In this IM Series called Choose Life, we uncover the hidden beliefs we hold that keep us from stepping into our fullness during this lifetime and flavor our perceptions of what comes next. In this series we discuss the following: Fear & Dying, Faith & trusting, and Flow & Loving #life #choices #reality #stories #fear #hope #experience #faith #death #dying #love #flow #series #messages #power #IMSeries #SuperPowerExperts

Faith and Trusting

In the second message in the Choose Life IM Series, we pick up where we left off in the previous message, but this time we add a bit of faith to the equation. When we take our eyes off our own suffering or fears for a moment and open up to the prospect of faith, we find something magical occurs. We start seeing things just a bit differently. We start finding ourselves trusting where, before, there was only disappointment and hurt. If we open up, just a bit, we create space for something else to inform our thinking and shape our perception. Don’t miss this wonderful message about the miraculous result birthed from a little seed of faith. 

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