Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have a treat for you all today. We have with us Karen Elkins. She’s one of our newer hosts for the show Mystical Science. Super, super, super excited about this show. She brings to the table and to our conversations in the network this amazing interweaving of all of these concepts, very Renaissance-esque in the sense that it touches everything, which is the nature of source, right? It touches everything, spirits in all things. So we can’t hyper-focus on one thing and refuse to find the divine and others. Either it’s in everything or it’s nothing.Â
Karen has created this beautiful gift to the world in the form of a book. I hesitate to even call it a book because it’s not a book. It’s an experience and it’s this beautiful depiction. Excuse me, it’s called InsideOUT: Revealing the Mysteries of Creation. It’s absolutely beautiful depiction of this walk through creation. I won’t even say life because I think sometimes we water down life to be like our day to day, but truly all of life. The entire existence and how it’s all interconnected. So she’s come on the show today to share about this experience in writing the book and I know so many of you can relate to this like, “I don’t know why I’m doing this, but this is what I’m doing,” and that kind of being guided and compelled, if you will, to step into these big spaces that don’t make any sense.
They’re not real logical spaces, which is a kind of proof that we’re stepping into a way of beingness that isn’t supposed to make sense from that old construct and so it’s okay when we don’t totally understand it. But today we’re talking about diving into creation, the InsideOUT book experience.
 Karen, well, I’m not going to keep talking about her. Let’s talk with her. So please, please join me in welcoming this amazing phenom, Karen Elkins to the show. Karen, thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you for having me as a guest. I really appreciate it. I’m looking forward to the show, The Mystical Science. I’m bringing you people that are in the book, making them come alive and giving them a voice.
It’s so fascinating when all of these pieces come together and really the rest of your subtitles in the book is giving people the wisdom to live their lives consciously connected, right? So so much of what you stand for and what you present is in alignment with our network and our way of beingness. It just felt like a really great fit. So I’m super excited that you chose to play with us. Where I want to dive into this as you do a great job at the beginning of the book. For those of you who haven’t seen it, we’ll put pictures of it up on the site, but you really do owe it to your eyes to have this scrumptious journey through creation and the visual kind of ecstasy that it creates.
In the beginning of it, Karen does a great job of really sharing that experience. But Karen, I’d love to hear from you kind of in alignment with our Super Power conversation. How did source communicate this book to you and in what, then you were like, “Oh yeah, this is a good idea. I’m going to follow this.” Can you share that experience with us?
Yeah. Actually, I was woken up at 4:00 in the morning with a big booming voice and it said, “Get out of bed, you’re doing a book.” I’ve never had that quality of voice since then. But it was interesting because I’m kind of looking at myself going, “Really? Doesn’t he know I’m dyslexic?” It’s like poor Moses who had to lead a flock and he stuttered.
I love it. It’s perfect.
It’s like, “You, okay?” So I actually, I went and wrote the outline and then I sat there for a bit and left it. Over the course of a year, I met a lady whom I started. I met a lady who I started bringing top-notch speakers into Vancouver with her. We started to partnering. Through that, I started thinking, “Okay, I’m going to this magazine because not everybody is going to know who everybody is.” So I picked up my little Mac and started playing. I’d never done a magazine. It’s like everything I’ve done in my life. It’s like I started an ad agency and I’d never even done an ad. I started a school and I’m certainly not educated in that. So I’ve gotten my degrees in the hot seat by just stepping in, making mistakes, fixing them, and evolving myself.
Even through all the mistakes, it led me to one more piece of the puzzle.
So this was no different. So after I had done a few magazines and because I was doing people like Gregg Braden and the guy who did The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz, people like that, and anybody that was in What The Bleep, we hosted up there. I had access to the best in that field. So that was awesome. That was a really good beginning. So I said one day since I’ve done the magazine, “Let’s go back and find that outline for the book.” I, because I am dyslexic, do I paint the pictures? I used to do it in other radio show years back and I’d read a lot, a lot of books. But if you can’t see it and a picture says a thousand words, I thought, “Okay. Okay, God. Let’s do the picture thing.”
So over the course of the time I just kept evolving and I kept listening. There are times when my little busy mind would say, “Oh, I’m tired. I shouldn’t be tired.” It’s like, “Oh yeah, I want to talk to me.” So I’d go lay down and then the mind would begin to quiet and everything that I’d been processing started feeling like a deck of cards that were sort of falling into place. I will honestly tell you I did everything that could have been wrong wrong as far as making a book. I went and gathered images that were free stock images, not even that I even, because they were free, why should I document them? Then it’s like then I had to go back and find them and then I didn’t find them.
But you know what the fun part was? Even through all the mistakes, it led me to one more piece of the puzzle. That’s in itself pretty darn magical. I mean, you have to stay with it. I mean, yeah, I can’t even tell you how many booboos, how many obstacles, how many whatever. But spirit calls, you answer.
Well, I think that what you depict in such a beautiful way and I’m just… This is why you and I are kindred spirits, that was very much my walk and building out this network and it didn’t make a lot of sense and I was like, “I don’t really know,” but it made total sense and in a weird way, in an abstract way. So I know that the thing that people butt up against a lot, because we hear it, right, we hear from you all like what are the struggles, what’s happening? Like, yeah, it’s great, but gosh, I wish I had that much faith in spirit. Why do you think that you were able to take what was showing up as just fatigue, right, and not go into stories around it other than, “Oh, maybe God wants to talk to me.” I mean, that’s not a logical leap that most people make. Why? Why you? Why were you able to do that?
After you’d kind of lay down, you think you’re just having more of a senior moment to be honest. Then you realize you’re constantly getting downloads and then you go, “Oh, well, this is not logical for me to be tired at 1 in the afternoon. Okay, I’ll just go shut my mind off for a bit.” So just by sheer volume and numbers and downloads and at that point in time I was actually getting a lot of poetry coming through. So it was, yeah, it’s listening, it’s paying attention. Then the more I think about the question I had when I was a kid: How does God create? Until I actually started the school for the kids that I got to see again through their eyes of wonder. Then when I started looking at creating curriculum that was more global and theme-based, I started seeing the connections between cultures and philosophies where most of us see division, I saw connection. Through that was the beginning of paying attention.
At this point, I’ve done 60 magazines and I’ve hosted probably 300 people over the course of that time. So all of that has very deeply enriched my life. There were people that were well-known and people that were not. Genius comes everywhere and it comes in many different forms. I love this part. Everybody had a question and what you’re paying attention to is their a piece of thread and the journey and then what you do is, because I am dyslexic, the gift of it is seeing pattern connects. I will tell you, some people who are in the book don’t necessarily agree with how I’ve totally weaved it, but at least it’s the beginning of a much deeper conversation that we can all have. Actually, what I have discovered over the course of the time of looking at more science is the things that I intuit, I’ve been right on and this stuff is coming true.
So I’m saying, “Thank you God. I don’t have your degrees and I got my degrees in the hot seat and my butt got burned a few times.” But, hey, but it is when you listen. If you think about it, people who pay attention. I mean, like Einstein said, “All I want to know is the thoughts of God.” People like Tesla are saying, when his mother died as I said to you in the other thing is, “I could still hear the voices.” So there is a connect across dimensions as you would say. So you just got to pay attention.
Yeah. I am so excited to dive in further here folks. Go check it out. It’s such a beautiful, beautiful book. Really, really something else. Like I said, it’s an experience, which I love because to me, Karen, that’s everything that you embody is this idea of like you’re not going to do it like everybody else and you’re not going to do it in a traditional way and the linear way and of course as you so eloquently speak to the gift of dyslexia is that you can’t.
I can’t, I can’t.
I think that there’s, for some of us, we had to be hobbled a little bit to force us to rather than keep trying to fit in to the world, look at it like, well, maybe the world can look differently. That inquiry in and of itself creates potentiality. So folks, you’re not going to want to leave this. This is a fantastic conversation. We’re going to dive in even more deeply with Karen about this miraculous book experience she’s created. We’re talking about diving into creation, the InsideOUT book experience. Stay with us. We will be right back folks.
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