We all want to be our best, but is it possible to become a better person? In this episode of Mystical Science, host Karen Elkins is joined by Gregg Braden to talk about the new human story. Gregg is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, researcher, educator, lecturer and internationally renowned as a pioneer bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential. He is among the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” for the 6th consecutive year, and he is a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Award. Listen in as Karen and Gregg talks about how you can devote your talents to expand your vision of human purpose and make your own New Human Story that will inspire others.

Hello everybody. This is Karen Elkins, the show is Mystical Science, and today our guest is Gregg Braden. 

We’re talking about emerging new, a new human story and here’s something that I would like to say. Before I introduce Gregg, but most of you probably already know, I want to look at the idea of all of the books he’s done. I’m going to introduce him this way and then I’ll do the bio part.

We are living in a divine matrix. We are all made of the same star stuff and within the web, which is woven of light, it’s a holographic construct which gives us fractal time. Life is about cycles and spins and repeating matters which brings us to our repeating patterns as well as climate cycles versus climate change. There are deep truths that are unraveling about our origins, our history, our destiny, and a battle about the story and the old stories of old and what we’re going to continue to tell or not. And within us is a mystical God code, which part of our humans, a part of our human design. 

Gregg reminds us that there is also a secret lost mode of prayer for these challenging times guiding us to the resilience of the heart with the power to thrive. And we’re going to kind of walk into between two worlds after I tell you a little bit about Gregg.

How’d you like that Gregg? Have you ever had anybody do that with you?

Karen, thank you for inviting me here today. I’m thrilled. No, no one has ever. You know, there was a song in what you did. There’s a song in there somewhere.

I’ll email it to you.

I love what you just said. Thank you for weaving my life’s literary history together in a few sentences like that.

I know. It’s not bad, is it?

No, it’s awesome.

So Gregg is a five-time New York bestselling author, researcher, educator, lecturer, scientist, and internationally renowned pioneer at bridging modern science, spirituality, and human potential. His credits reach for 15 film credits and 12 award-winning books. He’s been translated into 40 languages, he’s presented in 30 countries, six continents, to the United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, and even the military. Well, that’s an interesting one.

It was an interesting.

Okay, just out of curiosity, tell me about that.

I was invited to speak to a United States Air Force medical training center in San Antonio, Texas. And it was the first time I walked into a room, it was a mandatory class, there were people in the room that weren’t too excited about being there initially. And it was the first time I walked in the room, everybody was wearing exactly the same color. Everybody had Air Force blue on. I was surrounded by a sea of blue. And everyone learns differently, Karen, and what I know is that there are a lot of preconceived ideas surrounding the kind of work that I offer. There have been attempts to try to pigeonhole me into boxes of genres. Some people consider this new age or new thought, some call it visionary science, and the Air Force higher ups that invited me there wanted me to share the new discoveries of the human body that are based upon peer-reviewed science that are not being taught in textbooks and in medical classrooms, and that was what I did.        

Once we began to engage in a very real, very human level, even the people, I mean, there were people. I walked in the room and there were people leaning on the chair with their arms crossed, leaning back with this look on their face, like “I dare you to teach me something that I don’t already know.” And once I began sharing the facts of the discoveries, where they came from, and what they began to mean, it became a really interesting class and they actually invited me back and invited me to stay longer that day.       


So the day turned out very differently from the way it began.

Were you talking about the DNA?

At that time, some of the DNA discoveries I share now were not known at that time. What I was talking about was the discovery of 40,000 specialized cells in the human heart, the sensory neurites, brain-like cells in the heart that think, feel, remember, and sense independently the cells in the brain, and the new classes of neurons that had been discovered in the neocortex of the human brain. We thought we knew all there is to know about the human brain and we’re now discovering that we’re just beginning to understand the potential.

That goes..

Of what the brain is all about. And they asked me, they said, “Why don’t we know about these discoveries?” And I said, “Well, number one, there is a battle unfolding in your life and in my life to maintain what’s called the standard model, which is a model that sees us as limited beings of limited potential. And number two, there’s money, power, ego, and habit in the educational system that is clinging to an old story and I’ve been invited here to share with you some new discoveries.”

It’s interesting because when we’re talking about the heart and something else you were talking about as I was listening to is what is happening with the sun, the magnetic field, how it actually affects us as our body, but we’re also in a galactic cycle. So within that, you’re talking and walking between two worlds, how the electromagnetic spectrum not only shapes, it shapes a lot of reality. The sun affects it. It affects the way our heart even regulates.


With the Schumann resonance. So there’s all this connection.

Yeah, absolutely, Karen. You know, everyone learns differently and I am a student of learning myself and learning to become a good listener. Because what I found, as you said in the intro, I’ve been blessed with the invitations and the privilege to speak on every continent of the earth, except Antarctica. I’ve not been to Antarctica yet. Not every nation, but every continent. And that covers a lot of different cultures. 

And what I found is that different cultures learn differently, they receive information differently, and I’m still a student. I’m learning what words and what approach may I use to touch someone intellectually in a meaningful way that’s going to help them think differently about themselves and the way they live and their relationship to their bodies in the world. And because we all learn differently, you can’t have a canned template presentation that you go and dump on every audience because it’s ineffective to do that.

So it boils down the question, what is the purpose? Why do I do what I do? And the reason is because I love this world, I love the people of this world, and whatever time I have in this world, I hope to share and contribute in some meaningful way that can help us to not just survive, but thrive and navigate through the times that we’re living in.

So with all that said, everyone does learn differently. I am a systems thinker primarily, so I tend to look at the big picture, but I’m also process oriented. So within the big picture where do I fit, and where do we fit as a global family, and what processes are we undergoing, how can we intervene? A lot of people are not interested in that big picture, and some people are. It just depends on how far you want to go. But what we now know is that our heart, the magnetic field of the human heart, the strongest biomagnetic field in the body, almost 5000 times stronger than that of the brain, that magnetic field is coupled to the magnetic field of the planet that we live on in a very precise, very powerful way.

The first magnetic spike that you see in the field line resonance frequencies happens to be the same frequency that optimizes the communication between the human heart and the human brain, 0.1 Hertz. It doesn’t end there because our planet, obviously as I’m a scientist, I’m a degreed geologist, I’m fascinated by this. As a geologist, I know that our planet is influenced by what’s happening on the sun 93 million miles away because there is no one magnetic field in the sun. A lot of people think the sun has a north and south pole, it doesn’t. The sun has many, many, multiple magnetic fields and each of those magnetic fields has a north and south pole and we see those magnetic fields as what we call sunspots from the earth.

And when those magnetic fields go through their reversals and when they ebb and flow that has a direct influence on what’s happening to our planet in terms of energetic cycles, in terms of cooperation, competition. You can link the cycles of war and peace in human history directly correlating those to the magnetic fields of the sun and the earth. When the fields are strong, we’re more cooperative, we’re less aggressive, more willing to cooperate and solve our problems. When those fields are weak, it’s typically when we are engaged in conflict and you can see the rhythms and cycles.

This is what I shared when I was at the United Nations recently with Dr. Bruce Lipton because it’s so real, and we are in a cycle right now where the magnetic fields are weak and weakening. They will peak their weakest point in mid 2020. We are moving into a time when we are most vulnerable and most susceptible to conflict within our own families, within our own lives, within our places of work, within our nation, and between nations. And it happens to be, I think it’s no accident, it also happens to be a very powerful election cycle for the United States as well as other countries.

But what I also said at the United Nations is this, is the value of knowing where we are in these cycles, this is the value of science is it gives us the opportunity. We’re not slaves to these cycles. They don’t determine the outcome, they set the stage. Yes, we are vulnerable and susceptible, but when we know of our vulnerability and our susceptibility, we make a conscious effort to become very clear communicators, to give the benefit of the doubt to what someone else is saying, to communicate very, very clearly. And the beauty of this, Karen, is on those cycles of war and peace, the times of the greatest piece of also begun, if you look at when the treaties were signed that ended the first world war, the second world war, the great wars of the past, they were were precisely at the peaks of these cycles as well.

So not only are we at the time of the greatest vulnerability, we are also at the time of the greatest potential for peace. And that’s with the sun. Now the sun is influenced by forces beyond the sun that move into our galactic center. And this is where our ancestors, the ancients, the Mayans, the Egyptians, the Incas, they had direct knowledge of our relationship to the great central sun and to our location in the cosmos. And you say, “How in the world did they know that when we only discovered it in the 20th century?” And that’s the subject of another interview.

Yeah, that sun worship part. 

But the point is it goes on and on. So what I typically do is on a live public stage with a broad general audience, unless someone asks, I begin with our local relationship to our heart, maybe talk about the earth a little bit. But in reality, we are part of a system that extends into the depths of the cosmos that we were born into. And when we begin to understand the interconnected nature of those cycles, all of a sudden things begin to make more sense, Karen. The world doesn’t look like it’s falling apart at the seams. We recognize that we’re in a part of a rare cycle that we haven’t been told about, and that’s a game changer. It changes everything.

No, it is a game changer. We’re going to take a short break here and we’ll be right back. But Gregg, where can they find you? Where’s your website?

The best place to find me is it www.greggbraden.com

Okay, we’re going to take a short break and we’ll be right back with you.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.