Jordanne Brenkwitze and Amateo Ra The superpower of channeling is widely misunderstood and often confused with tapping into the super powers of intuition and psychic ability. While it can serve as a powerful tool, in order to wield it well one must actively pursue mastering personal power and attuning individual resonance. Listen in as Tonya Dawn Recla discusses the ins and outs of channeling with guests, Amateo Ra and Jordanne Brenkwitz.

Hello everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I am really excited to have with us today, Amateo and Jordanne, who bring with them this really cool energy and there I say, cosmic kind of energy to them. They run something called the galactic think tank. How freaking cool is that! Not only do they run a consulting and coaching company for healers and coaches and operate with masterminds and stuff like that. Anybody who has the cajones to run something called galactic think tank is absolutely perfect for this show. Please join me in welcoming them. Welcome, you two. Pleasure to have you here.

Oh, it’s a pleasure to be here. Thanks for having us on the Super Power podcast and a big thanks to all the amazing  super powers out there.

Very cool! Absolutely! We’re excited to have you here. We like to just jump right into the mix and say, “What are your super powers?”

My superpowers, first and foremost, is the ability to expand my consciousness in order to craft and create ideas. I think that I have a unique ability to reach into hyperspace or into the creative space or to communicate with guides and be able to language, build craft and communicate things. One of my greatest gifts is the art of communication and being able to give  voice that allows the universe and allows the inner processes of people to be demystified. One of my other superpowers of course is the taboo subject of being able to talk to extraterrestrials.

Let’s just throw that one in there too. That’s perfect. I love it. How about you, Jordanne?

Yeah, I would say that one of my superpowers is my ability to create a very large safe and infinite container in a sacred space allowing people to come together who have their own superpowers and to cooperate, to help create a vortex of superpower creation really and hold down that space in that grid and be able to create a bridge between the 3-D existence that we personally live in then and be able to create that safe bridge to the 5-D and above densities and do a lifestyle.

I love it. Yeah, we call it multi-dimensional mastery over here at Super Powers. We know that that is absolutely space. I love the play in that. But let’s talk like this world kind of dynamics for a second. So, what are you to each other? How do you interact? How do you identify yourselves in partnership there?

Yeah, that’s a great conversation. We’re both visionaries and we’re both creative. Yeah. One of the biggest things that we do is we can dream together. And because we can dream together, we can literally build universes just within our presence within each other. The things that happen all the time is that we have amazing people that are just real gifted come and spend time with us and they just get all excited and they sped up like they get us just whirling the vortex. And what happens is we can just extract genius and allow creativity to emerge. But not only allows to emerge, but start to build it into a real solid structure and systems, and frameworks. That’s unique.

Well, it’s not only unique. It’s really extremely necessary. You’re speaking our language in the sense that we saw a huge need for those folks who were getting that information. We’re getting the visions. They know they have superpowers. They know they’re here change the world. But then when they go to apply it in a practical setting usually within the realm of entrepreneurship or some sort of business component, very rarely do we see people really applying that yet in an employment sector but we’re starting to see those. It’s trying to overlay that real kind of galactic vision  with any sort of practicality and how do you make that happen here when it feels as though those two worlds are seemingly contradictory?

I think, what you’re talking about is not only really necessary, but I’m excited that it’s starting to become more and more common place because it’s it’s affirming for people like you’re not crazy. You’re getting that information for a reason. You’re talking to those guys for a reason and you’re being given a task to do so. It is for you to figure out how to make that happen. But you can’t get support in that.

Yeah. One of the mantras that I’ve been going by that one of my teachers taught me for a long time is that you can only go as high as you go deep. I believe that we can be really good at getting excited and getting creative and going really far out there and downloading a million ideas a second. It’s so important to harness all of that energy and bring it here. Turn it into an experience. Turn it into a program. Turn into a training.  Turn it into a message, an admission. If we can turn these evolutionary ideas into revolutionary execution, then I feel like we’re missing the mark of what this is all about because the whole thing is about  interacting with an interconnectedness that is far far beyond anything that we’ve known to humankind to date. So We’re trying to model something that doesn’t have a lot of representation especially in such a rapidly advancing technological world. We don’t have many models of what is it to extract spiritual science and turn it into practical business innovation and technologies and holographic self-governance. These are concepts that are starting to form. But if we don’t take this brilliant energy and produce it accordingly, then we kind of miss our mark in our timeline for what we really came to achieve here, which is what we believe is converting this planet into a source operating system where things are being fed from and back to oneness.

I absolutely agree and say ditto. Let’s just dive right in and so you said that you are capable of talking to an intergalactic species. Tell me more about that.

Yeah. This is a cool conversation. When I was just at the e-lab, I started to have abduction experiences. And those abduction experiences started when I was about four or six years old, where I would go to sleep and I would wake up and I’d be on a ship. I would be getting work done and things would be happening and it was a really intense and wild kind of an experience. Even when I was a kid, I had a lot of friends who were into aliens and that kind of thing which just was always around me and maybe more so than the average kid. It was like I was the toy. All my friends’ favorite toys were aliens. Slowly but steadily, I started to piece together this puzzle that I had a galactic connection and things that happened to me throughout my life that were involved in that. It’s important to say that I went through a really big healing experience. It was almost a very traumatic healing experience over the course of many years.  And through doing deep trauma release, and also being well trained by some of the best channels in the world, I started to open up my channel and learn how to channel energies, angels, beings. At one point, a trance channeling technique, clicked in and really locked in. When it did it, there was this being speaking through me. And his name is Rotheva. He’s from Sirius.  It’s such a clear signal and it is such a wild experience that there’s no denying it’s truth for me. I’ll tell you, the human parts of me sometimes still have to believe that this is happening. I’m bored to go,”Whoa! Is this really for real?” I know in my heart and I know in truth that it is and their information is so technical, is so apropos, and is also beyond my own human comprehension. It really stretches me to be a believer of the very thing that’s coming through me.

I really want to honor you because you find yourself in a situation where a lot of folks I’ve talked to found themselves in. It’s like, “what do you do in that?” You’re a logical person. You are here in the world. There’s these real stigmas attached to channeling and where we receive the information. I really want to honor your courage and bravery with coming out with that saying like, “I get it. It does sound kind of crazy and at times I even wonder if it’s crazy.” And for these reasons, I continue to pursue it. I can say fairly definitively, at least, for myself, that this is valuable. Yes. To the extent to which it’s valuable, we’ll discover but there it takes those of us being willing to say, “I get it. It’s not normal and maybe it should be.” What happens when it becomes normalized? And now, we have access to more and more information and we all trust that for ourselves.

Yeah. I just want to add a little piece I think would be helpful and useful is what you’re talking about on here is exactly right. And I think what we do and what we’re able to deliver and bring to the table for these experiences for our clients and participants and co-creators that are looking to get into this world is the education platform that we provide. Typically, when we’re exposing people to learning about these deeper modalities: the trance channeling, and all that, is we give them a metaphysical educational platform backgrounds. That’s how it starts. And so it gives people context. Context is really everything. There’s a lot of things that we can’t technically prove, but there’s a lot of things that science can prove. That is out there and there’s a lot of research and a lot of report findings that are very supportive for these types of accessibility. In real time, right now, there’s a lot of research going on. In the next five years, a lot of these things that are kind of like WOO-HOO out there are going to be scientifically proven and so we really are on the cutting edge. This rollout, and this new paradigm that’s coming in and that’s really exciting for us. We believe it’s important to educate people, to give them some metaphysical background, to get them the context and help them ground into understanding of what it means to expand upwards and stay rooted at the same time.

I think that’s really powerful. It’s so interesting because even when just when I did the counter-intel stuff that we worked with one of the gentlemen who was on one of the very first remote viewing teams for the government. It’s always been there in different capacities and different forms. It’s so funny that depending on the overlay, you start talking about channeling and now it’s woowoo. It’s like, “this is no different than you know.” So I say I think there are some more acceptable terms for for how we receive information and what we do with it in some of our superpowers. But they’ve always been there and what was it about 18 months ago I really started this intentional quest to scour the world for mutants. It’s like they’re far more common than what people think. It’s just that we’re not talking about it. I had a great conversation a while back with a woman who we met in an entrepreneur kind of business conference circle and it’s kind of like there’s like this secret like look or a handshake and you kind of like wait you two. Yes. And it’s like why don’t we all just going to pull that veil off and just say you know almost every single successful highly successful person you know in the material sense has some sort of secretive existence about whether it’s religion, spiritual, magical, woo woo metaphysical.  In some way, some shape and form, they’re questioning reality. And for me, it’s like I think we’re doing people a disservice if we pretend that all of this success and all of the accomplishments are happening in the normal traditional ways because they’re not. I would challenge anybody who claim otherwise and at the very least all these people share a high degree of intuitiveness. And that’s worse flushing out and saying, if we’re not going to talk about that too, then we’re setting people up for disaster. It’s not enough to just apply the mechanics of the business. You have to know what goes into that. And though not everyone has to practice magic and all those other stuff like I’m not suggesting that. But I do think that it’s a worthy dialogue.

I think so too. And I think that I think that we rarely question where ideas come from. If you just immediately  ask any artist or any creative, or really even business genius, “where are your ideas coming from?” They will immediately say this even if they’re normal, “I don’t really know but they’re coming from something more than just me.”

It’s bigger than me. I agree with the 100 percent that is a that is the common thread through all of it. It’s being comfortable in the not knowing and being willing to explore that where we see the separation between those who are truly successful and those who are not. So for all those reasons I think that what you’re doing is really, really important. I honor your courage. It strikes me to ask you, do we attract a lot of channels to this show? What I’m seeing is a lot of the entities that people channel are pretty insistent about wanting to get their messages out. That’s an option as well. For whatever reason this podcast seems to be attracting those who want to assist in that. If you want a channel for us, you’re more than welcome to do that. We don’t talk about it ahead of time. We don’t want to put you on the spot but just know it is open to you. My guidance has been pretty clear here lately to allow  far be it for me to discriminate people. Entities don’t have a body so if they want to talk to you they’re more than welcome.

What we do is pretty well orchestrated and how we do it. What I can do is I can relay their messages that they have that they are looking to which is more of an open-eyed transmission experience than a close eye. The primary thing that they’re interested to help people understand is that our consciousness has the ability to sync up with the quantum field of potential. This is being studied through flow of states and through altered states. Some of the most successful people in the world, even Sergey Brin and Larry Page who created Google was born out of psychedelic vision quest of a burning man. It was the word being born out of them going into very big things literally happening. We didn’t hire their last CEO unless the burning man had already been put to rest.

So employees, like labor law attorneys, right now, are cringing and going, “I don’t know if you can ask that question?”

They just were vetting them. But again, there is something that’s happening here where everyone all over the world is going, “I can alter myself. And I can enhance myself. And once I have altered myself and enhanced myself, I’m having access to information within.”  I remember also going how this whole Internet thing come about. It’s definitely a reflection of the internal environment that we have to communicate with things. And if we look at the stages of innovation, implementation, it goes from imagination. It goes from an internal landscape of architecture and design of ideas that get harnessed within individuals of the collective for long enough that they are bleeding through from our inner world into our outer world. And that process means that what we’re creating externally is a reflection of what happens internally. When it comes to galactic contact or angelic contact, it maybe shouldn’t be so much of a surprise that we would experience that internally first, because that’s how we experience everything. We will experience it externally. We are experiencing it externally. We’re seeing ships and people are having these experiences. We pull the veil off of this conversation. We make it all normal and okay and people come forward and they have a lot to share and they have wild stories of their own with this stuff. One of our core missions is because we help entrepreneurs and because we have coaches and because we help healers, one of the primary things we do is we help them let go of cloaking, wearing masks and disguising the superpower gifts because of conditioning and parental reinforcement, we have inhibited ourselves and restricted our expression and it felt like there’s no freedom to be that person or to have these gifts. That’s just not true anymore. On the contrary, if you represent this on the surface and you’re more outspoken about it , it actually sets you so far apart from the “competition” so to speak, because you’re doing the very thing that everyone’s afraid of.

Absolutely. I take a step further. I tell people, “Here’s the deal. We all sense each other first through energy and so if you are accessing that energy and you’re aware of it and everything else, we know it intrinsically. If you are shrouding that or playing small, it creates this incongruity and we don’t trust you.” We don’t know why we don’t trust you, we just know not to trust you. And so it doesn’t really matter if you think you’re hiding, you’re not. Not only that. You’re continually telling other people who are experiencing the same thing that it’s not safe and they should play it small as well. It’s just not acceptable to me. I just feel like at a certain point, this is where I get on my soapbox around the whole superpower thing and it’s like, “with great power comes great responsibility.” That’s the Spiderman through and through. Once you start opening up to this stuff, you have a responsibility to call it out and to explore it and to say because if you don’t, first of all, nothing’s going to work. I love the conversations like, I don’t know why my business isn’t working. My relationships are feeling like you don’t? Let’s look a little bit deeper on that. You can’t hide it anymore and it will create a disruption. It will create physical disease, mental illness. It’ll certainly dry up the funds. It always does like everything in your external environment is reflective just like what you’re saying or what’s happening internally. The biggest place to look is are you being congruent with your energy, with your words and with your physicality, and if you’re not, we all know about it at this point. We may not know that we know about it consciously but we’re picking it up. It acts like a repellent. It’s just gross. I love that you’re doing that work in and you’re a little bit nicer about it than I am because I’m like it’s just not going to work. You’re not going to be able sell it anymore. So as you continue to evolve. Go ahead.

I think there’s a truth to that. I think the other thing is that one of the things that we realized is that there’s a real lack of training that’s available right now when it comes to high quality mediumship to be able to learn what we call access. Our workshop series is called “Access Granted” because we are helping people have this gateway of access to a great much larger experience of consciousness and it is wild. What happens when you navigate that space? We’re talking about you know hooking your computer up to the internal Internet and just like hooking your computer up to the actual Internet. There’s a whole bunch of places that you would love to hang out that are incredible. There’s a bunch of places that aren’t really the best for you to go to. It’s a distraction or not. There’s a great lack of training and I think that one of the reasons why people hold a justifiable resistance to being outspoken is because they’re keeping these experiences tucked away. They’re channeling in the closet. Are you going out of the bedroom, sneaking late at night? Are they having an affair? No, they’re just having a good time. I’m with it. It’s because that it’s so taboo that they haven’t been able to go seek out experiential training on this. There’s two parts to the training. One thing to have training how you can access these energies. It’s another thing to go how you access these energies and how do you download and communicate with them for the sake of some kind of planetary purpose.

I love that. It’s so funny it reminded me I interviewed Danielle Egnew earlier in the year, last year, I think, it was. She said it was so much more difficult to come out as a psychic than it was to come out as a lesbian woman. It was so much more challenging. There was just a need to hear her talking about that because it is like a coming out. It feels that way, not to compare the two but she did and it’s just really fascinating. I hear you giving voice to a lot of things that many of my guests speak to. You really took that and here’s the thing like it never ends. That’s what surprised me is that you come out initially. For me, it was the very initial like here I was playing around in the spy world and I started to reach Roe cards and it’s like how like the juxtaposition there was almost too much for me I was like you just can’t you like. Like how does that even come together and that felt like such a big deal to me and then on the other side of it’s like it’s not really that big deal. And every step of the way, there’s these huge chasms that when you’re on one side of them, it feels like the most dangerous place in the world. And I credit a lot of our crucifixion stories and witch burning stories and all that stuff that we have in our collective consciousness with that fear. On the other side of it you look back and you’re like What was that like. Everyone’s like yeah we were always you know like we always live there and you like. It was a big deal though like not really. We were already been there. You just weren’t accepting that. So it’s this constant and the shifts happen more and more frequently and they happen at higher and higher levels but that doesn’t end. It’s the constant redefinition and the constant what’s the next thing in that journey. You spoke about at the very beginning of the show the need to also make sure that you’re going as deep as you’re trying to go out. That’s a huge problem right now. How do you marry those up? You’re absolutely right, it comes down to the training. It comes down to modeling. It comes down to some of us insisting that there be some sort of measuring stick not an overlay, not a governance, by any standard but an internal checking. That’s a big part of the reason why with Super Power Experts we have this Super Power NET which is its own kind of accountabilities source making sure that people have that support and can come back and say, “Can I check this off of people because inside of us we have our own like blooper reels that go on and on and on.” What we’re looking out to other people we see are those highlights and it’s really challenging sometimes to get a clear read on yourself and so you do need those lifelines that you could rely on to say, “I don’t know I feel a little twinge there maybe we need to look energetically what’s motivating that.” It’s a constant work and it is the work. I love what you’re talking about. I love what you’re doing. What advice would you give to people who are really just starting to hold those superpowers?

So, yeah. I think that the advice that I would give is it’s not a parlor trick. And it’s not meant to be a parlor trick. It’s meant to be something that’s sacred and it’s near and dear. As a result of that, I really recommend that the best and the clearest thing to do is just start by channeling your higher self in your oversoul. When people start to open up those abilities, they kind of want to hit the entire switchboard of the universe where they are channeling a pufferfish a non-trivially. Or not.

Please tell me nobody’s channeled a pufferfish.

I did once and it was interesting.

That’s going to be a whole new podcast – the channeling of the pufferfish.  It’s going to happen. We’re doing it.

I channeled a balloon from 1974. People just get crazy ideas like there is not to go all over the place.  It’s to own a primary signal. Then really familiarize yourself with your higher self in your overself because you can never go wrong with that. There’s nothing that’s going to be unclear about that. It’s very connected to you. It’s a part of you. I always say don’t try to just reach into the veils and grab for things. Start close to home because this whole gift that we’re awakening into is about helping reshape our home. This isn’t meant to be an escapist activity. It becomes that for most people, they use it to get away from their problems. They get it. They use it to run away from the trauma. It’s not what this is for. It’s for to get in touch with ourselves better. We had someone who’s a really powerful woman come to our workshop and she thought she was going to explode into the cosmos. And what happened was she got really committed to being on earth. That’s what we see a lot of it is she had a different life transformation than she was expecting.

And that was her necessary transformation. It’s necessary for her personal evolution. And I just wanted to add one piece. There are people that are starting to come online and tapping into their superpowers and exploring these possibilities and channeling and all these texts of gifts. The one piece of advice I would give is once you start becoming aligned with cosmic forces and influence opening up those parts of ourselves that also exist there and starting to create that bridge, I think the best thing people can do is begin to follow the bread crumbs of simplicity.

I love that.

Those breadcrumbs will lead you to the right people, the right places, the right experience that you need personally along your path of evolution and to this galactic realm. And I know that happened to me, it started about eight years ago and people are familiar with synchronicity, I’m sure most people are familiar what these podcast are. It is worthwhile looking into people who wrote books about their own experiences. David Wilcock actually has a great book called “Synchronicity Key”. He talks about how he started following his bread crumbs when he was much younger and you start to realize, “Holy cow! There’s a lot of synchronicity breaks in my life that I just brushed off.” Their bread crumb on the floor when it was made. And that’s when you start to actually be committed to staying in the awareness moment to moment and just looking for these little secrets. The key is you soon find yourself with the people and places and experiences that you keep the desire to help nurture and bring those gifts out of you and for them to flourish and work.

Awesome. Oh, that is so beautiful. I love that. I always call it in a multi-dimensional mastery like living in that vision and also staying here and looking for the clues that help to create that vision. When you trace it all back, you really can see those synchronicities and see where one step led to this which led to this. And it’s super fascinating game to play. And it just creates a magical existence for everybody. Awesome advice. Perfect. Thank you all for joining us. I am just like I’ve got a big grin on my face. I love what you’re doing. I love the courage that you wield. I love your fearlessness and the togetherness of it and the connection of it. It’s so needed and I’m glad that we could support that. I know our listeners are going to want to know more about where can we send them to.

Yes  so feel free to check out my personal website We have a new brand coming that’s going to communicate everything which is Avant Terra that hasn’t been rolled out yet but soon it will be. You can definitely follow me on Facebook,  Amateo Ra on Facebook. Feel free to e-mail if you want to reach out. One of the things that we encourage is because this material so sensitive. It’s one thing to follow us and it’s another thing to get in touch with us.


And we really encourage because we’re really looking to build a tribe and in a way we’re recruiting for this ascension journey that we’re building all together and we’re looking for other leaders, visionary space but we’ve got lots of new stuff coming. Many of our other links are big old crazy funneling stuff. The cost of being simple. You can follow us on social media and you can follow Jordanne into social media too, Jordanne Brenkwitz on Facebook. [email protected] is your email. Anybody who want to just bypass the social media platform. Everything that hits my email comes through us as an organization and we review it or we see how we can support and where to place all of the people out there who are awakening their superpower.


Very cool. Thank you both so much has been delightful to chat with you. Appreciate it.

Yeah. You’re welcome. It’s been great.

Absolutely! And to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, go out, unlock your super powers and change the world. Take care everyone.