Are you or someone you love in the midst of a health challenge? Join in as Amorahki chats with Terese Bowors, a Certified Medical Cannabis Coach and Educator, who is passionate about harnessing Cannabis’s transformative potential for body and soul. Terese has been on a 14-year wellness journey with her family that has equipped her with profound insights and deep empathy as she now works to illuminate alternative paths to wellness for others. Listen in as Terese shares her inspiring story with Amorahki, which includes leaving an authoritarian religious community in her youth, about what has shaped her unwavering spirit and devotion to embrace wellness, no matter what. 

Resilience, Hope & Cannabis

Amorahki Fenn: Blessings everyone, and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and if you or someone you love struggles with a physical condition that seems impossible to treat, then you are in the right place!

Today we are talking with our inspiring guest Terese Bowers about Resilience, Hope and Cannabis. Terese has been on a 14-year wellness journey with her family and it’s been a profound journey that’s equipped here with incredible insights and deep empathy as she now works to illuminate alternative paths to wellness for others.

She’s a Certified Medical Cannabis Coach and Educator who is passionate about harnessing cannabis as transformative potential for body and soul. Her path, which includes leaving an authoritarian religious community in her youth, shapes her unwavering spirit and devotion, to embrace wellness, and to cultivate a positive mindset amidst all of life’s challenges.

Terese is just such a wonderful human being. She serves as a true beacon of resilience and hope and I am absolutely overjoyed that she’s here with us today to share her incredible story and some of her powerful and very practical insights for anyone who is in the struggle right now. I just adore her and I’m so happy she’s here!

Terese, welcome to the show, luv.

Terese Bowors: Thank you so much and I am so honoured. What a privilege to be able to speak to your guests and to share my story. Thank you.

Activate Your Superpowers

Amorahki Fenn: Well, your story is just so inspiring, I can listen to it all the live long day! I’m so thrilled to be chatting with you today about Resilience, Hope and Cannabis. Particularly because you’re such an embodied living beacon of hope; you really are! Your story is so empowering, it’s so relatable, and that light at the end of the tunnel that we all need sometimes is really going to be woven into this episode and I’m really excited for it. I

‘m especially eager to delve into your personal journey through this because there’s so much wisdom and goodness there. Before we get deep into it, let’s just start a little easier with our favourite opening question around here. Let me ask you, what would you consider are your superpowers of the soul, Terese, and how are you using them for good in your life right now?

Terese Bowors: Oh, that’s so juicy, superpowers of the soul! Well, I know what my superpower of the soul is, which is so cool that I actually know it, and it’s my voice and it’s my story. I’ve been envisioning this. I have something to say. And so this is where my my superpower comes from; from what I have to say.

Amorahki Fenn: Oh, that is the most powerful answer ever. I can feel so many people vibrating in relation to that. Even just modelling that is so powerful. How many of us can connect in with this yearning to have a voice, to have something to say, and to have the strength and the energy and the power and the willingness to speak it for ourselves and others? How powerful. What a brilliant answer. Thank you for that!

Well, I’m so excited to dive into it without interruption because I do know you have something to say and I know how powerful it is. I know that myself and so many other people in the world need to hear it and will be so served by hearing it. So, we’re going to go ahead and take our short break right now so we can get right into it without interruption when we get back.

Just before we do that, can you share with us the best place for people to go connect with you and find out more about you?

Terese Bowors: Absolutely. My website really is the best place to meet me, and that’s my name Terese at And when you go to my website, there’s a button on the very first page that says “Start Here.” And that’s where I encourage you to just start, right there.

Amorahki Fenn: Oh, I love it. Start here. Yes, please, press that button. All right, everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. And we will be right back to get deep into Resilience, Hope and Cannabis with Terese Bowers in just a moment. It’s a story you do not want to miss, so stay tuned. We’ll be right back!

Activate Your Superpowers!