Lior Gantz joins Super Power Experts to talk about combining ability with confidence in the pursuit of being relentless. Listen in as he talks about being successful: “The key to writing your own to ticket in life is creating a personality that people want to do business with.”

Hello, everyone this Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I have with me today this unique, very entertaining gentlemen. First, I am going to tell you a little bit about him so when you think about this guy I want you to think about all things wealth and as it relates to building up and strengthening that super power wealth knowledgeability. How do you crack the code in the money matrix, this is your guy! He created the Wealth Research Group in 2017 and had huge success with it.

They have recently launched a new platform What is so cool about this concept is the mission is really to help you strengthen your knowledge base around money and so they have a little bit of a twist on this most of their services are free, most of the information is free. So, I really want to give him a chance to talk about that.

On the flip side of things obviously you can’t tackle these kinds of concepts without having some pretty unique super powers personally. So I want you to welcome Lior to the show so you can see what this guy is all about!

Welcome Lior!

Thank you Tonya, so happy to be here. I wanted to add that Wealth Research Group was developed in 2016 so we are going into its second year

Oops sorry about that, how exciting!

No worries at all. The other thing is everything we do is for free so there is no secret angel.  

That is so cool. So, the question that we ask everyone to start is, what are your super powers?

So, for me I believe the right amount of ability and confidence is called relentlessness. I would describe myself as a very non-stop person. 

Yes, that makes sense. This must have been the theme for today I have spoken to several people that have described that piece. Why do you think you are relentless? Where does that come from?

Well, first of all it’s ambition. I don’t know where that originates from but honestly I have been so ambitious my whole life. I started working when I was 11 years old. When I was 13 years old I was running a clothing store. Nobody knew that I was running it, they thought that I was just a boy running through the people. Everything started from when I was 13 because I had a father that went bankrupt two or three times when I was that age.

I did everything from babysitting to painting wooden decks to delivering pizza. I believe that survival mechanism of it’s all about me. It sprang from there. When I started become an adult and pursue business I realized that approach was not productive for me. Doing it all myself didn’t work.

The real breakthrough in my business career that relentlessness is much better when it is coupled with a partner. If you have a partner that is like a second you then you’ve got the real combination there. If you look at Da Vinci, everyone thinks he was this solo artist but he has assistance and apprentices. Even a solo singer has voice coaches and tennis players have encourages that help them. When you meet this person you must be eager to work with them.

There is a famous story that Bill Gates called in six college students to ask if they would build Microsoft with him. They say that three of them are billionaires and three of them are going to shrinks. You have to be apart of the group that says yes and not the ones that say I will not drop college for this idea.

I love that. That is one of the principles that operate off of here at Super Powers Experts, that we are exponentially more powerful together. Truly, capitalizing on what I call synergistic collaboration and you entwine energies and you come together for a common goal, and you have that relentlessness. I love that you brought up combining ability plus confidence and you persevere there is not stopping you and I think that you are attestment to that with some of the things that you have accomplishments.

I am super fascinated with what you have to offer if we can go back to the finance sector for you all. Why free, and how did this come about? How do you build a business around putting free information out there?

Here is the beauty of this what we put together is what we thought was missing in the publishing financial industry. Many people companies offer paid subscriptions to newsletter subscription. We feel like that is not the way to go and that is not the future of financial publishing. The idea is simple, 94% of money managers do not beat the index.

For example, if you think that lumber is going to be an exciting investment buying an index of companies, a basket of companies is 94% of the time a better choice than calling a money manager and asking them to pick companies that they see fit. That speaks volumes to the ability humans to select companies at the right times and with the right weight and allocation to each company and there are so few are able to outpace this. So what we wanted to do with Wealth Research Group and now with is to create an environment where people can learn the principles applied by the 6% off people that beat the market consistently year after year. We find fine candidates that you can take a look at to work with. We provide full reports on that to our free members.

What we want to do is create is a community of individuals that are far superior than anything else that exist in the market. The way we do that is by creating this platform where we don’t want to have a threshold for people who are novice individuals. We don’t want to deter people from financial education and learning the basics and the fundamentals and also advance strategies. Not to mention 94% just can’t master this. It serves as a permanent probation period that we allow ourselves to be in, we are here to prove ourselves to our readers. So that has worked beautifully for us in 2016.

The site itself is built in the way that you have two tabs that has download information that spans through a wider range of information. All people right now are worried about how to make their saving work for them. It’s a zero interest rate environment and in some countries it’s a negative interest rate environment. What the central planners at the Federal Reserve banks and the government, thought they were going to do was lower interest rates enough so people would try and borrow and increase spending to fuel the economy. People ended up doing the opposite very frugally they said “ Ok, I am going to retire in a few years. I have this million dollars and I thought I was going to put this money to work. I thought I was going to put this million dollars to these 5% bonds and get 50 thousand a year, I have twenty years to go until 85 years old” That is a million dollars’ worth of interest that he is  thinking he is going to make on his principle. That million dollars is now gone there is no five percent.

So what people said okay I need to save up I just lost this money so I need to save up two million dollars in retirement. So, we at Wealth Research Group want to find solutions. One of the things we did was we found companies that yield eight to eight and half profit. That is insane and it obviously higher that the five percent bonds and now you’re not borrowing and money to any entity. That is obviously very risky. On the flip side you are owning a piece of business that is yielding profits and high profits so they are paying high dividends. Speaking of relentless it took going through over a hundred company to find those two that we were comfortable in profiling for our members on the website. I had to call like 48 membership teams, it take a lot of work. 

It is a real passion!

It would have to be. I like how you are bringing finance in, money in the “Woo woo” healers world, is like the Loch Ness Monster. It is this unattainable, they think it is out there, but they are not really sure. The concepts of personal development moving into more of the higher frequency conversations  Money just seems to be something that snags people up. In your experience, what is it? It acts as a delineator  between who is going to be relentless and who will just never get it. What is is about it? Have you figured that out?

The key to writing your own to ticket in life is creating a personality that people want to do business with. Any business is built on people another person must be willing to wire you money or pay up. The more your personality is available, inviting, and engaging. The most important trait is flexibility. The more you can be chameleon and change your colors and look past when people make simple mistakes, be above all of that. People will always want to be around you and you will be able to get into the inner circles that you are in and that is where the real money is. You have to realize that each industry that exist in circles. If you want to jump from circle to circle the key to doing that is relationships and personality. If you think about it what else could it be? What else is the answer to circles, someone has to invite you in.

In my opinion if you want to start working on this today you can start with your handshake, your smile, and the simple stuff and work your way up to more advance traits like honestly and loyalty. If you can couple that with a sense of humor and hope you will get a formula where other people are basically addicted to you. I think everything will start working for you and you will certainly have fewer objections in life. 

Wow I love that you say that. Your words are so clear. What I sense from people is that we have this drive to understand ourselves, for ourselves, define ourselves it becomes sort of circular and toxic at a certain point and time. How do people receive you? Do you make people feel better while being in your presence, do you lift them up, are people saying wow that was enjoyable I want to do that again? There is this natural shift that can occur where it is beneficial to get to know yourself and do that work. A bigger component to that is what does that mean to the rest of the world?

I have been doing these interview for the rest of the world, healers, change agents, movers and shakers and influencer. The key difference between the ones that are stuck on the identity of their gifts versus the ones that are making a true difference in the world. You may have all kinds of cool super powers but who cares what are you doing with them. How are you using them to improve the world? I really love your perspective thank you for sharing that.

Here is the real secret to understanding how to advance. Everyone who is listening to this call thinks they are special or they have a great business idea. They think if they just get into that company that they want , they will start to change and shift. You are in audition every second of your life, nobody is just going to trust you, you need to prove yourself every second. If it is really you and being your true self you will automatically advance in the world.

In my opinion there is opportunity everywhere. The reason we started Portfolio Wealth Global for example is because we has such as avalanche of request because the future is disruptive technology and biotechnology development. Here is the thing 80 million people are retiring right now in the U.S., in fact, every 10 second someone is celebrating their 65 birthday. You are talking about a very aging country, and in Europe and Japan as well, are in retirement mode. What is going to be very helpful to these retired folks is young people finding ideas on new products and technology that helps to extend their lives, to makes them more enjoyable, and to treat illness.

Think of a garden hose and basketball going through that garden hose and it’s that basketball that is innovative technology that will spring in this amazing to life to the baby boomers around the world. It really is going to be amazing. People think that these technologies are difficult to understand. People think these technologies are hard to understand and what we wanted to make sure is that we bring them down to where you understand them and they are able to find the right companies to partner with and invest in. Most people do not understand the magic of the stock markets. For instance, if you want to own a pizza place that it is hard for an individual, you have to find a place, check out traffic, get pricing, and find vendors – it is a hassle! If you just go online and call your broker you can partly own some of the best pizza places in the world. Now, I am not recommending these literally, this is just as example, restaurants is one of the hardest business on the planet.  

It is amazing how you can leverage when we are talking about relationships and the inner circle. It is amazing how you can use your mouth and your mind to find out about these amazing companies doing amazing things. By choosing to invest as a shareholder in this company you are part of the big leagues now. You are part of the big leagues now. You are a part of companies that cure cancer and so many beautiful things.  That is how free enterprise works and you can do it from your home. You probably didn’t think of it this way, but it is a way for you to be apart of some amazing companies as a passive entrepreneur. Also, within the websites there are is so much information that you can get where you can go out and you can talk about these things. Oppress the awareness of them where being around you will help them advance as well.

The beauty in what you are saying is that it is not that difficult and what you are tapping into is that so few people in the world are willing to be different. It takes a kind of character for a person to see how everyone is doing things and then do it differently. In my experience there are just not a lot of people who are willing to live that way because of the perceived cost. As far as the back lash from other people but once you push through that piece of it, it really is the easiest way to exist. That is the irony of it, the hard part is not in the being of it, the hard part is in the convincing yourself that you can do it in spite all of the evidence to the contrary.

I think your right. I think in business when you find out what it is that you do that nobody else can do better in your surroundings. The second you do that you are going to feel comfortable and for that split second you are going to feel like you own the planet. From there on out it is going to be easier for you to take action. 

I am like aim fire, fire, fire, fire. Most people are like aim, aim, aim, I’ll read a book, aim, and I donlt judge that because that was me too. I know exactly where that comes from. I think for me it just happened when I was teen. I was reading personal development books like Think and Grow Rich five times when I was fifteen years old. I think that transformation just happened faster for me but I do not think that there is any difference between me and anyone listening that is sitting on a master plan. It is just about moving forward. Start with the worst idea you have and just move forward on it. You will learn and continue and I think the other key is to find that partner. 

I also want to tell you on the Portfolio Wealth Global, the idea on that website we have a part labeled “Growth and Prosperity” articles that if you tune in every few days to get inspired it would really help you. The information is really amazing. 

If you are about to retire and you are listening to this I have put something together that is beautiful on the site. Since I have been to 35 countries in the last decade I have some amazing experiences and amazing adventures. So there is a whole section on that site where we have shared all of those amazing places you can go.

There is seasons in investing. There is the Winter which is the best time to look at opportunity because everyone else thinks it’s doom and gloom. After Winter comes Spring and everything hits. So I recommend going to the website I think that you will find it very powerful.

Awesome, I love what you are doing in the world. I think you are spot on with the personal development thing it’s important to take your developments out in the world. Take action and know that the personal development will continue but if you make it the focal point is almost stagnating. You have to really embody that. 

That is so true.

I know we know where to find you but I do like to ask as a final question; can you share with us a time that you got an intuitive hit and acted on it, and what transpired from that?

I tell you what the most contrarian decision I ever made was not pursuing higher education. I went to high school and that was it, I was done. My Mother, my Father, my Grandfather, my Grandmother all said to me you need to be a engineer and use your brain for something important. I basically said I am going to do my own thing. That was a very intuitive decision because I saw all of my peers enrolling in college like it is a must process, it’s just what you do.

That choice is one of my sacred pleasures when I see these people in traffic. I’m kidding. It was a tough choice and I think at this point I am unemployable. If anything ever happens and the U.S. dollar resets to zero and we all have to start a new. Even then I will probably be the first one selling picks and shovels. 

I love that! Thank you so much for being on the show. Your perspective is so refreshing and innovative. It is wonderful what you are doing for the world.

Sure. Thank you. I do want to end with this Tonya. To let people know at the end of the day before I shut my eyes I am the same as everyone else. My subconscious bring all kind of shit, if I can say that. You just have to except and take life as it is.

I absolutely love that you said that. Thank you for joining us. It has been absolutely fascinated with this relationship so far. I am eager to see what you do next.

Thank you! To everyone out there I hope you all have an epic 2017!

Absolutely! Thank you to our listeners for joining us today and for your loyalty. Until next time go out discover your super powers and change the world.