Dana Hilmer So many of us think that we need to wait for some circumstance to occur or that we need to accomplish some specific thing before we can start living our best life – the life we feel drawn to. In this episode of A Glimpse Inside, host Wendy Perrotti and reinvention expert Dana Hilmer dive into why the time to start building your dream is right now. Dana Hilmer is a certified coach, positive psychology consultant, speaker and author and is passionate about helping people live courageously so they can build their dream and love their life. Listen in as Wendy and Dana and learn how you can build your dream and truly love your life in the process.

Welcome. This is A Glimpse Inside. I’m Wendy Perrotti, and today we are starting a brand new series, Living Your Best Life Now. As you know, in episode one of every A Glimpse Inside series, I chat up folks who have experience or some kind of knowledge of the topic at hand and, in that way, today is not going to be really any different. My guest today is an expert at helping people live their best lives. What makes today’s episode so much fun and a little bit different is that as of a year ago, she and I combined superpowers and started doing that together. We took our collective coaching and training experience and created something that we called Camp Reinvention, a program that teaches people to build their dreams and love their lives. We’re so proud of it. This is such like true heart work for us that it makes me, I’m so jazzed to have her here, and I can’t wait for you all to meet her. We’ve got some really cool tips for you today, and we’ve created a special prize just for the listeners of the Best Life Series on A Glimpse Inside. 

Before we get there, I want to introduce you all to my dear friend and Camp Reinvention co-founder, Dana Hilmer. She’s a certified coach, positive psychology consultant, speaker and author, who is deeply passionate about helping people live fully and courageously. And I can attest to that. This woman walks the talk as you know by now, right? She’s the co-founder of Camp Reinvention. We’ve got an in-person and an online version of the program. We designed it for people that are 50ish plus and beyond, and Dana discovered the term somewhere and I’m sure she’ll tell us where, middle lessons, we’d love the term, who are in their middle lessons and really want to feel excited and energized, fulfilled, and wholeheartedly alive.

Like me, Dana has done the work. She has done this herself. She was in her 40s, she tells us when she finally listened to her heart and stopped, I love this, shooting all over herself, and I said shoulding, so that she could do the work that she really loves to do. Dana has been featured on hundreds of radio and television shows across the country, and she speaks on topics related to mastering your mindset, life reinvention, optimal living and creating life and work that you love. Truly, this is one of the smartest and nicest people you will ever meet, and so I’m really happy to introduce you to Dana Hilmer. Dana, welcome.

Hello. Thank you much, Wendy, for having me on. That is one heck of an introduction, so thank you.

Yeah. Well, you know what, I could keep going on and on and on, right? Your bio is crazy, so accomplished.

I think we have a mutual admiration society going here.

Just want we love in a friend and business partner, right?


So tell our listeners about Camp Reinvention. I’ve never talked about it here on A Glimpse Inside, so this will be the first that they’re really hearing about it.

Awesome. As Wendy mentioned, Camp Reinvention, we have a live version, and we also have an online version that we just recently launched. I’ll tell you first about the online version.

It is a membership program and community for people that are 50ish or older. We say 50ish because we acknowledge that people also in their 40s, I think sometimes they start thinking about those years ahead and start freaking out a little bit, or hitting that point where they want to change, right?

We did.

So the program, again being an online membership program, really is for those people that are willing and ready to do the work. These are the people that are daring to reimagine the possibilities in their life and that can be a little bit scary, I think, at this stage of the game. They want to dive in and really, really create what that next thing is in their life that is exciting, that has them vibrant, that has them fulfilled. So the people in the program are really there to do the work and to support each other. So definitely as you mentioned, just such a work of love, and I also am just so inspired by the people that are in the program.

Yeah. When we envisioned this a couple of years ago and started to talk about it, we really envisioned people who were all in, right? People who wanted that excitement and adventure, people who wanted life just get bigger and better and juicier, right, with every single day and ask and you shall receive. Those are the people who are at camp with us. It’s really fun.

Awesome. Just absolutely loving it. Build your Dream

Also I mentioned that we have the Camp Reinvention live as well and just giving a little backstory. Wendy and I launched the live program back in January, and we started this program with a retreat that was this really, really deep, intensive, immersive dive into the work that we do. Then over the course of six months, we stayed with the cohort of people to really see them through and to realize their dreams.

I think what sets this program apart from anything that I’ve seen before is it’s not just a retreat where you do the work and get inspired. Usually what happens, as we all know after programs like this, is you get back to your life and you go through the same old, same old, right? You just get back into the grind. So you don’t have your support system in place, the people around you don’t necessarily want to see you change.

So the fact that we were with those people for six months after the retreat, we saw some exciting changes with the people that were in the group. Again, these women that were in this program were so immersed and so supportive of each other. So everybody was benefiting from our coaching, but they were getting a chance to really, really learn and support one another. They’ve got the peeps and it’s really been exciting to see.

It has been, and the cool thing about the online version is it allows us to offer it to more and more people and men, too, right? Our first little incarnation was a women’s-only group and now we’ve got both women and men.

On that note, I’m looking at my clock and before we dive in any deeper, we really need to take just a really quick break just for a moment. Before we do, Dana, tell our folks how they can reach you to learn more about you. And if you want, you could tell them about the special prize that we have for them.

Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, if you’d like to reach me, you can reach me at my email is [email protected]. Also at [email protected].

Our surprise for you is we have a free class that we’re doing specifically for the people that are listening to this Best Life Now Series of A Glimpse Inside and the free class is a mini class. It’s called, Are You at a Crossroads Now? Honestly, I don’t know anybody who isn’t, so are you at a crossroads now? We’re going to provide three steps that you can take right now to get into action and start moving in the direction you want to go. So if you want to sign up for the class, I hope you will, go to campreinvention.com/AGI and we hope to see you there.

Yeah. We’ll tell you a little bit more about it as we go on. We’re going to take our really quick break. When we come back, we’re going to dive into some of what we do at Camp Reinvention so that you can all take it with you and start using it to build a life of your dreams. We’ll be right back as we discuss how to Build your Dream.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.