The Secret of Stillness
In the hustle and bustle of today’s new normal, we often find ourselves wondering when will it all calm down? When will the uncertainty cease? When will I feel at peace? These questions tend to pop up just when we think we can’t take any more. And it’s within these questions where we find our answers. By simply pausing to wonder and then waiting for an answer, we get a rare opportunity to glimpse a world beyond the obvious. An opportunity to tap into something bigger than ourselves. An opportunity to make a choice different from what we’ve made in the past to create a future different from what we fear.
And all of this can be done right here, right now. We have within us the answer to the questions we ask and also the solution to assist us in uncovering it for ourselves. By design we are able to connect into a still, quiet place inside that provides a sanctuary, a refuge, a space where we know ourselves at peace and where we know ourselves as loved.
The Series
In this IM Series we reveal the Secret of Stillness and illuminate the enormous power found in activating the center of our greatest strength and creative potential. This very center governs both our expression to the world and our experience with it. And when we learn to tap in and tune up our perceptors, we find subtle and effective ways to inform how we move through the world. Join us for this fabulous series that guides us to remain calm, connected and creative even in the midst of chaos!
In this series, you’ll:
- Learn how to find calm even when life seems chaotic.
- Discover how to find connection with a higher source when you need guidance.
- Practice activating your creativity when uncertainty can feel paralyzing.