About Tonya Dawn Recla

As Executive Director of Super Power Experts, Tonya Dawn Recla brings decades of human intelligence experience and training to each unique workshop, episode and engagement. As a former counterintelligence agent, Army veteran and two time graduate of Arizona State University, she offers a unique perspective to current global challenges. Her experience in critical race theory, electronic warfare and human energetics led to the creation of the Superpower Network, ranked in the top 1.5% of podcasts globally, and the Creative Energy Field Activation (CEFA) modality. She continues to empower individuals and organizations around the globe to create greater social impact for a greater humanity. Listen in at The Science of Superpowers

IMS – Incorporating Superpowers

What is incorporating superpowers? How can you take frequency, spiritual concepts and apply them to business? In this episode of Inspired Messages Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by the show’s coordinator AngelaMaria, to introduce more fun, informative, and magical new series. AngelaMaria shares her experiences as a CEO of a company and the spirit enguarding her along her business journey. Join Tonya and AngelaMaría to discover the more significant force of love, creation, and wisdom and how to utilize these forces to become superpowers for your business. Tonya Dawn Recla: Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show and I'm really delighted to... For a couple of reasons. One, because we're introducing the new series, which is always a lot of fun, but also because I'm joined today with AngelaMaría, who is our brilliant, amazing, bright shining [...]

2021-08-02T17:39:00-07:00August 15th, 2021|

SOS – Everything Dies

It is not new to us to hear the phrase: “everything dies,” right? Life and death are two things we cannot separate. In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla emphasizes how fear of death takes different shapes and faces over the eons to prevent humans from being the best versions of themselves during their lifetime. Tonya further states how people often root their decision-making in fear of dying. Tune in and join Tonya to know more about how to shatter this kind of rotten perspective and to slowly immerse ourselves into the realm of change and transformation, focusing on the greatness of life rather than the fear of dying.  Tonya Dawn Recla : Hello everyone. And thank you for joining us again on The Science of Superpowers. I'm so glad to be here with you today. We're talking today about this [...]

2021-08-25T09:54:57-07:00August 13th, 2021|

IMS – The Path: Grow in Community

What’s harder than the path of spiritual growth? How about attempting to grow spiritually without a supportive community? As we continue down the path to uncovering your superpowers in today's episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews fellow superpower expert and host of Superpower Mommas, Tatiana Berindei about how to grow in the community. The two discuss the third step on the path and the power of how a conscious community can support us in expanding past our current realities. Tatiana discloses the secrets to mastering your personal power and becoming trainable in a one-of-a-kind superpower construct. This is the last episode in our I AM series and would like to invite you to tune in to this episode and hear for yourself all about the power of growing within a community of like-minded individuals.  Hello everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger [...]

2021-08-03T18:07:56-07:00August 11th, 2021|

SOS – Interweaving Faith in Everything

What is interweaving faith? Do you believe that the measures of success are beyond material and worldly things?  In this episode of the Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Sy Garte talk about the value and importance of interweaving faith and everything connected. Sy Garte has a Ph.D. in biochemistry. For most of his life, he is a research scientist yet believes that music and writing are his superpowers. Tune in and join Tonya and Sy to tackle more about the Law of Attraction, Law of Reciprocity, spiritual enrichment, and walking your path. Tonya Dawn Recla: Hello, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us again at The Science of Superpowers. We have another really delightful conversation today with the author of the book The Works of His Hands: A Scientist's Journey from Atheism to Faith. So I know I've got your attention [...]

2021-07-19T18:33:28-07:00August 6th, 2021|

IMS – The Path꞉ Learn with Us

We all are students of life learning as we go, but have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself if you're a teachable student? Are you actually willing to learn with us?? In today's special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of High-Frequency Healing, AngelaMaria Arizo. AngelaMaría happens to be a coordinator of the IM” series, thus she is more than qualified to break down Step Two on the path to unlocking your superpowers. As AngelaMaría shares her experience opening up to the IM in her own existence as a bilingual woman, she gracefully captures the essence of a quote she stated during the episode: “being teachable is being humble and KNOWING that you are a loved part of God in you.” We’d like to invite you to begin illuminating your path and learning with us by tuning in to this episode.  [...]

2021-07-26T17:41:07-07:00August 4th, 2021|

IMS – The Path: Attune Yourself

What if life came with a blueprint that was as easy as 1,2,3? How can you learn to attune yourself to your divine path? In this special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of Your Super Powered Mindset, Kristin Maxwell, about the first step on the path to enlightened embodiment. Who’s better than a coordinator from the network to shine a light on how the path ties into the IM show and share how you can get started on your personal path. Together, the two experts break down the process of step one and explain how you can begin attuning yourself to different potentials by simply listening to one episode on the network each day. As Tonya says “there are many walks, but only one path” so save yourself the extra walking by tuning in to today’s show and beginning your journey down [...]

2021-07-26T17:36:31-07:00July 28th, 2021|

IMS – The Path

Do you ever feel like life can be wildly unpredictable and that you are all called to possibly walk a different path than everyone else? How can you learn to attune yourself to your own unique divine path? In this special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of High-Frequency Healing, AngelaMaría, about the path that was divinely created here for you at Superpower Experts. AngelaMaría is qualified to shine a light on how the path ties into the IM show and to hold space to help others get started on their personal path. Together, the two experts dive deep into the personal power that can be found when one surrenders to their inner voice, submits to their ego, and is willing to let go of control. AngelaMaría shares her first-hand experiences of the times she allowed herself to be guided by spirit including [...]

2021-07-12T17:18:47-07:00July 25th, 2021|

IMS – Superpower Parenting

What is Superpower Parenting? How do you connect more with your kids, and what intentionality will you pour into your relationships with them? In this episode of the IM show, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the practice of superpower parenting and how it is done. Tonya emphasizes that parents should do this early as it dictates what their child sees next. Tonya also adds that pouring the right intentionality is crucial as the world children see when they grow older reflects today's beliefs. Join The Reclas in this insightful episode to discover the practice behind superpower parenting. Welcome, everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you our latest series, Superpower Parenting. What a ride this has already taken us on. I'm so fortunate to have the privilege to share that [...]

2021-06-29T17:27:26-07:00July 4th, 2021|

IMS – Marriage Alchemy

What is Marriage Alchemy? In this episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares more with us about the upcoming show Marriage Alchemy.  Learn how to master the relationship dynamics of communication, raising kids, and sex, to receive the beautiful gift of an intimate marriage. Throughout this series, we will discover exactly how two become one. Don’t miss the insight of a marriage founded and held in God. Listen in now to learn more about the real meaning of marriage. Hello everyone, I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM Show. This episode today has me so jazzed because I get to tell you about the latest series that we have coming up here in the IM, and it's all around marriage alchemy. What a trip this has been. This has been quite the wild ride. For those of you [...]

2021-06-08T18:07:34-07:00June 13th, 2021|

SPS – In Pursuit of Embodiment

Do you find yourself circling in a particular space and constantly being in pursuit of real embodiment? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by one of the coaches of Super Power Experts and the host of Your SuperPowered Mind, Kristin Maxwell. Kristin shares that the first big step towards embodiment is making her clients recognize what they are telling themselves then proceeds by questioning them if it is true. Join Tonya and Kristin in today’s episode to learn more about being in pursuit of embodiment.  Hello, this is Tonya. Thank you all so much for joining us on the SuperPowers of the Soul show. We're so thrilled to have with us today, Kristin Maxwell, who's the host of Your SuperPowered Mind and more importantly an integral part of the Super Power Experts ecosystem as a coach, as a [...]

2021-06-08T17:42:17-07:00June 12th, 2021|

SPS – How to Get What You Want

Want to learn how to get what you want? In today’s episode, SuperPowers of the Soul host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by one of Super Power Experts’ guides and coaches, Tatiana Berindei. Tonya and Tatiana share their thoughts about getting what you want and all of the reasons why you end up not getting it. Tatiana also shares that people often do not get what they want because they are not even clear on what that is. Join Tonya and Tatiana in today’s episode to discover the right mindset to navigate towards getting what you want. Hi everyone, I'm Tonya. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. So excited for today's conversation, because we're talking with Tatiana Berindei, one of our dear, dear, dear guides and coaches, and one of the new coordinators in our SPP or Super Power Programs, of course, we have all [...]

2021-05-31T10:56:47-07:00May 29th, 2021|

IMS – Communicreation

What is Communicreation, and how does it work? In this wonderful, magical Inspired Messages Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the newest series called Communicreation. Tonya shares how this new series was born out of the awareness of how powerful our beliefs and thoughts are. This series will focus on the words that we speak, how we communicate with ourselves, the divine, the universe at large, others in it, and how we can effectively communicate after we do all these. Join Tonya in today’s new episode to know more about Communicreation.  Welcome, everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to introduce to you our newest series coming up, the Communicreation. I am serious. That's right. Communicreation, super creative. I get it. And I love the roots of this series. And I'll talk about that here on [...]

2021-05-17T17:13:38-07:00May 23rd, 2021|

SPU – Disrupt Reality: Mission Complete

It is time for us to bid ado to the Disrupt Reality series in this last episode called Mission Complete. Host Tonya Dawn Recla recalls all the things that we learned from the show, why it was made, and what is next after this journey. As Disrupt Reality came forward, it was coming on the need to push the envelope and attract the people who are not afraid if things do not look like they always did. Tonya expresses her gratitude to those who supported the show and the network, especially after reaching over 25 million downloads in 2020, as it shows that what the network produces matters to you. Join Tonya in this final episode and discover what comes next after the Disrupt Reality series. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today we are bidding ado to the Disrupt [...]

2021-05-11T19:22:37-07:00May 21st, 2021|

SPS – Talking with God

Do you make talking with God a habit? If not, who is guiding you? What is guiding you? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest AngelaMaría as they talk about the practice of talking with God, especially in moments when one gets triggered, or gets into constriction. Tonya and AngelaMaría also highlight how one cannot receive the gifts of the spirit unless they, from their volition, choose to step into that. Join Tonya and AngelaMaría in today’s episode and discover how you will know whether it is God talking or your ego. Hi everyone. I'm Tonya and welcome. We are so excited to have you here with us. We love this concept of being able to sit and be in this space. And so, we're first going to remind everybody to take a deep breath and [...]

2021-05-31T10:57:36-07:00May 15th, 2021|

SPU – Transforming Reality

How can we go through the journey of transforming reality? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Monica Harris as they talk about transforming reality and challenging what we have been fed to believe is true. Monica shares her unique experience as a gay black woman and how reality has been distorted on multiple levels for her. Despite her experience, Monica emphasizes how we have so much in common, and it’s up to us to start rejecting the distortion of our reality and the lies and come together. Join Tonya and Monica in today’s episode to know more about transforming reality. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am excited about today's episode. I love my job. I get to talk to the coolest people and today's absolutely no exception. I've been excited [...]

2021-05-04T18:50:21-07:00May 14th, 2021|

SPU – Harnessing Faith Energy

How do we harness faith energy? In this episode of DIsrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with guest Susan Shumsky about the concept of faith and how we can hold on to it. Susan shares that faith is believing in things that are unseen, the belief coming from our experiences. Susan is a believer that we cannot have faith in something that we have not directly experienced ourselves. Join Tonya and Susan in today’s episode and discover how you can harness faith energy. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I am so thrilled to have with us today a guest, who, been on the show before. If you didn't get a chance to listen to our episode around The Power of Prayer, please make sure you go and listen to that. Susan and I had just a wonderful, wonderful exchange [...]

2021-05-03T18:45:22-07:00May 7th, 2021|

IMS – Inspired

Have you ever felt inspired to the point where your cells light up and you just know that you've touched into something greater than you could have ever dreamt? In this episode of The IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the Inspired IM Series designed for us to embrace and illuminate what's possible when we come from a greater space. This series encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and learn how to find your own resonance and path lit up in front of you. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover what happens when we allow spirit to move through us. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Thank you for joining us here. We're so excited to share with you our latest IM Series. What we have coming up, it's such a phenomenally yummy and juicy topic to sink into [...]

2021-04-27T17:40:27-07:00May 2nd, 2021|

SPS – Superpowers of the Soul

What are SuperPowers of the Soul? What can you expect from the show and the channel? In this debut episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces this new show and the SuperPowers of the Soul channel, which hopes to remind us that there are a lot of exciting things in this world and that there is so much we can do. Tonya aspires to inspire people to light themselves up on fire with purpose, so they can continue to look out, expand, and ignite as individuals. Join Tonya in this debut episode to know more about the SuperPowers of the Soul show and channel.  Hello, everyone. Welcome. I'm Tonya. We're so glad that you've joined us in this space. You are listening to the SuperPowers of the Soul show, and we're very excited on this debut episode of the show to announce [...]

2021-05-31T10:58:10-07:00May 1st, 2021|

SPU – What is Faith

What is faith? Is it a mystical, wispy thing that we can put on things? Or is it just designed to make us feel good like rose-colored glasses? We answer all of these questions and more in this episode of Disrupt Reality as host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Rabbi Simon Jacobson. Rabbi Jacobson believes that faith is not the absence of reason, it is something beyond reason. Rabbi Jacobson also emphasizes that faith is coming to realize that as much as there are ideas that can be proven by facts, there are also fundamental beliefs and actions that are driven by something beyond reason. Join Tonya and Rabbi Simon Jacobson in today’s episode to know more about faith and what it truly is.  Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am so thrilled to have back on [...]

2021-04-20T19:09:02-07:00April 30th, 2021|

IMS – The IM

Are you looking at attuning yourself to a whole different frequency? Do you want to gain the ability to see things beyond where you are currently able to see? In this debut episode of the wonderful, magical Inspired Messages Show, host Toya Dawn Recla talks about our journey towards unlocking our superpowers and stepping into the divine. Implement the techniques and teachings on every episode into your life and uplift your spiritual devotion. Join Tonya in today’s episode and begin your journey towards discovering your superpowers. Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today on the IM Show. We're so excited to have you here in this debut episode of this magical, wonderful show that has already been creating, weaving its beautiful tapestry because we've been doing the IM Series through the superpowerexperts.com site for over a year now, or almost a year now. And [...]

2021-04-20T18:31:28-07:00April 25th, 2021|

SPU – Faith in Action

How do people hold on to the concept of faith? How do people do this to the extent of moving beyond their beliefs about themselves in the world and lean into some element? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about seeing faith in all of its various forms, and even in the subtle ways that it appears that most people would not orient around as being faith. Join Tonya and listen to this episode that explains the faith concept to learn about how it enters into your existence.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am really, really excited to kick off this new series we're doing called Faith in Action. And the reason why we're doing this is that I talk to so many people, brilliant people, amazing people, doing just miraculous things in [...]

2021-04-20T18:09:54-07:00April 23rd, 2021|

SPU – Channeling Consciousness

How do we channel consciousness? We answer this question and more in this episode of Disrupt Reality as host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Rebecca Dawson. Rebecca believes that there are a lot of ways we can look at channeling depending on which frequency we look at it through. Rebecca also highlights that channeling happens in many ways, but in order to be open to an experience of channeling, you need to move into the space of curiosity and not knowing. Join Tonya and Rebecca in today’s episode to discover more about channeling consciousness. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And I know you can hear, I have a big old grin on my face. I just had this lovely interaction with our guest today, and she's quite delightful. As delightful as she emerges into your spaces as when you [...]

2021-04-06T18:52:58-07:00April 16th, 2021|

SPU – In God We Trust

How do we put our trust in God and walk the path of light and truth? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the In God We Trust IM Series where we explore the complexities involved with truly turning your finances over to God. This series goes way beyond advice like pay down your debt and save for a rainy day. Instead, we look at the patterns and threads that guide us to better understand how God invites us to view the things of this world in remembrance of the true value of existence. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to illuminate an aspect of money you haven’t considered before! Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and I am so excited about this message regarding our new I Am Series coming up, In God We [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:34-07:00April 11th, 2021|

SPU – The Spiritual Destiny of the United States

What is the spiritual destiny of the United States? We answer this question and more in this episode of Disrupt Reality as host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Krishna Bhatta. Krishna works in the healing spaces and the consciousness spaces and is helping to prove what is possible there. Krishna and Tonya dive into the spiritual destiny of the United States, where we are going, what we are doing, and what will happen when we make a concentrated effort to develop this country into a place where it is a destination for people. Join Tonya and Krishna in today’s episode and see where we are headed spiritually as a country. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. I am so excited to have with me today, just a beautiful, beautiful human being. This is going to be a fantastic conversation. It's [...]

2023-03-08T13:13:47-07:00April 9th, 2021|

Speech was never free

Speech was never free Freedom of speech is simply the latest rock overturned in an effort to illuminate all the cracks in our country’s foundation. It also happens to be our favorite term to throw around when something even remotely threatens our ability to say whatever we want without consequence. However, speech was never free from consequence. Speech was never free from responsibility for hurt it causes. Speech was never free from responsibility for destroying others. Speech was never free from responsibility for planting seeds that grow into intolerance. Speech was never free from responsibility for the very worlds it creates. Essentially, freedom of speech never meant freedom from responsibility. We teach our children this, or should, but then conveniently forget it when we feel justified in our very-adult conversations about really important things that embolden our inability to control ourselves or act like mature [...]

2023-03-21T16:57:39-07:00April 6th, 2021|

SPU – Finding Life in Meaning

How can we find life in meaning? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares her time with guest Rabbi Simon Jacobson as they talk about the idea of why we would be in pursuit of our evolution. Rabbi Jacobson shares what he has to say about finding your purpose, what that pursuit means for us, and what lies on the other side of it. Rabbi Jacobson also discusses how this pursuit for a life of meaning can be done, and what it looks like when we open that up. Join Tonya and Rabbi Jacobson in today’s episode to discover how you can live a life of meaning and see the real gift inside all of that. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And I am so excited about today's conversation. We have a delightful gentleman here with us [...]

2021-03-15T09:23:19-07:00April 2nd, 2021|

SPU – Transform the Mundane into the Miraculous

How can we transform the mundane into the miraculous? We answer this and more in this episode of Disrupt Reality with host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Colm Holland. Colm talks about bringing heaven here on Earth and seeing the divine in everything by watching it transform. Colm also shares that if we take the transformational journey to our true empowerment, which is our real treasure, there is a path with various steps on it that can assist us. Join Tonya and Colm to know more about transforming the mundane into the miraculous. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And I am so delighted to share with you our guest today. Everybody just settles in. This is going to be yummy because so many of us have those moments and those books and those ideas and those thought leaders or those insights [...]

2021-03-08T17:44:21-07:00March 26th, 2021|

SPU – We Rise

In a world of uncertainty, we look for leaders who can guide us into better spaces. What if our most powerful leaders are our young leaders? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the We Rise IM Series and announces the brand new We Rise channel on the Superpower Network. In this episode, Tonya talks about the upcoming IM Series which features special guests: Neva Lee Recla, Emily Taylor and Ashley Palmer, host of the We Rise show. We Rise honors innovative and encouraging movements in purpose, faith, inclusion, collaboration and love amongst the leaders of tomorrow. This episode highlights the inspiring and empowering efforts being contributed by our youth. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series that uplifts and encourages the voices boldly setting the stage for nothing less than the miraculous. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, [...]

2021-03-15T09:29:39-07:00March 21st, 2021|

SPU – Transcending Disability

How do we transcend disability? How do we see beyond what we think we are looking at by staring at it and denying its existence? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by Dr. Joye Pugh as they talk about transcending disability. Dr. Pugh shares her experiences as a child and how they brought her to realize how we are all connected as God’s children. Dr. Pugh also highlights that if we only look at the internal spirit that lives within all of us, then we can do much more than we ever thought we could. Join Tonya and Dr. Joye Pugh in today’s episode to discover how we can transcend disability. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so delighted about today's show where I'm talking today with a woman who needs zero [...]

2021-02-24T18:16:16-07:00March 19th, 2021|

SPU – Power Partnering through Tribulation

How can two people succeed with power partnering and overcome tribulations? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla and best-selling author, international speaker, radio host, coach, and counselor David Essel talk about this idea and many more. David shares his thoughts about relationships and finding oneself in a constant moment to moment decision to be in it, this is as opposed to separating from it or pretending. Join Tonya and David in today’s episode to discover how you and your partner can stay together when things get really tough. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so excited to have with me today, David Essel. This is going to be a really fun conversation, folks. We're talking about power partnering through tribulation and I know this has been tough for a lot of you. I know [...]

2021-03-01T08:59:19-07:00March 12th, 2021|

SPU – Creative Solutions for Broken Systems

How do we provide creative solutions for broken systems? How do we push ourselves to learn from our mistakes and make better choices? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks to guest Kimberly Faith about broken systems and how we fix things by looking at them differently. Kimberly shares how she found herself in a gap and all of her abilities and experiences symbiotically came together to make way for her superpower of scanning broken systems. Join Tonya and Kimberly in today’s episode and start coming up with viable solutions to fix broken systems. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so incredibly delighted today because this conversation, folks, is going to absolutely light you up. I know you're already feeling and you're like, "What's this about? What's going on?" This is going to be [...]

2021-02-10T17:35:29-07:00March 5th, 2021|

SPU – Redesign Reality

How do we redesign the realities of our life? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the Redesign Reality IM Series where we move from simply discussing theory to talking about tried and true techniques for altering the fabric of our existence. This series highlights identifying the highest level where cause and effect happen and tracing it back to decisions made and alter the projection. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover how you can redesign your reality! Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla Your Super Power Expert. And today we are talking about the latest IM series. So exciting. Redesign Reality, whew, this one's crazy, folks. Trust me when I say that, if you are looking for something, that's going to kind of bend your mind a little bit of stretch the outer limits of what [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:15-07:00February 28th, 2021|

SPU – Building from Ground Zero

How can a person build a life for himself from ground zero? Disrupt Reality host Tonya Dawn Recla and guest Aaron McCormick share their thoughts as they try to answer this question. Though the term ground zero is often seen as something negative, Aaron sees it as a place where you do not have all of the learned fears, all of the expected ideals, preferred outcomes. This way, when external events knock you to ground zero, you will see it as your true North, and as an opportunity to see the good more than the bad. Join Tonya and Aaron in today’s episode to master the art of building from ground zero!  Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm so excited for this conversation today. This is going to be a yummy one folks. Really get settled in here because [...]

2021-02-01T19:00:18-07:00February 26th, 2021|

SPU – The Science of Spirituality

What is the science of spirituality? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares her time once more with guest Amit Goswami to talk about the science of spirituality and the recent separation of both concepts. Amit shares his thoughts on science constantly being unaccepting of spirituality as it is deemed unnecessary for evolution to take place. Tonya and Amit also discuss standing in the middle and finding ourselves in a space with one foot in the needing to be logical, and the other with an undeniable feeling of home. Join Tonya and Amit in today’s episode to learn more about the science of spirituality. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am so excited to have you back on the show today Amit Goswami. Our last episode, make sure you go check it out if you [...]

2021-11-22T12:03:47-07:00February 19th, 2021|

SPU – How Thoughts Become

Lots of people talk about how thoughts become things, but have you ever wondered how thoughts become? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about where thoughts come from and how we can’t consciously harness the power of manifestation until we understand the intricacies of thought energy at a much deeper level. Listen now to this fantastic episode that explains how we’re all interconnected and the importance of knowing where your thoughts come from. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And last week, we talked all about understanding thought energy. This conversation is circling around the concept of how thoughts become. And so a lot of the information out there is like, what do you do with the thoughts and what are they about and how do they work and how do we use them to manifest and [...]

2021-02-08T10:08:17-07:00February 12th, 2021|

SPU – Love Harder

How do we allow ourselves to love harder? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the Love Harder IM Series where we discover how to shift from looking at love as an emotion to actually embodying it so we can love harder. This series highlights how to look at the highest aspect of who we are through love and seeing all the different facets of it. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover how you can love harder! Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert. And I'm excited about this episode. We're talking today about the next IM Series, Love Harder. One of our favorite phrases, one of our favorite mantras, one of our favorite campaigns here. This idea of love harder really stems from this where do we pull from? Where do we [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:22-07:00February 7th, 2021|

SPU – Understanding Thought Energy

How can you better understand your thought energy? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with guest Doug Vermeeren who is on a mission of helping people make sense of things. Doug’s mission is to open people's eyes to what exists and what's present for them so they can use it in a creative way that feels good, much better than the hell loops that we like to put ourselves in. Doug believes in the power of seeking after high level relationships with people that inspire us because we actually rise to the standards of those that we surround ourselves with. Join Tonya and Doug in today’s episode to discover how you can understand your thought energy. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And I am so excited for today's conversation. We have a treat for you today. [...]

2021-01-13T18:49:26-07:00February 5th, 2021|

SPU – Understanding Race

One of the most important conversations right now is all about understanding race. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla expands on her interview with Dr. Janet Helms on Navigating Race Responsibly and the IM Series on Across the Divide: Race Matters in Black and White. From outbursts on social media to fights within boardrooms and homes, the race relations dialogue has advanced to epic proportions. In this episode, Tonya encourages all of us to take time to educate ourselves before consuming information, opinions, and guidance that we don’t fully understand. Listen to this powerful episode and learn how you can step into a more actualized space of compassion, understanding, and wisdom. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and today we're talking about understanding race. The episode that I did with Janet Helms on navigating race responsibly, such amazing [...]

2021-01-18T15:44:48-07:00January 29th, 2021|

SPU – Aligning with the Divine

Aligning with the Divine is the secret to harmony, peace, joy, and love. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Jonathan Hammond about some of the pathways toward that end. Jonathan is a shamanic practitioner and author of The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change your Life. Listen now as they discuss the importance of staying on the path and ways to traverse obstacles.  Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I just have this big grin on my face. I love what I do. I have the greatest life ever. Today, we're going to talk about this concept of how do you look at where the world, where reality, where you're butting up against it, right? Where it's creating some friction. I know some of you get frustrated with all of the teachings on manifestation [...]

2021-01-18T15:37:55-07:00January 22nd, 2021|

SPU – Freq’d: Tap in and tune up

How do you tap in and tune up your frequency? On today’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the new IM Series, FREQ’D. This series is all about how we tap into higher frequencies and how we can use them in our lives and to impact the world. Tonya helps us uncover processes and practices so we can tap into those higher frequencies when things in our reality begin to waver and shake. Tap in and tune up to this IM Series on FREQ’D. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and today we're talking about our next IM Series, "Freaked". I cannot tell you how excited I am about this series. Absolutely amazing. This series is all about how we tap into those frequencies, right? We talk about it all the time, frequencies, vibration, dimensionality. What are we [...]

2020-12-15T14:11:43-07:00January 15th, 2021|
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