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Master Your Personal Power - MYP 102
The Inside Out Game
The Ego Deconstructed
Collective Consciousness
Playing the Inside Out Game
Board Meeting Exercise
Inside Out Game Quiz
Integrated Learning
Effective Communication
The Communication Process
The Steps of Effective Communication
Applying Effective Communication
Casual vs Intentional Communication
Pieces and Parts
Effective Listening
Areas of Life Exercise
Effective Communication Quiz
Integrated Learning
Evolved Evolution
Redesign Your Reality
Fear and Survival
Evolutionary Playgrounds
Traditional Mindset
Evolved Consciousness
Abstract Frequency
Comparing Constructs
Case Studies
To ERR is Human - Case Study #1
ERR – Expectation of Reciprocated Respect - Case Study #2
The Playgrounds
ERRing Exercise
Evolved Evolution Quiz
Integrated Learning
Applying Effective Communication
MYP 102 Exercise
1. What areas of your life are you not getting the results you want? Give an example of where what you communicate (with your body, thoughts, and energy, as well as your words) is not congruent with what you want back from the projection. To get a different projection, what do you need to change about your communication?
(100 to 1,200 characters)
2. In your most significant relationships, what roles do you play? How does realizing you hold these roles change how/what you want to communicate?
(100 to 1,200 characters)
3. Think of a communication exchange that did not go well. Explain how you could have used the steps of intentional effective communication to improve the exchange.
(100 to 1,200 characters)
4. Identify a constricted “piece” inside you that gets triggered and dictates your communication. What does that piece say to you, when does it get triggered, and what does it want from you? When that piece gets triggered, what could you say to yourself, to remind yourself not to communicate from that piece?
(100 to 1,200 characters)