Do you wish you could find peace anywhere? On today’s episode of A Glimpse Inside, reinvention hosts Wendy Perotti and Dana Hilmer talk about how to find peace anywhere. 2020 has been a year of extremes with both internal and external chaos reigning so, it is important to be able to channel into peace anywhere. Tune in to today’s episode to learn exactly what you can do to find peace anywhere, at any time, under any circumstance.

Welcome. This is A Glimpse Inside reinvention. I’m Wendy Perrotti, and I joined today with my co-host and Camp Reinvention co-founder Dana Hilmer. We’re here to help you use the topics covered in each A Glimpse Inside series to Build your Dream and Love your Life. We’ve just wrapped up our finding peace series on A Glimpse Inside, and today we want to talk to you about how you can find peace anywhere, under any circumstance, no matter what. And this is a really hard concept, right Dana?

It can be. It certainly can be.

We were just talking about that before we hit record today, about how sometimes even in our own lives, it’s hard to zero in on that internal peace when there’s external chaos.

And it’s funny. I feel like there’s external chaos in spades right now. You can’t turn on the news or open your computer or anything without feeling like chaos reigns. So I think this topic is really, really important today.

Yeah. Interestingly that external chaos, we just on the coaching episodes of this series, we were talking to Courtney, who’s been reporting on the white house basically throughout this election and that has been so incredibly tumultuous. That external chaos so quickly turns into internal chaos. We have so much emotion wrapped up in what happens around us in our country, in our community, in our families and I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s the internal chaos that is harder to bring into submission and to bring into that place of peace.

It is. And it’s interesting because obviously Wendy, you and I deal with clients every single day and a big part of the work that we do is the work on what is going on between the ears. What are we thinking about? What is our mindset? And even though we teach this, and even though we help people with this every day, it’s a practice. It’s a practice. I’ve been feeling a lot of stress lately and I’m going back to all my tools and making sure that I am staying grounded and really doing the things that we’re going to talk about today. So every single day it’s practice and I think anybody who says otherwise is kidding you. I think you have to be really intentional and we’re going to talk about some of the tools today, but you have to be very, very intentional about bringing those to the forefront and stepping into them and showing up as the person we want to be. And all of that takes intentionality, especially when there’s a lot of stress and a lot of chaos around us.

Yeah. It’s so true. There’s no finish line to this work. I will say that’s me today at 53 years old versus the me of 43 or 33 or 23, it’s easier for me to tap into that sense of peace. Now, I still have to work at it, especially when it’s something that’s close to my heart, close to my values. I really, in your words, have to be intentional about using the tools, but it’s easier for me to get there. I get there more quickly than I used to get there. I stay there for a longer time than I used to and that emotional suck, that drain from chaos is so much less intense and happens so much less frequently than it used to the more that I practice these kinds of tools. And I think that’s the important thing for people to remember. It’s not Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.

It is not and I love that phrase of yours. Definitely not Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo. And I agree with you a hundred percent, Wendy. I do think that with that practice, it does get easier and yes, you can stay in that place much longer and you can get yourself to where you want to be so much quicker. Absolutely.

Okay. So we do have so much for you all today, but we need to take a really quick break. Before we do, we just want to let you know that if you want more of these kinds of tools, if you want to work on your reinvention, head over to and sign up for our free camp notes. It’s a weekly little quick email. It’ll take you about a minute to read with some inspirational thoughts and ideas, tips, and a journal prompt, or a question for you to consider each week that helps you put some of these things into practice. So if this stuff interests you and you want to start reinventing your own life, head over to We’ll be back in just a flash. We’ll see you on the other side.

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