Welcome. This is A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti. And today we’re wrapping up our four part series, Finding Peace. Today’s guest has dedicated her life to helping people find peace through mindfulness. Ora Nadrich is founder and President of the Institute for Transformational Thinking, and the author of Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity. A Certified Life Coach and mindfulness Teacher, she specializes in transformational thinking, self-discovery, and mentoring new coaches as they develop their careers. Welcome Ora, I’m delighted to have you here with us today and talk about peace through mindfulness.
Hi Wendy. Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to talk about peace through mindfulness too.
Yeah. We’re on opposite coasts of the U.S. I’m here in Connecticut, and you’re in L.A. Is that right?
Yes, I am.
How’s the weather out there in L.A.?
I have to admit it’s beautiful.
It’s super-hot here. And it seems like in Connecticut we’re either freezing or sweltering.
Yes, I know. Well, it is summer.
It is summer.
It is summer and the sun’s shining. So that’s a beautiful thing.
Yes. We love that.
Where we dig into today’s topic of finding peace through mindfulness, I’d love our audience to get to learn a bit more about you and what you do.
I’m a mindfulness practitioner. I’m an author of two books, Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, and Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity. I am the founder and president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking. And have an online course called the Thought Coach Certification Training Program. So I’ve got a lot going on.
Yeah, that is a lot. When did you decide to start working with coaches?
I became a life coach when it really wasn’t in the mainstream. I decided that that’s what I wanted to do, and I became certified over, gosh. Now it’s probably almost 12 years ago. And I became a certified life coach, which was great at the time. And I realized when I had written my first book, Says Who, which is a cognitive method for transforming negative and fear-based thoughts, that what I was really doing was helping people with their thinking processes. So I decided to become a thought coach. And I really developed my Thought Coach Program for that reason. To certify people, coaches, therapists, anybody who’s in the wellness field, or not, to explore this area of coaching, which was really new. And I felt rather useful, and created the Thought Coach Certification Training Program.
It’s so needed right now, too. I think there are so many people who find coaching as a way to give back. As a way to offer their own skill set, to help other people move forward to use their own experiences, right? To help other people move forward. And it’s such a service-based and entrepreneurial endeavor. I think that many coaches get certified or decide it’s what they’re going to do. And then don’t know how to make that work to create a business. Right? Don’t know how to sort of move that into the next level. So I think programs like yours can be so helpful to people who are putting their toe in the water. Of changing their path or their careers.
Thank you. Yes, I agree with you. I don’t want to say it’s become, just because it’s mainstream. But I actually recently was speaking to a psychologist who has also tagged on coach to his professional title. Which I thought was really interesting. Because what coaching really lends itself to are the very things you’re describing. For me personally, It was like an amalgamation of all the different psycho-spiritual modalities, that I had benefited from, that I wanted to really help people with. And that’s why I chose the coaching path.
Yeah, I agree. And I think that that ties into our topic today of finding peace. We are unprecedented, certainly in our lifetime, absolutely not unprecedented for the history of the world, that’s for sure. But unprecedented in our lifetime, in this country. Tumultuous time. And so many of the people who have come on the show, so many of the people who I work with are having a hard time with their thinking right now, right? And they’re feeling that need for peace. And they don’t know how to get there.
Yes, it is, in fact, extremely tumultuous. We are in, as you said, an unprecedented time that has so many things wrapped up in it. First of all, just in regular life, if you will, not considering this new normal as they’re calling it. Change is difficult for us. And now we have been thrown into this major change that we don’t know at all what the future holds for us. So it has really bumped it up many, many, many levels that it has created so much anxiety, so much fear in people, that they’re trying to just get through it. I think moment by moment. So when you mentioned peace, there are ways in which we can do that. That we can ameliorate the suffering, if you will, that we’re going through. And that’s where I feel mindfulness is so helpful during such a challenging time as this.
And why I’m so excited to have you here with us today. We’re going to take a super quick break, people. And when we come back, I am going to be picking Ora’s beautiful brain about how you can find peace through mindfulness.
Those of you who follow me know that I believe peace through mindfulness is the single most important skill we can have. Everything else about living a full and meaningful life is really built on that one skill. The ability to be in the moment. If you don’t already get my Mindfulness Mondays e-blast, you can subscribe to them simply by going to wendyperrotti.com. And Ora, can you tell our folks how they can get a copy of Live True, or how they can reach out to you?
They can reach out to me through my website, which is oranadrich.com. And there’s so much on my website. And ways in which to see the work that I’m doing. And how to connect with me, if you will. Live True is, I think, the quickest way is on Amazon. You can literally get it probably the next day or within two days. And all of my social media handles are pretty much my name, Ora Nadrich. And on Instagram, I’ve got a few Instagramming handles, which is Ora Nadrich Quotes, The IFTT, and Live True Book. But mostly it’s under Ora Nadrich.
Awesome, oranadrich.com. Tons of ways to get in touch. Stay with us and we will talk more about peace through mindfulness. We will be right back.
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