Marriage, intimacy, partnership, coupling, no matter how we describe it, coming together to create a unified, hopefully lifetime, relationship with another person is no small feat #AppleFlavoredPomgeranate #family #relationship #sexuality #sensual #sexual #romance #marriage #love #joy #marital #journey #life #motivation #series #faith #intimacy #IMseries #IMShow #SuperPowerExperts

Be Together

As we draw the series to a close, we open a new way of relating, a way of being together. In our busy lives filled with expectations, responsibilities and distractions, it becomes even more important that we sensitize ourselves to being with each other, feeling each other, knowing each other, sensing each other. Sitting harmoniously in another’s energetic, spiritual, vibrational space requires a willingness to go deeper within yourself and then invite someone else to join you there. You do not want to miss this powerful finale of The Apple Flavored Pomegranate IM Series that invites all of us to connect in marriage beyond myth and coupling beyond convention. Join us.  

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