Happy new year. This is A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. And today we are beginning our four-part series, this is my year. As a personal and professional development coach working in the reinvention arena, I can tell you my friends, no holds barred, that this is my year is the most common battle cry I hear. And sadly, the majority of people that I hear it from have said it before many, many, many times. And I know back in the day, I said it every year for probably a decade. So, what stops you from getting what you want when you’re so passionate about it?
We’re going to be diving deep into those answers for the next five weeks. Kicking off today with thinking outside the box, I’ve invited my friend Leah McCullough here to be with me and lent her considerable thinking outside the box expertise to the conversation.Â
Affectionately known as The Fibro Lady, Leah McCullough is an international wellness speaker and author of the critically acclaimed books, Freedom from Fibromyalgia, 7 Steps to Complete Recovery and Eat to Energize: Strategies and Recipes for Using The #1 Super Food for Energy.
After spending six years nearly bedridden, Leah began thinking outside the box herself and finally found the answer she was looking for. From there, she was able to quickly recover from not only fibromyalgia but also the coexisting conditions including chronic fatigue, depression, IBS, PTSD, migraines, morbid obesity and infertility. She soon became pregnant and is currently pursuing her black belt in martial arts with her miracle baby, who is now a nine-year-old boy. Leah, I am so excited to ring in the new year with you.
Happy new year, Wendy.
So, before we started talking about thinking outside the box, fill me in. You and I haven’t chatted in so long with what you’re up to these days.
Well, yeah. I’ll fill you in. Because I am a brown belt now. So, I’m very, very close to my black belt. I’m a lot closer than I was. Yeah. And my son, he turned 11 this summer and in the same week he turned 11, he also got his black belt.
Holy smokes.
Yeah. So, we had a special black belt birthday party for him.
Oh my God. That’s so exciting. And you look absolutely amazing. I wish our viewers could see you. You are the picture of gorgeous, health and vibrancy.
Yeah. Well, it helps that my hair grew out so much because they couldn’t get a haircut.
In this pandemic-ridden 2020.
Yeah. Yeah.
That’s just about to come to a close here.
Yeah. Well, that’s good riddance.
Good riddance is right. So, what’s The Fibro Lady up to these days?
Well, I help people all over the globe recover from fibromyalgia. It’s such a hopeless situation. And at this point in my life, I recovered from this incurable disease, I spent so much time in bed. It was almost like a prison sentence. I don’t want to do anything unless it’s going to be fun. It’s going to enrich my life. So, that’s how I look at life now. I’ve had a new lease on life for over 12 years but I just want to have fun and really just go at it. And so, one of the things I do is I do coaching.
I have a group and sometimes they do laser coaching and that’s brought so much joy. That’s brought such profound changes in people’s lives. So, that’s exciting. I’m always working on articles and books and things like that. And I’m also homeschooling my son this year, which has been so much fun, a lot of work but a lot of fun. It’s super rewarding. And it’s just changing the dynamics of our relationship. So, when you get a preteen, they’re to the point where they are about to stop talking to you.
Yeah. You’re right on the cusp of that little reality.
Yeah. Yeah. So, we’re re-exploring our relationship and new and different ways. And then, so, family life is good and work life is people’s lives are being profoundly impacted. I’m having fun. I love researching and writing. I just go, go, go, which can make life lopsided sometimes. But it’s a hell of a ride.
Here. Here. All right. This is a perfect segue for our really quick break. When we come back, we’re going to dig into some tips and strategies for how you can all think outside the box and bring some fun and joy into your life and make this year your year. Before we do, I have something really special for all of you. You can win a 90-minute private from stuck to happy coaching session with me, just text AGIWIN to (647) 558-9895. Again, if you want 90 minutes one-on-one with me for a deep dive on how to get from stuck to happy, text AGIWIN to (647) 558-9895. And Leah, how can folks who are interested in getting more of you get in touch?
Well, I’m on all of social media as The Fibro Lady. And so, if you go on YouTube or Facebook, that’s where you can find me. A lot of people in fibromyalgia and in pain, I have some really quick and easy things you can do right now to help you get out of pain. I made a video that you can access any time. It’s at fibropainreliefnow.com. And you can find me at my website, The Fibro Lady. So, everything is The Fibro Lady, thefibrolady.com. And it’s really easy to find me. Because Leah McCullough is not an easy name to spell.
No. It’s not. It’s absolutely not. So, Fibro Lady, find her especially if you are in pain. Leah is absolutely amazing. Reach out Fibro Lady, any kind of social media and her website. We’re going to be back in just a moment. Stay with us.
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