emotion or anything but it’s, you know, it’s constriction anywhere in the body and it’s and just being in observation of it moving through the body and it’s not. You know, I had someone ask me, well, you know, “Whose is it? What are you supposed to do with it?” And I’m like, “I don’t know.” like I don’t know that I care. Like I just I’m very clear that I’m just in observation of it and what I’m learning is to master the ability to have all that be presence. And still maintain this kind of sense that we’re talking about it. And to me it really does come down to trust and trust that the, you know, that I have the awareness and the tools that I need in that regard. And that I can, you know, I tell people it’s kind of like walking on water like it’s floating above and just allowing it to, all of that to be, like, I don’t have to control it and make it peaceful like I don’t, you know, that really doesn’t mean anything to me if people want to be crazy, want to do whatever they’re going to do, like it really learning that that really has no impact on you, unless you choose to allow it to, right?
Of course. Of course.
So we’re talking about two things I think that are crucial. One is choice but then the other piece is real ability like having done enough work to get to where you could wield some of those techniques. Adequately. Effectively. Consistently. And I think that there’s value in addressing both of those and calling them out.
Well, let’s be aware, as well, that techniques can be a loophole by itself.

You are the dance being danced.
Photo by Seb on Unsplash
What we’re talking about here, you know, we’re talking about trust. Beyond trust. We’re talking about that inner peace. So, the first question that one should ask is, who is having trust? Is it the….we’re going to call it the lower self or the higher self, right, to take, to use a terminology because we have to use one at least, at the end of it. And the moment I am in peace, the moment I am in love with whatever is happening around me, in that very moment, I am being myself, in my totality of myself. And, as you were describing in what happened in your life, you are just observing it and being with it and accompanying it to its unfolding and to its destination but you’re not necessarily part or you’re not necessarily the dancer. You’re…actually, you are also the dancer. You are the one that is witnessing the dance, you’re the dancer, and you are the dance being danced at the same time. And all these three are moving forward, creating that phenomenal experience that brings still more love to all the parties involved. And so yeah let’s not be too, in our minds, using techniques and stuff like that. And let’s just open our hearts to ourselves and to everything around us.
Well and I think you’re right and I would contend that it’s only through going. You know, you’ve done a decent amount of journeying. You know, you’ve gotten to a place where you can have that perspective. And so maybe instead of techniques, I’d imagined techniques got you here, but maybe instead of techniques we call it out and say, at least, I can speak for myself, like it was the employment of particular techniques and diligence and discipline that allowed me to break out of the other patterns and perhaps what we’re talking about here is more just the cellular confidence of doing it. And so the experiential confidence and foundation upon which we can rest and say, now the beingness can simply be has a…because what the process really is, is the unfoldment, right? It is the ripping off of layers and the ridding ourselves of programs so it’s actually the anti-technique maybe.
Right. You have kids, right?
Oh yes.
Yeah. So did you need any technique to love them?
That’s my point. Yes, it is useful to have techniques for a while. I understand that. However it is natural in us because we’re basically loved, in any case. We are already equipped. We already have all the tools within. And if we were to remind ourselves, then it is easy when we have the kids or the pets, it’s the same process around us or our husband or our wife to love them. Let’s do the same thing for ourselves.
That’s beautiful. Yeah I agree. It’s, you know, learning to appreciate simplicity. You know, it’s easy to get caught up in all the processes and everything else. And I have to admit like I of…I really sit with this because it’s…I can’t separate out the awareness that I have now from the journey that it took to get me here. And so, you know, I’m really cognizant of that, as we deal with people in very different phases. And I have seen the detriment of, you know, giving voice to, you know, you don’t need to think about this or there are no processes or all these other things you can just be, when the individuals haven’t gone through the process using the techniques to remove what the barriers that exist, that don’t allow them to just be. So it’s like how it, to me, it’s a really fine line to dance around.
It is. It is. It’s funny because, yeah, at first, in our process, as in our journey, we tend to look always at all the different problems that we have to solve and or there’s this and then there’s that and then there were my parents and whatnot etcetera. And then at a certain point, when you get to a certain momentum, you know, the only answer to…and the only question at the same time is what is to love and that’s love. And it’s the…it’s the only medicine that we really need at all levels of our beings and in all interactions with, whether our beings or the other beings, around us. So the question is how fast we’re going to get to that specific point where we are able to let go. And be more in the solution than that’s in the problem.
I agree with that. And I, you know, I think all of those conversations are really, really helpful. And it is up, you know, it is something that I constantly take a look at. I’m constantly doing kind of this gut level checks of what information needs to be voiced and perpetuated and especially as we build programs like curriculums and everything else just to kind of assist in the process with people and it is tough when you get…I find that my own journey actually impedes that process more, you know, than sometimes I would like to knit because, you know, and I’m trying to be a good steward of information without perpetuating ideologies that don’t necessarily serve us but also, you know, giving people enough information that, you know, for, certainly I received information, certainly, I got, you know, I worked through different phases and so really kind of walking that very fine balance I think is…and continuing to voice exactly what you’re talking about which is ultimately, it’s the most natural state of existence. There’s nothing that has to be done here.
It’s, you know, you may take us some doing to get here but ultimately nothing has to be done here. And constantly calling that out. And I think a big part of the reason why it doesn’t, this is a conspiracy theory of sorts, I think a big part of the reason why we don’t hear a lot about the simplicity of this stuff is that, it’s not very marketable. You know, it’s like to just tell people, you know, we discovered that early on with Super Power Experts, when early, early on, our very roots of our beginning were about kind of helping people, you know, like there’s something wrong with you and we can help you and then very quickly it was like wait nothing’s wrong with anybody like there’s, you know, as I kind of grew in my ability to see and I’m like I see everybody here which is, you know, I call it kind of the abstract frequency or in love, you know, everybody exists here already and really started dialoguing around that and then realize, you know, what a crummy sales proposition that is. Like you’re fine. Everything’s fine.
Everything is perfect. Buy from me. Yes.

If we allow our fear to overcome us then, yes, something is wrong.
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash
And so then I had to really sit with it and I knew my guidance was very clear, you know. Yes, this is my, you know, part of my path and this needs to be created. I’m like What, Why, like for what purpose? Nobody really needs any help. We exist here naturally. And then it started the unfoldment of those of us who have committed to the evolution and have committed to teaching it and have committed to sharing that information in the world. If we aren’t pursuing that then yes something is wrong. You know, if we allowed our fear to overcome us, then yes something is wrong and we can approach it from that perspective. You know, and even that’s kind of, you know, cutting it close but it was so fascinating, you kind of get to that place and be like well this is why nobody really talks about it too much because what’s there to say, you know, what do you get there it’s like, you know, everybody talks about enlightenment until they get there and then there’s nothing to say. You know, there’s no way to discuss it. So, anyway, so it does kind of make me laugh a little bit. Well very cool. Well since we’ve got you on the call what’s going on in your world? How are you touching lives and changing the world, everywhere you go I’m sure?
Oh thank you. We’re, you know, we’re cooking several things. One is a mobile app that will help people to become more positive and open their heart to themselves, which is the very topic of this talk. So it’s not yet ready, I hope, in a month or two we’ll be able to launch the beta. It will be called Positive. And so we’re very excited with that. And we’re also putting together a package or program or a better set of curriculum for with that will put together several experts. One is John King from Tribal Leadership and a few others that we are getting on board and they’re very, very excited, as well. So that program will be for companies that want…so team leaders who wants to really make a difference for their teams or their organization and wants to learn more about how to become more coherent because all that we’re talking about here, that trust, that love, that we’re talking about, the HeartMath Institute showed us a few decades ago. Now that, from a scientific standpoint, that translates into what they call coherent Heart Rate Variability. And so we’re putting together a curriculum for the professional world, the workforce, so that they can start embarking on that journey of getting more and more aligned with themselves, more coherent and therefore, more positive and more in love with themselves which translates into a lot of amazing results for the company not only in tangible ones like, you know, positive culture engagement etc. But also more performance, more creativity and an increased bottom line. So and we should be able to launch that in August. So, you know, love, great adventures being put together right now.
Oh very cool. Well, please, please let us know how we can support you in those projects. I know you’re up to some really important work in the world and we’d love to, at the very least, you know, provide energetic support and certainly our love and compassion in those as you move forward.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Absolutely. And where can people go to find more about you?
Go to the website I think the link will be below the podcast.
Yup. That’ll be in there.
And so there you can also, you know, send us an email [email protected]. Is also will answer with Glee.
Oh, with glee I love it. Very cool. I know, as always it’s such a pleasure just connecting with you and having you share your wisdom with our listeners and our members. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you for having me. It’s a pleasure to come back always and more importantly, to spend some time with Tonya. Isn’t she amazing?
Send her an email to tell her that please. mailto:[email protected]
You’re so sweet.
Thank you so much.
Well, thank you and best of luck to you. And to all of you out there in the world, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. Thanks for listening. Until next time, go out, uncover your Super Powers and change the world. Take care everyone.
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