Riding Ecstasis
What is the yummy power in riding ecstasies? Justin and Tonya Reclas start a delectable conversation in this episode of Apple Flavored Pomegranate episode. It is all around riding ecstasies. Justin shares a poem to suspend your disbelief about what’s possible in a relationship. According to both of them, there’s no right or wrong in a relationship. There’s no one way to do it, but the beautiful part is when you come together and create it together. Tune in to know how riding ecstasies is relevant to forging good relationships.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Apple Flavored Pomegranate. We are so glad that you’re joining us today, and today’s conversation is quite delectable. It is all around riding ecstasies. Very lovely. Justin will be sharing a poem here with you in a moment that he’s chosen for just such an occasion. This conversation is one where we invite you to suspend your disbelief about what’s possible in a relationship. You hear us talking all the time about our pursuit of oneness together, and it’s a lofty goal, right? We’re not going to lie. We butt up all the time with people like, “Yeah, no, thanks. I don’t really want to spend that much time with my partner. And I don’t know that I really want to know them that well.” And that’s just not how we were holding it.
We were on a very different journey and so recognize that that’s a whole continuum. There’s no right or wrong in the relationship. There’s no one way to do it, but the beautiful part is when you come together and create it together. Whatever that may look like and are able, to be honest about, I would like to have this time over here to myself. But I love these spaces with you. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we didn’t have to wonder, and if we didn’t have to second guess, and if we didn’t have to question, what it was that our partner was really wanting, what it was we were really wanting, and instead just were able to communicate about it.
That’s what we’re all about over at Super Power Experts in our community where we support couples on this walk and with our intensive program to make sure that you’re crafting and cultivating a relationship that works for both of you and works for the related entity in remembrance of the fact that when we come together with somebody else and choose to align with some divine aspect, there is an exponential power we get to utilize that is nothing short of the miraculous, which is what we’re talking about today, about how incredibly yummy and tasty that can be together. Take it away, my love, and lead us into the break with your words of poetry.
Justin Recla:
This is a poem by Rumi from a book called Rumi: Bridge to the Soul: Journeys into the Music and Silence of the Heart. New nearly translated poems to commemorate Rumi’s 800th birthday by Coleman Parks, I’m sorry, Coleman Barks. This is from page 80 of the book. It’s a poem called What you Gave.
Why are you lying in the middle of the road from the love wine you poured? I may be excessive with my giveaway impulses, but I still have what you gave me when you held my head against your chest. You pour what you pour without a flask, without a cup, that mastery and generosity wash away all restraint. Reason burst for the joy of it when you gave me the bowl. Something flows from your eyes that is beyond a thousand false desires.
Tonya Dawn Recla:
Ooh, that was quite yummy, my dear. I think that was a good one.
Justin Recla:
Tonya Dawn Recla:
We’re going to let you marinate in that for a moment while we go to break. Stay tuned because we will come right back talking all about riding ecstasies. Stay tuned. There’s more.
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