Transformation Step 4 – Mastering Physical Energy
A few months ago I swore that mastering the emotional body was THE most important step in The 5 Steps of Transformation. Silly me.
I suppose I should be used to this journey by now and recognize that each step of the way there are phases to come I can only vaguely anticipate. And even though I “get” that the 5 Steps continue throughout our lives as we grow and change, when I was knee deep in Step 3 I assumed the others would be a breeze. In fact, this is a direct quote from my original post:
Once the emotional body is mastered in Step 3, the rest is smooth sailing. This [the fourth] step requires processing change through the cellular memory of the physical body. Usually once the spirit, mind and emotional body are on track, the physical body follows with little resistance. When resistance is encountered it can be resolved with energy work.
So, as you can imagine, when I found myself immersed in Step 4 before I realized what was happening I felt rather foolish. I mean, I’m the one who outlined the 5 Steps. How in the world did I think I’d be able to fly through any of them without truly experiencing it. But, alas, I did.
In retrospect it’s easy to see how I repeated this at every phase. It’s kind of like childbirth, we tend to forget the intense pain and fear and very human experience of the process when we gaze upon our miraculous creation months later. If I’m completely honest, none of the steps were a breeze. Not a single one. Each Step forced me to look square in the face all of my programming, assumptions, fears, and dreams related to the ultimate transformation. But each Step does it in its unique way.
As a review, the first step of spiritual knowingness. In order for the spirit to see the possibility of the vision, it must accept that the entire concept of “reality” can change. This runs us smack dab into the second step of understanding at a cognitive level. Here we must explore the mind and all the ways our thoughts created the previous reality. In order to move on to step three we must accept that those thoughts must change in order to create a different version of reality. This process brings to light all kinds of fun stuff around our emotions. Step three is where we really delve into the emotional attachments we have to our world remaining the way it “always has been.” Keep in mind, this process can take days or years depending on the magnitude of the transformation and our willingness to release what no longer serves us at each of these levels.
This leads me to Step 4. What a doozy! While I was traversing the waters of emotional mastery I just KNEW step four would be a cinch. How in the world could it compare to the intense inner work of emotional mastery? How could anything?? Well, let’s just say…I WAS WRONG. I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but we’re talking about TRUE transformation. And as I’ve said many times before, this journey is not for the faint of heart.
Step 4 is all about controlling our physical energy. This is a much more subtle mastery than the previous three and by far the most POWERful. We are just starting to realize the pervasiveness of energy. Many of us now credit it with being the single most important factor in everything we do and are. I originally thought that cellular processing was simply the act of convincing our bodies of the knowledge we gained in the previous steps. This is partially true. But the bigger piece of it is energetically implementing this knowingness.
So how do we do it?? Well, this one is tricky. Essentially we absorb and exert energy constantly. The reason this step happens after the first three is because we communicate with ourselves and others through our spirits, our thoughts and our emotions. In order to master physical energy, we must first experience congruency on all three of the previous levels. Our spirits, our thoughts and our emotions dictate our energetic vibrations. Mastering this step requires an awareness and acceptance of total responsibility for what we energetically deliver to the world.
In practical terms this comes down to recognizing that when we push lower vibrational energy into our environments we create lower vibrational results. When we intentionally raise our vibration we shift results. It’s magical. But it requires a knowledge and acceptance of the myriad ways we operate on autopilot even when it’s not in alignment with what we claim we want.
We’ve all experienced a situation where we were riding the wave of ecstasy, fully in control of our existence, creating magic simply by existing and then…PLOP! Our thoughts drift to something distasteful. Perhaps we remember a bill we have to pay or a conversation we’ve avoided. Suddenly, we find ourselves sitting in traffic, running late to an important meeting and spilling coffee on our pants…simultaneously. What happened? Did we use up our quota of positivity and now are destined to endure less-than-desired results the rest of the day? Or is it just natural that we experience lows with the highs?
It’s simple. our vibrational level shifted and the results reflected that change. This is why it’s important to realize just how subtle this step can be. After all, it was just a simple thought about a bill, right? Wrong. And the thought itself isn’t the issue, the resulting energetic vibration is. This goes so far beyond “stay positive.” It’s understanding the extreme POWER we wield over our existence.
The best way to convince yourself that you truly are the master of your domain is to play with this process. Pay attention to the subtle shifts in your energy and make a conscious choice to stay elevated. This is a full-body experience. It’s not enough to think, “Oops, that made me feel badly, now I need to think something positive. Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.” That only works if you convince your entire being to elevate. This means actually feeling lighter, feeling happier, literally vibrating at a discernible level. This work actually alters the cellular memory your body maintains based on years of experiences and programming. (That’s a whole other level of Step 4…good stuff.)
Start small and be honest. Recognize the different ways you allow external factors to dictate your vibrational state. Then consciously shift it. I promise that if you truly delve into this step you WILL start to move into Step 5 where you see the manifestation of this work appear in your life. And, after all, TRUE transformation is why we bother taking this journey…right?