Imagining A New World Together
Can you imagine a new world together with the people you love? Have you ever dreamed of a world full of radiance and good laughs? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Arthur Franklin talk about the importance of being in the body, lightening each other’s hearts, and having a good laugh. It’s sometimes fun to get together with friends and dream. You never know what might happen when you get together and play. You might turn into a butterfly or perhaps blossom like a lotus flower. Tune in and listen as they tackle more about Crystal-Phi Technology and Crystal Blankets.
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages, and today we’re going to do a little experiment. Years ago, I was teaching a color therapy class in Los Angeles, and this very interesting fellow came walking towards me. I was sure it was a reincarnation of King Arthur, it might very well be. Anyway, Arthur Franklin came walking up, and I realized I had found a fellow creator.
There are some people that get together and the energies just get wild and fun and beautiful and colorful, and so he is my brother in innovation. So Arthur Franklin, welcome to Wisdom Of The Ages.
Arthur Franklin:
Oh, thank you so much, Ayn. Really appreciate being here with you.
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
Remember this? That was years ago, and we have created how many things since then?
Arthur Franklin:
Quite a few.
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
So Arthur has created light tables and I believe 75 different inventions that are… They’re actually for the next paradigm. I mean, we’re beginning to step into them. I sleep with my crystal blanket. And what else is up to your sleeve these days?
Arthur Franklin:
Oh, Ayn, when I took martial arts for many years and my teachers, wouldn’t teach, my sifus or my instructors would not teach me the inner work until we learned the outer work. And it’s quite interesting because the Kung Fu masters, the great ones, a few that I knew, they all stopped teaching the physical, and they started teaching internal Kung Fu. And I think that that’s where we’re headed right now. It’s the internal journey of our revolution, our internal revolution. That’s how I see it.
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
I think it’s true because you know what, for something to happen in the external world, it has to take place inside first. I mean, our thoughts, our words create the reality that we live into. And so, if we’re in a war inside of our own heads, we’re going to be in a war in the external world. And I’m over that paradigm, I don’t know about you.
Arthur Franklin:
Well, if there’s any aspect of what we would call polarization, I would say that the world has done a good job at creating more of it, and I think that’s really not what’s in people’s hearts. I think what’s in people’s hearts is, how do we find a balance amongst the turbulent times that have been, I would say created. And my question is, what has it been created for?
Ayn Cates Sullivan:
I have a thought here. So I heard Bruce Lipton speak. It was actually a little while ago, but it keeps popping into my head and he said, “A caterpillar is really committed to being a caterpillar.” And you know when it goes past this chrysalis, and it thinks that’s really strange that this caterpillar has done this thing, and so it just keeps really identifying as this caterpillar. And meanwhile, it has this urge to become this chrysalis and it fights it and fights it and then it becomes this chrysalis.
And even in the chrysalis, even during the metamorphosis, it’s still really trying to identify with being a very small, fragile caterpillar. And eventually the imaginal cells become so powerful that they become butterflies. And then it has to fly. I think we’re there as a humanity, but wait a second, before we go any further, I’ve got to take an art break. So if you want to explore what it is to fly, stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
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